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Equipment info!


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Before I ask a question i qould like to now if there are any places IN Hamilton, ON that i can acquire proper Equipment for the use in self assesed training (such as running with a pack/sack and the uniform to create the appropriate weights)  I am 15 years old and will join the Miitary at 16 (in the Military Highschool COOP which i am also looking for info on)  i have 1 year and approx. 4 months to trang... please notify me of any possible equipment stores.

I would like to know whether some  statements are fact or fiction.

1. There IS a point where you ARE allowed to acquire and own a firearm designated for the miitary. (fact or fiction?)

2.  In training there are many firearms used (BMQ training that is) for learning/practise reasons. (fact or fiction?)

3.  There are NO "high end"  Light Infantry (reg.)  (fact or fiction??)

I am looking to become Light Infantry 9as stated in my name) and the 3rd statement was made to me and i am hopeing that PPCLI is not the ONLY full-time Light Infantry placement.

Thankyou for your time please respond to this and i appreciate any response.
Hey man..
1)a firearm designated for the military . If you are talking about a C7, C9 - those are prohiited meaning that you can own them. You cant own any firearm that is automatic unless your grandfathered. You may own a Browning Hi POwer if you have a restricted PAL. You must first take the non- restricted pal first I beleive. Then the issue comes to your age. You cant own a firearm until you reach the ag of 18. Go ahead and get the courses out of the way before hand.
2)In BMQ you dont get to use firearms until I think week 5
Thats all I can comment on sorry
1.  You do not get to keep the firearms the military issues you.  You do not have to acquire a fire arm for use in the army.  If for some reason you need a custom made firearm it would be purchased with public funds and controlled like any other weapon.  You don't get to take it home when you retire.

2.  In basic you will fire the C7.  Maybe to pistol if you are an officer cadet.  During the soldier qualification you will fire others, there's a new thread on the SQ that describes the course outline, do a search.  Depends on your definition of many but I wouldn't consider it many.

3.  Not sure what you mean by this.

In answering you last the point the Light Infantry part of the PPCLI name is historical and does not describe the role of the entire regiment.  Each reg regiment (RCR, R22R, PPCLI) have a light infantry battalion and two mech battalions, PPCLI is no different.  Each light infantry battalion has a jump company.  So 1/3 of the infantry units are light infantry, and 1/9 of the rifle companies are jump companies.
I just did the co-op program...

You start using the C7 in about the third week, and once you hit SQ expect to learn on three kick @ss weapons (i think my course was the last to train on the 84mm so you might not learn on it till your 3's) and the M67 nade.

You seem pretty gun-ho about the co-op program and you'll have lots of fun. I still can't beileve i'm 16 years old and i'm trained on 7 awesome weapons.

1. There IS a point where you ARE allowed to acquire and own a firearm designated for the miitary. (fact or fiction?)

You can purchase semi-automatic variants of the C-7 which are produced by various manufacturers, however they are restricted weapons so you need the additional licencing.   Look around the equipment forum and you will see that these are nearly identical to the service rifles minus the full auto capability.   A few of my friends own AR 15's and they are a great way to work on your marksmanship outside of the usually paltry CF allotment of time.

2.   In training there are many firearms used (BMQ training that is) for learning/practise reasons. (fact or fiction?)

As Ammotech stated, BMQ only teaches you to shoot on the CF Service Rifle, as the course is intended for recruits for the Army, Navy, and Air Force.   As you progress along you will be taught on more and more weapon systems, depending on your trade (Infantry, you'll learn alot).

3.   There are NO "high end"   Light Infantry (reg.)   (fact or fiction??)

It would depend on your definition of "high end".   Don't assume that "Light Infantry" necessarily equals "High End"; I would count the US Marines and Army mech troops that won the ground war in Iraq as "high end" in terms of professional capabilities.

Bottom line, as stated in many other posts around these boards, is that if you serve in the Canadian Army as an Infantry soldier, the high level of training along with the cohesion of our small units will ensure that any Infantry outfit your sent to will be "high end"; even the reserves, when properly led and trained, can be at the forefront of military professionalism (We had many foreign soldiers who were amazed of the abilities of our Reserve outfit overseas, as for alot of them, their reserve units were conscripts, etc, etc).

Just focus on doing your best in your first few courses and the rest will follow.   Until then, search through these boards for the wealth of info you can find and take the time to read the posts that serving members have taken the time to write up for you young hardchargers to read.

PS.  You might want to change your screename to something a bit more subtle, you might be opening yourself up to grief with a "wannabe" monkier.
Bottom line, as stated in many other posts around these boards, is that if you serve in the Canadian Army as an Infantry soldier, the high level of training along with the cohesion of our small units will ensure that any Infantry outfit your sent to will be "high end"; even the reserves, when properly led and trained, can be at the forefront of military professionalism (We had many foreign soldiers who were amazed of the abilities of our Reserve outfit overseas, as for alot of them, their reserve units were conscripts, etc, etc).

That said, if you're looking for info about units that could be considred the "elite within the elite" do a search to find lots of info on the Recce Platoons, Sniper Dets, and Parachute Companies. These units are generally considred a concentration of the most motivated and switched on troops within the Infantry Regiments. I say concentration, because troops are regularly rotated in and out of these units so they can spread specialized skills throughout the regular Rifle Companies. In my opinion, most of the "learning" that you'll do will come from working with your section commanders and 2ics - almost like an apprenticeship type of thing. These are the guys who've done time in the Recce Platoons (for example), and can build on the basics you learned in the Battleschool to make sure you can navigate properly. So to build on what Infanteer said, this kind of philosophy is what makes every every infantry outfit "high end".

PS.  You might want to change your screename to something a bit more subtle, you might be opening yourself up to grief with a "wannabe" monkier.

that is quite fair enough and I am not entirely sure why I woud change the name but I will none'-the-less because you guys know what you're talking about... i will change it to L.I. (if thats OK.. lol)  anyways i mean "high-end" as in better working order... but i still will go to PPCLI and then if i acquire the ability I will transfer into another division allowing for acquisition of more specialities or capabilities.  Thanks again for the help.. any more ifno is helped (espescially about the Military CO OP but that isn't entirely needed lol)
I would keep the name you have rather than go to L.I. - as you aren't.
