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Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

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Does Canadian army recruit permanent residents? I have read in some pages of army website that, they do recruit permanent residents for non-commissioned positions as reservists, but there's no elaboration of this. I appreciate any inputs.
Thanks all
Permanent Residents (landed immigrants) may hold non-commissioned positions in the PRes.
I heard one should have been a landed immigrant for a minimal period of 5 consecutive years before being considered for the PRes, is that info correct? I got that info from a Montreal CFRC. But the army website has no mention of such conditionality.

Originally posted by Redeye:
[qb] Permanent Residents (landed immigrants) may hold non-commissioned positions in the PRes. [/qb]
The army website is only going to give basic information. CFRC Montreal is likely giving you accurate information.

To the best of my knowledge, a Landed Immigrant may apply for Reserve positions, and the CFRC must show that a Canadian Citizen is not being denied the opportunity. Good luck; let us know how it goes.
I've just been informed that the mandatory Residency in Canada Policy to join has been bumped to 10 years, with Citizenship. Can anyone confirm?
Depends what for.  To become a citizen, you need to be a permanent resident for at least 3 years, however each case is seperate...  You'd probably be better off contacting citizenship/immigration and explaining your particulars to them...

Hello, I am an interantional student in british columbia I graduated in my country and enrolled on a program.so is there a way i can join the canadian army if am not a citizen?
You need to be a landed immigrant or a citizen last time i checked.
Used to be landed immigrant for the res, citizen for the regs... as far as I know, that was changed for citizen for both regs and res...
I thought it was citizen for all officers but landed immigrant for res NCM.
From a conversation I had with an officer from CFRC, 2 weekends ago...   you must be a citizen to join the Reserves as well as the Regular Forces.
You are correct.  My gf is a landed immigrant who wanted to join the military(reserves) last year (medic) as an NCM,  but was told by the CFRC that she had to be a Canadian citizen to join.  So off her papers went.  She's still waiting for them..  ::)
not only do you have to be a citezen but also have been in canada for the past 10 years, or else you need a secruity clearance check, which can slow down thing pretty good :boring:
I can verify, as a recruiter, that yes you MUST be a Canadian Citizen now for ALL trades Reg, PRes and CIC.   This was done to prevent people with "ties" to certain groups from using the training we have given them aagainstus or our allies.   The change ococcurredost 9/11.

First off you don't need to use all capital letters.  Secondly I know of a person who was not a Canadian citizen but was in the military.  They may have changed their recruiting rules since then however.



What I would give to use that Jim Carrey search button image right now ..