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DEUs Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yes Man
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Yes Man

Can anyone tell me or better yet post a link to a site where it explains how to put all the button/pins/etc on my DEUs.

Small(2)-sewn on sholders to hold down eppilette
Med(2)-placed on pockets
Large(4)-placed down front
Centered on seam above right pocket
Centered on the right pocket proper,both in height and width
Regimental/Branch SOP
Centered on the eppilette,touching the shoulder seam
See a Talior
See a Talior
                                                  Sm button                Sm botton
                                    Shoulder title                                      Shoulder title

                                                  Collar                          Collar

                                    Name tag
                                    Med butt                  Lg butt              Med butt

                                      LFC Badge                Lg butt

                                                                    Lg butt

                                                                    Lg Butt 

The top of he "Canada" badges shold be one inch below the shoulder seam. The top of the brigade patch should be 2 1/2 inches below the shoulder seam of the right sleeve. The junction at the top of the inside of the top hook of the rankr chevrons (if you are an NCM) should be 6 1/2 inches below the shoulder seam. And the trade badge should be centred on the right sleeve, the bottom of the badge 4 3/4 inches up from the cuff.
does anyone know what the distance of the collar dogs is from the edge of the collar??
Should be equal distance and centered along the seam.  Example, engr collar dog = seam through head of beaver and middle of the "ubique".  Varries with trade badges.
A few more questions I thought I'd bring this forum up for because I haven't found any answers. (Very basic questions of course. 1st time with DEU's here)

Does everyone wear the white shield??? LF?
How do you attach the main buttons?? (other than shoulder)
As a Gunner, do I wear the 2 cannons on my tunic?? If I have a DP2 (or Trade assisting course) such as Artillery Driver wheel/comms, is it a wreath around the cannons??? (These are things I have heard but want to clear up)
As a marksman, are cross rifles/crown/wreath worn on the arm??
I personally have passed PWT 1-3 + live Pairs, but not at marksman level, do I still need to get the cross rifles?? Or nothing??

Answers to my questions would be more than greatly appreciated.


White shield is land force, so not everyone gets it.
Buttons come with a thing key-ring that you just feed in.
Not sure, I'm not a gunner.
Lower left arm for marksman I believe.
Need marksman level to wear cross rifles.

For anything else, do a quick search here for the dress regulations, everything you have a question for is in there.
Crossed rifles & crown for Marksman.... Crossed rifles alone for "1st class"

Umm 2 canons on your tunic ???
All your buttons are adorned with canons & your collar dogs are the grenade
Where do you want to wear 1 - let alone 2 "canons"

WRT the trade badges... you only wear one trade badge at any one time.
(Xcept (all on chest) : Para, SAR, EOD, Submariner)
XtremeEuph said:
How do you attach the main buttons?? (other than shoulder)

In some cases, you can use a piece of cbt boot lace and string them on, and this keeps them from turning.

XtremeEuph said:
As a Gunner, do I wear the 2 cannons on my tunic?? If I have a DP2 (or Trade assisting course) such as Artillery Driver wheel/comms, is it a wreath around the cannons??? (These are things I have heard but want to clear up)
As a marksman, are cross rifles/crown/wreath worn on the arm??
I personally have passed PWT 1-3 + live Pairs, but not at marksman level, do I still need to get the cross rifles?? Or nothing??

You do realize that all you have to do is take your tunic to the Base Tailor and they will ask you your Trade, Rank and Qualifications and take care of all this for you, don't you?
I wish it were that easy haha.  I'm clarifying here because the people at clothing seem to have no idea what is going on either. They expect us to tell them what to put on , which is why i jumping out of my boots scared to put something on that I dont have :S.  I guess its just a matter of nagging them to look up the info like I kinda did yesterday.  Either way I got my one hook on both arms, the Canada, RCA pins, LF command badge, Cross cannons with wreath, cross rifles plain.  Its an extreme self learning process for everything around here it seems, but thanks for the support.

XtremeEuph said:
I wish it were that easy haha.  I'm clarifying here because the people at clothing seem to have no idea what is going on either.

That I find hard to believe.  They wouldn't be working there if they didn't know.

XtremeEuph said:
.... They expect us to tell them what to put on ,

Of course they do.  They can't read your mind.  You have to tell them your Trade, Rank and Qualifications.  They will do all the rest.
"Ever think of asking someone..........
someone like a MCpl or Sgt in your unit ?"

"You do realize that all you have to do is take your tunic to the Base Tailor and they will ask you your Trade, Rank and Qualifications and take care of all this for you, don't you?"

