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EO Tech Sight


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Has anyone here used the eotech sight used by some of the boys on their c8's in afgansitan.  If so, what are your thoughts.  Is it a good replacement for the c79??
I'd suggest you ask KevinB about this.  He's a good resource for small arms information.
My favourite non-magnified sight in the world. I love it. Can't say enough good things about it. Some people have had them fail and I've yet to ascertain if that's just due to a bad batch or some other more in depth problem. It's simple, has a great FOV, and it's quick quick quick to sight on target. I highly recommend it.
Is it a worthy replacement for the C79 or is it only usefull in CCO ??
I really think that's up to the individual. For OBUA/CQB I'll pick a holosight any day of the week. For green work I'd prefer an ACOG. That's just me though. Keep in mind the C79 and eotech holosight are two sights which were concieved for different missions.
I have found my EOTech to be quite effective out to 200m,as stated  the FOV is superior to just about any other optic out there and target aqusition is very fast.The EOTech has the added advantage in that it is 100% paralax free,and can function as long as there is 25% of the glass intact,unlike most other "red dot' sights. The night vision function is an added bonus or at least will be when DLR gets their act together and issues the PVS14 weapon mount.
I think the EOTECH's are good platforms -  as  mentioned they are a CCO .

I think the section should have a mix of optics - some EOTECH's (or AImpoint M2's - user pref) and some TA31 AGOG's.
Not all ACOG are usefull in the field - the TA01 and TA01NSN are not especially good in these roles.

The C79 is terrible in the CCO environment...

Ive seen pictures of americans in iraq using the eotech with some kind of scope mounted behind it.  Would that be a good choice for operations other than CCO.  I mean as opposed to issuing different sights to members in a section like KevinB said??  just a suggestion
MG34 - I was trying to be somewhat diplomatic...

EOETCH has a 3.5x adaptor that has been recently fielded as part of the ECOS II trials (part of MD/NS - SOPMODII)
  In that trial the downselect was the XM145 Elcan (LED variant w/ M4/M855 reticle) TA31M (M4/M855 Donut reticle) and EOETCH 554 w/ 4x adaptor.

What you have liklely seen is the PVS-14 MNVG wpn mount behind the EOTECH's as the x3.5 is not public domain yet.

Due the difference of roles and the ideal of the 4man brick beign the building block of the light inf section I think it requires a mix of kit - for curently no one sight system can do all that we require.

Even with the 3.5x adaptor the system does not have a BCD = and with the limited troop skill these days with knowledge of holderovers for trajectory/distance it is still not going to be as effective past 300m
KevinB- Do you think its a realistic idea that  the CF will equip its light inf sects with mixed sights?  And wouldnt having mixed sights in a section cause 50% of the guys to be inaffective at anygiven time?



There's some good info here.
Holy Nintendo sight!! And I mean that as a compliment. I HATE the El can sight and have removed it and am using an iron one.Tunnel vision can be deadly and the C79 is useless in the winter or NBC envir. That EOtech is pretty sexy. An intgrated range finder and a company to produce it in La belle province and the C.F. might consider, no?
I think the CF will adopt a mixed sight system.

There is going to be an optic trial at the Inf School soon. 

It is not that the EOTECH is ineffective further out - just that it requires a better knowledge of ballistics for holdover.  It will reduce target detection and discrimation for those members at further ranges - but it is a lot better than getting your ass handed to you up close - like C79 equiped troops will.

We have a mix of sights over here - EOTECH's, C79A2 ELCAN's, then personal AIMPOINT M2's, ACOG's and Leupold M3LR (3.5-10).  Many C79A2 Equipped s\troops have pulld them off and are using the Diemaco Backup Sight.    All the C9A2 equipped troops are using iron sights (well one has an EOTECH).

IMHO the Afghanistan deployments were the swan song of death for the C79 - too many troops don't trust them (the mount) and it is ineffective in the primary environment were are operating in (Kabul - urban)


Hello all, this is my first post. 

While Kevin was working, I was out shooting.... ;D  :P

Anyways, I did some shots with eotech and a 10.3 CQBR at 200yard.  The main problem with the eotech is that you need to be very conscious about the range that you are shooting, espeically beyond 200m. If the eotech is sighted at 100m, the drop will be about 3" at 200 yard and 15" at 300yrds.  With C77 balls out of a C7, the drop will be about 10" at 300yrds, which will hit the bottom of a fig 12.  however, the eotech is very fast from 0 to 25 yrds.  Fro most close range shots one just have to put the big circle in the centre. 

that's why I like the 4MOA aimpoint system.  As long as the target is bigger than the dot,  the shot will fall within the dot and hit the target.  If the dot is biggier than the target, forget it....go find a range finder.  :P   

KevinB said:
It is not that the EOTECH is ineffective further out - just that it requires a better knowledge of ballistics for holdover.   It will reduce target detection and discrimation for those members at further ranges - but it is a lot better than getting your *** handed to you up close - like C79 equiped troops will.

GT - good to see you here.

But did you have to quote yourself  ;D

I have an EOTECH 552 on my C8A2/SFW over here  (my ACOG is in Gagetown  :crybaby:)

But my buddy is using my M2 Aimpoint (he likes it better) on his SFW (I have some "good" cheesey hero pics but in HI-RES and need someone to chop then down.

We have had in our possession, for the last 18 months or so, 45 EOtech 552 sights. All were installed on C8A3. We are just doing our ATI and leading to it we found three sights with terminal manufacturing defects: the prism inside came loose. The sights have been pushed up the proper chain and we are waiting for replacements.

If you want the serial numbers, pm me.

Colour me unimpressed.
I'd like to say that is uncommon for EO Tech sights.....but as an EO Tech, we see these come through my shop all the time, for that very reason.

Unfortunately replacing them is about all we can do at this point, repair parts are extremely limited for EO sights.