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element change


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I tried searching for an answer, but the search came up with nothing.  My question is......  If one is in a purple trade, we'll say RMS Clerk for example.  How does one go from being Airforce to Army? 

I haven't been able to get any answers from my CoC, as I expect its not a popular question.  Anyone I ask just gives me the whole, "Its only the color of your beret,  what does it matter?"  type answer.  I was hoping someone here would have some insight on this.
There was a message issued on this subject several years back. Perhaps a CANFORGEN. In essence I think it said something to the effect of writing to the career manager.
MaKavelius.Prime said:
I haven't been able to get any answers from my CoC, .........

That is a sad reflection on your CoC.

It is probably best answered by ModlrMike, in that you can write a memo requesting a change of Element to your Career Mgr.  Several people on this site have changed Elements in the past; some more than once.
I know a few people who have switched uniform and all it too was a request form with a memo attached addressed to the CM i would say that would be a good start.

P.S. If your not in a Naval unit don't go around asking for a request form its a purely naval admin doc AFAIK so just use the memo addressed to the CM approach.
The CANFORGEN is 029/02  http://vcds.mil.ca/vcds-exec/pubs/canforgen/2002/029-02_e.asp

The request is submitted to the CO who then sends it to D MIL C if he/she supports it.
Not sure if it falls in this forum category but it's as close as I can find.

For whatever reason, I'd like to switch my element from Navy to Army.  I'm in a purple trade so it won't have any impact on my trade or training.

What are the requirements to do this, and what is the process?

I'd appreciate the help!
LoKe said:
Not sure if it falls in this forum category but it's as close as I can find.

For whatever reason, I'd like to switch my element from Navy to Army.  I'm in a purple trade so it won't have any impact on my trade or training.

What are the requirements to do this, and what is the process?

I'd appreciate the help!

Simply write up a memo explaining your wish to change (some reasons behind it would help) and submit it through your supervisor to your Unit Senior Tech who sends it to careers ... who ultimately decide; if they approve, they will cut a message officially acknowledging the change & date of effectiveness. That message would then allow you to contact clothing stores to make an appointment to have your "initial issue" of the new enviornmental dress uniform ordered/issued to you (without having to use your own points).
Simpler than I thought.

I heard mention that you had to wait five years before being eligible.  That sounded odd to me.

Thanks for the help!
LoKe said:
Simpler than I thought.

I heard mention that you had to wait five years before being eligible.  That sounded odd to me.

Thanks for the help!

You have 5 years from date of enrollment/transfer to pick up the entire "initial issue" of your DEU "free of charge". For example, if you come to clothing stores 5 years and 1 day after you enrolled and say "I need my initial issue of my DEU sweater because I never got issued it" --- you'd be on your own.

Also remember, that each trade has a "limit" on the number of pers in each "enviornmental uniform", so if your trades "number of land uniform positions" are full ... careers may "deny" your request.
Sounds great.  I initially picked Navy because I was told they reached their land quota.  It was either that or wait until the next fiscal year for a slot to open, and I wasn't going to let something like that make me wait.  But now if I can get the element I originally wanted, I'd be happy. 

As a side note: If they do deny my request stating that they are full, will I be merit listed for the spot once it opens up?
LoKe said:
Sounds great.  I initially picked Navy because I was told they reached their land quota.  It was either that or wait until the next fiscal year for a slot to open, and I wasn't going to let something like that make me wait.  But now if I can get the element I originally wanted, I'd be happy. 

As a side note: If they do deny my request stating that they are full, will I be merit listed for the spot once it opens up?

Interesting question - and one that you'd have to ask your Snr Tech to confirm with careers.

I have no idea if you'd have to resubmit or not. I know that my own change of uniform request was approved more than a year after I had submitted my request to do so.

Mind you, I was deployed during that 'lag time' so perhaps that's why they waited. Perhaps the quota was "filled" when I requested and they "held" until position became avail, or if it just took them that long to answer. I don't know, so I can't say. But, I did have one of my pers "switch" last year from Navy to Land --- his approval was back from careers in message form only 1 week after I handed his memo over to the Snr Tech.

Keep in mind that although the process may seem less involved than you may have thought, it is still a relatively massive undertaking in terms of process and paperwork.

I regularly do Per File Reviews on Sgts with ~15 years of experience, and if they have gone though an OT of any sort that paperwork takes up fully half of their file.

That's not to say that you will personally be the one doing all of that paperwork (it's mostly chain of command and administrative in nature), but all that to say don't expect to hand in a memo on Monday, get approved on Tuesday, clear out of your unit Wednesday, hand in your old element clothes Thursday, pick up your new element cloths Friday, and start your new job on the following Monday.

I wish you the best of luck, but that one simple memo submitted on your part will get a lot of gears turning in the big machine.
The OP is asking about an element transfer, not an occupational transfer.
Petamocto said:

Keep in mind that although the process may seem less involved than you may have thought, it is still a relatively massive undertaking in terms of process and paperwork.

I regularly do Per File Reviews on Sgts with ~15 years of experience, and if they have gone though an OT of any sort that paperwork takes up fully half of their file.

That's not to say that you will personally be the one doing all of that paperwork (it's mostly chain of command and administrative in nature), but all that to say don't expect to hand in a memo on Monday, get approved on Tuesday, clear out of your unit Wednesday, hand in your old element clothes Thursday, pick up your new element cloths Friday, and start your new job on the following Monday.

I wish you the best of luck, but that one simple memo submitted on your part will get a lot of gears turning in the big machine.

Granted, gears will be turning ... but at a much lower tempo than the wheels that grind when OTing or CTing.

He only wants to switch uniforms, not trades. The entire process took 1 week to accomplish for one of my former subordinates as positions were avail in the requested env for his rank. MPRR was updated (by an RMS clerk somewhere) to reflect the new enviornment and to amend the manning lists to delete one pers from the Naval env and +1 to the land env quotas.
I had this question put to me while I was an instructor at PRETC.  I do not remember the reference, but the answer was that the member had to wait 5 years after completion of QL5 before they could apply for a change of DEU.  Try searching the CFAOs or DAODs.
PMedMoe said:
The OP is asking about an element transfer, not an occupational transfer.

You are right, and I am wrong  ;)

I fully admit that I quickly skimmed it while watching TV, and now I have been owned for not paying attention to detail.
I had this question put to me while I was an instructor at PRETC.  I do not remember the reference, but the answer was that the member had to wait 5 years after completion of QL5 before they could apply for a change of DEU.  Try searching the CFAOs or DAODs.

If so, that's a change. Mine occured 3 years after my 5s ... and my troop only had 7 years in the CF. Perhaps 5 years after QL3s possibly?? Or, a change in the rules??

OR: Gawd forbid!!
A clerical/admin error made by our Career Managers on the "TI after 5s qual" requirement which will cause them to come hunt me down tommorow and "revoke" my land uniform!!  :o

Not on the DIN right now; can't confirm either way/course etc.

Edited to add the Gawd forbid bit. Yikes.
George Wallace said:

Some Trades don't have QL3, they only have QL5.

But normally only trades one OTs to get into.  For instance, PMed starts at QL5 but I was QL3 qualified as a Med Tech.  ;)