Allllllllright.......I've been visiting Army.ca for ~>2 years now, and never felt the need to post anything. But I've finally read enough. This guy probably has asked a MCpl...or Sgt...and gotten, "I dunno.....ask someone else"......

"All you have to do....", C'mon. I wonder if anyone remembers being a Pte and trying to get anything done. No one listens to a damn word you say. It's assumed you're just some douche that's gonna stroll in spouting, "where's my gore-tex?!?!?.......I was told that I'm entitled to blah blah blah....." 

I was told that to get winter boots, I had to visit "special size"..(read as: mutant stores). Fine. PO2 called down, told then I was on my way. (Not necessary for PO2 to do that, but he is an awesome PO, and 068'er...anyone near Halifax knows that, and who I'm talking about.)   So..I went over. "Never heard of ya." " You're Res.....go to stores to get kit....Wet Weathers will do you fine...."   

Great. Ok. I'm a Pte, what am I going to say?........

Next EX......"Why are you the only one without whites?......Bates aren't a winter boot......Good luck getting those in the snowshoes.........YOU KNOW YOU JUST HAVE TO GO TO STORES, AND GET WINTER BOOTS?????"


So please stop with the "you just have to do/tell them" stuff. You go in with one hook, and tell the Cpl/LS what to do. See where it gets ya.

(edited to add sufix "2" to PO. Don't want anyone to get in a twist about it....)
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.....not attitude at all. My point was, as a Pte, you can't just go about "telling" people what to do. You ASK. That's why I never had problems with my OR, or stores. I did not go in saying... " I want My gloves....give 'em."

I went in with.."I don't have the CADPAT combat gloves....can I get a pair if you have any?"
    -068  "Yep, we have some, you entitled?"
    -ME "believe so, not 100% on SOE."
    -068  "Well, here's a pair."
    -ME "Thanks, Appreciate it."
    -068 "Yeah great."

And that's it. When Ptes come in DEMANDING stuff...it makes all Ptes look bad.
Hammer Sandwich said:
............. My point was, as a Pte, you can't just go about "telling" people what to do. You ASK. That's why I never had problems with my OR, or stores.

Good point, but it doesn't go just for Pte's; it goes for all ranks.  Nothing worse than someone trying to pull rank and DEMANDING things that they often are not entitled to.
Hammer Sandwich said:
"Ever think of asking someone..........
someone like a MCpl or Sgt in your unit ?"

"You do realize that all you have to do is take your tunic to the Base Tailor and they will ask you your Trade, Rank and Qualifications and take care of all this for you, don't you?"

Allllllllright.......I've been visiting Army.ca for ~>2 years now, and never felt the need to post anything. But I've finally read enough. This guy probably has asked a MCpl...or Sgt...and gotten, "I dunno.....ask someone else"......

I'm a Sgt.......a Sgt with 16 years in the CF. No Sgt will say to a Pte " i dunno ask someone else"..........not one.

The point is that the original poster asked something on here that he should have been asking his chain of comand.....he would have gotten the answer he needed right away.
I understand completely what you're saying, but being Res, time is finite. That 3 hrs/week often gets swallowed up by training/admin/O group. I was definitely NOT saying a supervisor would brush something like that off at all. (reading it back, it does look like I said that, my bad.)

I think what I was trying to say was, the guy was trying to enact the "ask before you ask" guideline.
Ask a buddy, (or in this case, a forum), before you go up the CoC with stuff they probably don't really have time for.
He probably knows to ask Coc....he was trying to check here first.
(Last paragraph added to clarify above message)
George Wallace said:
Good point, but it doesn't go just for Pte's; it goes for all ranks.  Nothing worse than someone trying to pull rank and DEMANDING things that they often are not entitled to.

SEEN! 100%. Even when folks are entitled to an item of kit, doesn't mean they have to begin every sentence with.." I AM ENTITLED TO X and Y! Where is it? Is green the only color you have?."..etc.
Whoah whoah whoah. Okay, this has gone way too far.  To the responders backing my case of probability, you are correct.  I have asked others, but not my chain of command only because I was in very short notice and my RQMS was not present.  As a Gnr (Pte to the rest of you), I do have common sense, thanks.  Apologies go out if I gave you trouble asking you for assistance before my immediate supervisors, "Ask before you ask", thats exactly it.  I went to the most direct route, and you can tell the kit shop that they shouldn't work if you consider them to know everything. I did exactly that, told them my trade and qualifications, they told me "I don't know", and asked around just as I did.  Gnr's have common sense, and we scrounge for the quickest answer.

With all respect and thanks to those who have helped,
