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Drug Testing For TF 1-07

Lager and Ale

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This is not good for the task force!
From the Fredricton Daily Gleaner, 24 Oct. 06:

Soldiers nabbed in drug tests


Military officials are saying little about reports that some soldiers from Canadian Forces Base Gagetown training for deployment next year to Afghanistan have failed mandatory drug tests.

Sources have told The Daily Gleaner that between 16 and 18 per cent of soldiers preparing for February's mission flunked.

Substances such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin and speed are said to have been discovered, the newspaper has been told.

Maj. Jay Janzen, public affairs officer for Land Force Atlantic Area, confirmed Monday that soldiers from Gagetown are being tested. But he said that process was ongoing and nothing was final.

Janzen would not confirm if any of the tests had come back positive for illegal substances.

"I would definitely not put faith in those figures," Janzen said in a telephone interview from Halifax.

"I think those are rumours. We want to wait until we have all the results. Everyone in Gagetown has not been tested."

Janzen said the decision to subject soldiers heading to "safety-sensitive" locations to drug tests was announced by the Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier last November.

"This rotation is the first one going to Afghanistan that's been tested at large this way," he said.

Janzen said the military wants soldiers heading into volatile environments such as Kandahar to act accordingly when faced with a dangerous situation.

If a soldier is given the task of watching the back of another, that person needs to be at the top of his or her game, the major said.

Lieut. (Navy) Brian Owens, public affairs officer at CFB Gagetown, said samples are being collected from everyone involved in the mission, from top officers to privates.

The urine samples, which are gathered with a witness, are then sent off for analysis at an independent testing firm.

Owens said that while positive drug tests are looked at with zero tolerance, it does not mean an offender is automatically dismissed from the Forces.

He or she is given an opportunity to correct the problem through counselling and training.

"With the first strike you are pretty much at the door," Owens said. "You are given a chance to salvage your career."

Approximately 700 soldiers from CFB Gagetown, including about 450 from The Second Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment (2RCR) at Gagetown, along with a number of reservists, are scheduled to make the journey to Afghanistan.

Soldiers from 2RCR left the base Monday to fly to Wainwright, Alta., where they will receive the final phase of their training at the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre.

I will wait for official results rather than pay any heed to rumour mongering from the Press...

Hmmm - I seem to remember the same sort of Headlines in the Ottawa Citizen and Sun back in 2003 about Petawawa Troops prior to our deployment on Roto Zero.

Funny how that happens ;)
PoPo said:
Hmmm - I seem to remember the same sort of Headlines in the Ottawa Citizen and Sun back in 2003 about Petawawa Troops prior to our deployment on Roto Zero.

Funny how that happens ;)

Similar but different. A group of soldiers who were getting ready for concurrent deployments to Bosnia and Afghanistan from a certain unit were all caught by drug testing after one of their number was busted for trafficking. It had nothing to do with predeployment drug screening.

That would have been in May-June 2003
Bruce Monkhouse said:

And just so I'm clear,mate, this is front page news in Fredericton.  The author, Mike Staples, has been around the military a great many years!  He is not prone to rumour!  This has also been backed up by ATV news tonite.
Lager and Ale said:
And just so I'm clear,mate, this is front page news in Fredericton.  The author, Mike Staples, has been around the military a great many years!  He is not prone to rumour!  This has also been backed up by ATV news tonite.
And just to be clear, the testing is not yet completed (as noted in the article); therefore everything is pure speculation at this point in time. As it will be until the official results are released by the CF Chain of Command and I think that is the point of Mr. Monkhouse's warning.

Pretty hard to release overall percentages and results before everyone is tested is it not?
RUMINT aside I think this a good thing. Although 100% negative results would be ideal should any positive tests be found at least it is in Canada and not overseas where lives are at risk. IMHO anyone caught should be tubed off the TF obvioulsy and then I would think some sort of follow up would be needed, any further positive tests should result in discharge. Just my 2 cents
I concur, lets not start rumors :warstory:, leave that to the press, how about we wait for the results.

"lead me, follow me, or get out of my way" :cdn:
Sadly, The CTV has decided not to wait for an official release of the information and are quoting their "sources" for the numbers at: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061025/afghanistan_drug_test_061025?s_name=&no_ads=
niner domestic said:
Sadly, The CTV has decided not to wait for an official release of the information and are quoting their "sources" for the numbers at: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061025/afghanistan_drug_test_061025?s_name=&no_ads=

Obviously not very well checked-out. Considering that the WO pictured and quoted in the article is Warrant Officer Mike Aube....not as they've named him "Mike Beaubet." When they can't get something that simple right, it only casts doubt upon the validity of their whole article.

I did watch the news clip of him speaking on the news. They've zoomed right in on his face throughout the whole clip, just as the picture is zoomed in on him in the article. I busted a gut laughing because a with a single ounce of observation on their part they would have notice the big "Aube" nametag on his jacket.

Ah yes, and I am travelling home this weekend to visit with the husband and children, must make attempt to pop by Mike's to rib him about his new identity.
Lager and Ale said:
I just took a look...they must have noticed the mistake...it's saying Mike Aube now. 

Certainly they should have...I think there was 14 "Guests" viewing the thread when I posted it!  ;)
Infidel-6 said:
I will wait for official results rather than pay any heed to rumour mongering from the Press...

You don't have to wait anymore, have heard that they are returning members that tested positive to their home units. They are removed from TF-107.
Details will come out soon enough.............
as the old SSM would say: "Wait for it"
See???? I wasn't wrong!  We just get the news faster in the East than the rest of you ;D