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Deploying with other countries?


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Curious, are we able to deploy with the British Military as a Canadian? Say an exchange program or something...
I've done a tour in Bosnia (who hasn't) and will be finished University in 3yrs. (i'm a reservist) Its not that I don't want to go to Afgan or Golan, I just want to know options.
I don't know whether it matters or not, but i'm a sig.

Personnel on exchange positions are in Iraq and Afghanistan as we speak with their host units.  The trick is getting on an exchange position.  They are few and far between.  As far as I am aware there are no reserve exchange positions in the CF, with operational units anyway.  So the point is mute.  As a reservist, you won't have the opportunity to deploy overseas with a foreign military.  Cheers

So the point is mute.  As a reservist, you won't have the opportunity to deploy overseas with a foreign military.  Cheers

This isn't completely true. First of all, "exchange postings" are not the only opportunity for Canadians (Reg or Res) to serve with the armies of other countries. An exchange posting is normally just that: Canada and the other nation exchange two positions, either in a  HQ, a field unit, or a school. It is a "posting" so it normally implies Regular soldiers.

We also send officers and NCOs to fill positions with other armies that are not exchanges but "taskings". In these cases the individual is sent to serve with the allied force to fill a specific vacancy for a limited time. Examples of these are the positions with the various Coalition and NATO/Euro HQs in Afghanistan right now. Another set of examples are the Canadians serving with the US forces in Iraq.

Reservists are able to compete for these taking positions: I know of several serving in Afghanistan at the present time, with US and Euro HQs. As wel, Reserve units  have organized exchange activities with affiiliated units, such as the LSSR in our Bde just had with the Royal Anglian Regt (UK). Opportunities for Reservists to fill these positions are on the increase. Cheers.
Here's the applicable CFAO:

CF exchange and liaison programmes ...................    10-4

Presently there's at least one reservist on exchange in the US (he was the jump coy comd at Ex SG 04 until there was a personnel shuffle ...).

At least we seem to have moved forward slight from when I was living in England - I was forbidden from training with the Territorial Army, and wasn't even allowed to parade with CDLS(L).

When I asked why, it was explained that a Canadian reservist had screwed it for everybody else by going on exercise in Australia and getting injured - the Aussies patched him up, but the poop hit the fan when the invoice arrived at NDHQ (there are quite a few CFAO's dealing with accounting practices for exchange personnel ... proving once again that the accountants reign supreme).
The aforementioned reservist had never properly asked for permission, and in my case I properly asked for permission (... and ended up being forced to request ED&T for a year instead of being able to observe training with the Brits ... go figure ...).

An option to an "exchange" per se is to go on tour - I spent six months in a NATO HQ in Kabul, which was the best of both worlds - lots of allied troops to work with, as well as Canadians.