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Discrimination against homosexuals, races, etc.

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During my interview, the  Captain very seriously read the CF's discrimination policy and I of course agreed to it.  Is that thing a problem in the CF?  I imagine if somone was a homosexual they wouldn't dare tell anyone anyways but do people actually discriminate others because of race, sex, etc.?  I can't see why.  Your thoughts.
Discrimination in the CF and the rest of society has been deemed unacceptable behaviour. The only difference between the two is that the CF will actually take action against bigots.
discriminate? No.
Make fun of? Constantly.
Tolerate anyone else making fun of our buddies? No.

The infantry runs on insults. Anything is fair game except wives and childen. (Unless you're really close, then you can make fun of his handicapped kids, or really fat wife).
And I know a few openly gay people in the Army.
Ya we had a gay Cpl in our Platoon and a gay Company commander.

During one exercise our Platoon commander assigned the Cpl to be the Company commander radio opperator as a gift.

I am glad I wasn't in that Grizzly.
Discrimination is wrong, indeed. However you will run into many people, all with their own opinions. Many on this board know where I stand so I'm not going to start up anything else. Just remember that freedom of speech works both ways.
Let's see, bmq. some gays, lesbians, blacks, asians, women, white males, newfies...just a hodgepodge of minorities. Didn't see any rampant homophobia or racist behaviour.  :D The policy is what it is, and it's enforced, as it should be.
Freedom of speech is one of those Human Rights that are curtailed once you don the uniform. Staying in your lane and responding when your opinion is requested about something you know about are fine concepts.

"During one exercise our Platoon commander assigned the Cpl to be the Company commander radio opperator as a gift."  Perhaps it was more of means of avoiding the perceived bias in your unit/accomodatiing them both, rather than matchmaking.  I guess if the Coy Comd had been a stud/cutie and the rad op a cutie/stud, you would have liked to watch or would you have equally deterred from being in the Grizzly?

From Somlia Inquiry http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/Reports/somalia/vol5/V5C43_e.asp:

A soldier knowingly and willingly forgoes certain rights and obligations on joining the CF. These include certain limitations on freedom of speech in the area of public dissent, on freedom of association, and on the right to engage in certain political activities." Such limitations are regarded as necessary in support of the group and in the interests of good order and discipline.

Military life stresses the obligation to subordinate individual interests, concerns, and fears to the needs of the group. Military history is replete with examples showing that the unit is capable of prevailing against great odds, provided all members act as a cohesive whole. Together, individuals in a unit can endure grave danger in demanding and difficult circumstances. Apart, they would be doomed to defeat.

Good post gunner98.

Yep, the only thing that pisses me off with freedom of speech, and rights, is that any minority can speak out and it's considered progressive protected speech, but when I speak out against someone's views, I'm labeled a bigot or a hate monger.

And I'm not talking about casting hatred, calling names or any of that.
I agree that biting one's tongue is not always easy.  I have spoken my mind on many occasions particularly when asked by a senior person what I think.  It is when we express our dissenting opinions to our subordinates that it poses a bigger problem. There is an expectation of those superior in rank to understand, acknowledge and enforce policy, when we let our contrary opinions confuse the issue we have done a disservice. 

If we are sharing our opinions with peers in an appropriate private forum that is fair game.

I always think of the Marines in the final scene of "A Few Good Men". 

What did we do wrong?

We did nothing wrong.

Sam slaps his hands down on the table ?

Yes you did! A jury just said your conduct was unbecoming
a marine. What does that mean?!

You're the lawyer.

You're the marine.

Not anymore.

Sam lets it hang. Dawson is staring at Sam. His stare moves slowly to the floor.

I never meant to hurt Willy.

Dawson looks up at HIS PARENTS. The moment hangs there... before.

Kaffee, I've gotta take these guys over to personnel for
some paper work.

Kaffee nods.

(continuing; to Dawson & Downey)

Dawson looks to Kaffee. There's gotta be more. This can't be it.

But Kaffee has nothing to say.

Dawson and Downey walk to the Sergeant At Arms and begin to follow him up the aisle and out of
the courtroom. But before they get to the door, Kaffee turns around and calls


They stop and turn around.


You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor.
NavComm said:
Let's see, bmq. some gays, lesbians, blacks, asians, women, white males, newfies...just a hodgepodge of minorities.

Umm, I'm confused with your hodgepodge of minorities. How did "newfies" make it in, also white males? Although woman are not a visible minority, I will concur that they take much more heat than any man would, and that's wrong. I am interested in knowing what makes you think to write "newfies" and not say..British Columbians or Albertans.
Indeed. I overlooked this as well. Women make up a large percentage of the human population. And about the newfies, why single our province? Why not the NWT natives, or  Ontarian?

Caucaision males are definately not a minority.

Yeah, if you're going to regard us fine people from Newfoundland, you could call us Newfoundlanders, instead of newfies.
actually, the error is in listing Newfies as minorities in the CF. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting about 7 of 'em! They made up 60% of the Forces a few years back. Hell, the CDS is a Newf!
I'm a Newfoundlander, born and bred
And I'll be one 'till I die!

I'm proud to be an islander, and here's the reason why,
I'm as free as the wind and the waves that wash the sand...

There's no place I'd rather be, than here in Newfoundland!

Lots of fellow Newfoundlanders in the forces? Awesome
I do not care who you are as long as you show up for work on time and follow the rules.

Gay, straight,...whatever
During one exercise our Platoon commander assigned the Cpl to be the Company commander radio opperator as a gift.

I've run into this attitude several times -- if I do well or am rewarded for something, I am OBVIOUSLY sleeping with a superior, or at least trying to get in bed with him.

It's usually the younger guys who have not performed as well or are lacking in self esteem that take this attitude.
Fry you wont' be homesick! The newfies were everywhere! In fact we waited at the airport for 'some more recruits' when their plane landed there was about 60 Newfoundlanders on it. I think they should just have their private transport straight to Borden. :D

One of my roomies was from there and I wrote down a bunch of her sayings. I'll have to look that out and we can talk :)

We joked that there were three official languages in the CF...english, french and newfa-nese :D
Island Ryhno said:
Umm, I'm confused with your hodgepodge of minorities. How did "newfies" make it in, also white males? Although woman are not a visible minority, I will concur that they take much more heat than any man would, and that's wrong. I am interested in knowing what makes you think to write "newfies" and not say..British Columbians or Albertans.

I was trying to inject humour. Sorry if I offended you.
I guess sarcasm doesn't always translate well in written form. I am female, got friends of all colours, persuasions and nationalities and from all over the world.
Fry said:
Women make up a large percentage of the human population.
Caucaision males are definately not a minority.

As part of the human population they certainly are...
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