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Discomfort, expectations of service - experience, training and the reality of war

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Army.ca Veteran
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breezie said:
Thanks for that cheeky monkey (love the handle by the way!), that clears things up a bit! I'll probably be on the same course as you then. I haven't been given any more details, was told that would come in a few weeks.

Can't wait to get into my scarlets!! I'll look hot! :-*

More importantly, you'll feel uncomfortable and extremely hot (in the actual meaning of hot)!

BAH! Small price to pay when its been a dream of so many to wear the uniform.

CSA, of course, but everything is relative.  In peace time, the Scarlet is by far the most uncomfortable thing I've worn.

I've worn CBRN gear, as I'm sure SuperMax has as well. I don't know if you're an RMC grad there CSA, but let me tell you, the CBRN gear may be hot and cubersome, but it is in no way nearly as uncomfortable as the scarlets!
NCdt Lumber said:
I've worn CBRN gear, as I'm sure SuperMax has as well. I don't know if you're an RMC grad there CSA, but let me tell you, the CBRN gear may be hot and cubersome, but it is in no way nearly as uncomfortable as the scarlets!

Can we move along now, as you are about to make a fool of yourself  ::)

Milnet.ca staff

I think you have to accept a fundamental truth, best explained by Theodore Sturgeon.

For you folks still at RMC - never judge another man until you have had to walk a mile in his shoes.  If CBRN gear and scarlets are your biggest challenges to-date, I guess you have a few more pairs of shoes (and related gear) to try and a few more miles to walk through the hills and trails of foreign lands before you can begin to judge others.
I had the good fortune to be a platoon commander with the Ceremonial Guard and had the honour of wearing scarlets and a bearskin in the summer months.  They weren't particularly comfortable and the bearskin would start to close in on my brain on longer parades but I wouldn't compare it to having to conduct exercises in NBCW gear in Gagetown in July.  Wearing an NBCW suit for the gas hut is a rather short experience.  Wearing it for a day and conducing tactical tasks with all the other gear is another.  Operating in Afghanistan in July with body armour and the basic soldier load was much worse.

I agree, however, that everything is relative and somebody can always trump your ace in terms of toughness/coolness/fate worse that deathliness.  Enjoy the honour of wearing scarlets and try not to stab anyone with your sword/bayonet unless it is in self-defence or they really ask for it.
Frostnipped Elf said:
For you folks still at RMC - never judge another man until you have had to walk a mile in his shoes.  If CBRN gear and scarlets are your biggest challenges to-date, I guess you have a few more pairs of shoes (and related gear) to try and a few more miles to walk through the hills and trails of foreign lands before you can begin to judge others.

scoutfinch said:
You need to stop.  Now.  Adopt listening silence before you continue to embarrass yourself.
Shake your head.

Seriously, wtf? Where in the hell did I make a judgement about someone else? How did I say something that you all took so offensively?

I in no way tried to compare the relative hardship between operating in CBRN gear (or full combat order on operation) and wearing scarelets. I said, wearing scarlets is less comfortable than CBRN gear. That's all. Pulling the "your not-experienced, you haven't learned, you have no idea what hard is" card is totally unnecessary and uncalled for.

Here it goes, "while, due to my inexperience, I cannot comment on the relative hardship of real combat oriented dress compared to the dress of the hallowed halls of RMC, I can say with confidence that the CBRN suit feels like a soft, warm blanket that you can just cuddle up in and take a nap, and the scarlets, with their tight, rigid, neck-squeezing design, are much less comfortable." I make no mention or assertion as to how much fighting in full fighting order or CBRN gear must suck compared to simply marching around in scarlets, although I'm sure it must be much worse.

I seriously did not and still do not know if CSA has ever worn Scarelets. I took the original comment by SupersonicMax to mean exactly as I've tried to say, that it simply is uncomfortable to wear, and didn't think CSA and the rest of you were going to gang up and pull the "were mightier-than-though".

I'll stop now. Now.

CDN Aviator said:
Can we move along now, as you are about to make a fool of yourself  ::)

Milnet.ca staff

And seriously? Is this not trolling? By a Milnet.ca Staff?
Sometimes, when you've wandered into a minefield or kill-zone and come under the fire the best response is to bull through with guns blazing.  Often, however, it can be a good idea to throw a smoke grenade and withdraw into some low-ground to think things over.
NCdt Lumber said:
I've worn CBRN gear, as I'm sure SuperMax has as well. I don't know if you're an RMC grad there CSA, but let me tell you, the CBRN gear may be hot and cubersome, but it is in no way nearly as uncomfortable as the scarlets!


I guess this comment gets people's attention - yes, many of us have worn CBRN gear not just you and Max.  So "let me tell you" - it can be hotter than being in your scarlets when you have stepped on your altar and preach to the converted at Milnet.ca.  No, I have not worn RMC scarlets but I have been a NBC Staff Offr/instructor for about 15 years.  Have you ever worn US MOPP, German CBRN gear or gone skeet shooting in Brit CBRN gear? Pop smoke now and step away from the keyboard. 

Last edit - should it be altar for sacrifice or pulpit for preaching?
T2B - your minefield comment reminded me of



Works for landmines.. and this thread.  Lumber, just stop and walk away.
PM me if you need to continue.. but you aren't doing yourself any favours.
CSA 105 said:

Unlike others, I try to limit my comments to things I actually know and have experienced.

I've experienced scarlets, hence why I commented on them.
... but you commented on them by comparing them to things of which you have no knowledge.  Therein lies the problem.

Now let it go.
scoutfinch said:
...things of which you have no knowledge.

I compared wearing scarlets to wearing CBRN gear, both of which I have worn and therefore have knowledge of. I'll reiterate, before we go in circles again, read carefully.  I did not say I've fought in them (unless you count BOTP taskings) or that I've built bridges in them, or had to spend hours on end in them.
scoutfinch said:
Wow.  You just don't get it, do you?

Get what?! Could somebody clearly explain to me what I'm not getting, without any badgering or lecturing, I am honestly bewildered!
My initial comment was not intended to compare the RMC Scarlet to anything else.  I was just stating the simple fact that it is uncomfortable.  What's wrong with that?  People really have to start telling me that it's so much harder in the desert with FFO?  I already assumed that and did not intend to say that the Scarlet was so much worse....

You guys need a cup of coffee

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