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do you like rice and/or tapioca pudding?

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Army.ca Fixture
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Ok was out for dinner tonight and was looked upon with horror that I ordered tapioca pudding. Apparently I am in the minority for liking it. Where do you stand?
I love tapioca pudding!  ;D

When I was a little girl my grand-father used to give me some all the time... great memories!!!
I vaguely remember a bright pink can, I have not had that in while...

My grandparents ate that when i was a kid......the stuff scares me
Ex-Dragoon said:
Rice pudding as well?

Ok...i just dont like rice pudding.......

Tapioca on the other hand scares me.....like little eyeballs floating around.......

i need another drink now
According to Wikipedia
"Tapioca is essentially a flavorless starchy ingredient, or fecula, produced from treated and dried cassava (manioc) root and used in cooking"

It won't hurt, you should try it, it is always good to overcome a fear....  ;D
The little balls roll in your month, it makes a very wierd texture... it is fun
I would eat the keys I'm typing on before that dish.  But hey, to each his own right?  ;)
Rice pudding brings back memories of visiting my Aunt in England, she made homemade rice pudding.
My Dad used to freak out the grandkids by putting a little green food colouring in his tapioca and tell them it was frog eggs from the pond out back.
Can take or leave tapioca pudding, but LOVE rice pudding - in spite of being a bit of a food slut, enjoying all things foodie, I can't manage to make a decent rice pudding.

Factoid:  the little lumpies in "bubble tea" (a.k.a "pearl tea" in Canada's other official language) are tapioca.
Ordered it?  I don't think I have ever seen tapioca pudding on a restaurant menu, of course I shouldn't expect to see it when the menus are usually nailed to the wall above the 13 year old kid wearing a paper hat.

I'd eat it, but then again I would eat pretty much anything.
Tapioca pudding, rice pudding, bread pudding.....all great....grew up on them......(gulp....maybe that's why I never really grew up that far.... ::) )
Ex-Dragoon said:
I don't think I ever had bread pudding..i am so deprived. :D

try it, easy to make, tasty..... ;D
Tapioca pudding is awesome, although being Chinese I'm sure the version I know (not so much "pudding" but more of a sweet milk "soup") is a little different than the ones being discussed here.
CDN Aviator said:
Tapioca on the other hand scares me.....like little eyeballs floating around.......

Don't ever order Chinese bubble tea, then.  ;D

Tapioca...mmmmm :D
I love rice pudding and I make a mean bread pudding as well!

Only thing I haven't perfected yet is a vanilla sauce to go with it.  But I will eventually.
I love rice pudding.  Deeeeelicious!

Tapioca on the other hand (including Bubble Tea) makes me throw up in my mouth a little. 