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DND Details of New Afghanistan Kit

All IOR items.

Not much NEW per say but MORE of items we already had but desperately needed more of.

hate to poobah all of this , i just wonder how long this will last ie like the new helios for the airforce . its been how long since the first "We will be buying you new airframes." comment and we are still waiting on the replacement .. the money until its actully in the bank should  in my opinion and everyone has one as an election promise.. this is because until the new goverment isvoted in this money is still liable to be yanked away  JUSTLIKE LAST TIME and we are still waiting on a sea king replacement .... :brickwall:
Axe -- these are IOR buys - as such a done deal.

they don't have the cash to buy Chinooks and C130's via IOR though so they had to be tabled
ahh they are IOR's sorry about that kev. i thought they were being tabled like lots of our campaign promised kit they when the election was done sorrry not in the budget..
Is the M777 really an IOR item? I thought gunners had been working on that project at DLR for years?

I wonder how much of this is election timing. Still, always nice to see new kit. Now if I can just convince the right people we need a dedicated medevac chopper...
A lot of them had been looked at previosuly -- the Nyala (RG-31) we already had -- and yet was competed for...

  Same with others -- however the Immediate Operational Requirment for the kit was used to fund it so it would arrive in time for TF1-06 to start killing badguys.

GINge! said:
Is the M777 really an IOR item? I thought gunners had been working on that project at DLR for years?
An item that we plan to procure can still become an IOR if we need a certain quantity now for operations.  (Emphasize "need" and "now")
That's good news for the gunners - it gives them a 'foot in the door' to go with a 155mm option after this IOR.

I was under the impression that an IOR had a limited spending cap - I guess not. Must be getting confused with MR's.
I really like the idea of Excalibur precision 155-mm munition. The range and accuracy sounds amazing and would certainly get the job done. But I imagine this ammunition would be really expensive with the built in GPS transmitter dealy. Also the armored patrol vehicle, I don't think they are actually naming a specific model (but I could be wrong) what do you think would be the best bet for the military to purchase?
Spazz said:
Also the armored patrol vehicle, I don't think they are actually naming a specific model (but I could be wrong)

Your wrong.

KevinB said:
Your wrong.

Wow ok, that was blunt and unhelpful. I looked up AVP on google and all i got was armoured patrol vehicle. So then what is the model KevinB?
RG-31 Nyala with RWS.

Since it is mentioned in the link on this thread - and has been mentioned previous on this board numerous times, I made the mistake of thinking you are an adult, and thus did not need to be spoonfed info.

Alright, sorry i found it on the site, under Procurement. Also i don't appreciate your comments, I'm trying to just fit in on these boards and get up to date with the Canadian forces. I have done a lot of research into these boards but have not found everything yet. It appears we got off on the wrong start KevinB, maby we could get along?
"Why can't we be friends?   Why can't we be friends?   Why can't we be friends?   Why can't we be friends?"   :D

Come on, what do you say to him Kevin? ;D

lol - wow, just like everything else here on army.ca, this thread has indefinitely be turned into a sarcasm filled shitshow.  :P

Back to the topic at hand...

-  The miniature new UAV's could be interesting, I am definitely interested to see how they perform.  My only concern about them is their durability.  If this plane is small enough to be carried on a soldier's back, whats to stop it from getting blown way the heck out of the area by a big gust of wind?

CBH99 said:
lol - wow, just like everything else here on army.ca, this thread has indefinitely be turned into a sarcasm filled shitshow.   :P

Don't make comments like that unless you want to attract negative reactions from the staff.

There is a reason that its hard for first time users and newer members to post without being stepped on. This site would not of the standard that it is if we stopped every five minutes to pander to every little question that comes up...Especially when the info is already available on the site to begin with.

Also garbage like the above comments will not be tolerated.

Clean it up or find another website that is more in line with the way you lot wish to post....


Anyhow, back to the topic at hand...

Anybody else have any ideas on how the new miniature UAVs will perform?

My concern is that their small size and limited durability will make them somewhat unreliable in windy conditions.

-  Also in terms of UAVs, and this will have to be answered by KevinB or someone else with experience in A-Stan...were the Spewer UAVs not somewhat unreliable?  I thought all 5 of the Spewers initially deployed were taken out of the field due to crash landings - am I mistaken?

Questions are:  Is the Spewer a reliable UAV?  Does the high elevation of Afghanistan affect the reliability of the Spewer UAV?  Would the fact that is was a new piece of kit play a role in the effectiveness of the Spewer, in terms of crash landings?

I'm glad to see we're getting more of them, they were obviously put to excellent use around Kabul.  My question is simple due to my understanding that all 5 Spewers were taken out of service due to crash landings -- and whether or not crash landings should perhaps be expected?

I'm not very familiar with the deployment/recovery of a vast majority of UAVs.  (Obviously exclusing the Global Hawk, Predator, etc, etc.)
UAV  ??? - I'm sorry they had all crashed by the time I would have gotten data...

  I have seen some feeds off US AF UAV's -- I think they are a great tool.

  The MINI-UAV - no idea - other than the comments about the Israeli ones I have not heard much mentioned...