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day to day life of an armoured crewmen

back for more pain

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i was hoping some of the armoured guys could help with this. 

what is the day to day like on base? 
and what is life in the shacks like in petawawa?  i hope it isn't as boring as i've been told from others.
Let's see now.....If you are in a Squadron that has vehicles, due to the system of rotating vehicles around the ... whatever........... some sort of brilliant plan out of Disneyland on the Rideau.........then you will start your day by checking the engine levels, start up the vehicle and move it out of the hangar so that you can sweep the hangar floor.  Then you will have a cofffee.  Then you will move the vehicles back into the hangar.  Lunchtime.  After lunch you will sweep the tarmac and then throw the garbage into those big bins out back of the hangars.  Opps.  I forgot about the eight km run in the morning at 0700 hrs and the shower afterwards, so move everthing back to start after coffee break. 

Amen brother!!!
Don't forget the waiting around 'till 4:15 waiting for the Tp WO's O Gp to tell us PT 0730, run.
Good question pain, I am sort of wondering similar myself. I have learned much about what I am embarking on for my basic (Jul 20th) at least as much as can be told. But I am not sure what happens after that.

So George as I know you always know the answers :P...after ALL phases of training are complete and I am a full armoured soldier, what is the PT like? Do we still have it every morning as we do in training? A few times a week? Is there a set regimen? I would like to have PT but I am just wondering if after training, all of that falls off and it's up to us to keep fit?
thanks for the info guys.  but i figured there was more coffee breaks in the day..lol  another question tho, whats the shacks like in pet? is it worth living in them for a while or am i just pissing my money away?
The Dragoon shacks are not the Hilton by any stretch, but they are wired for basic cable (comes off your pay...something like $13.00 per month. You can get Internet wired up. You will likely have a roommate at first so privacy will be at a minimum. They are a 5 min walk to the hangar line so if you don't have wheels, no worries.
Your best bet is to stay in the shacks for a while until you get a feel for the place. You won't have to deal with the naus of traffic getting on and off base in the morning and after work.
PT is every day for the most part, but don't rely on that if you want to improve yourself. It can be irregular at times and you will be expected to maintain a standard.
If you haven't already checked out the sites, be sure to:

Lord Strathconas ( Tanks ) www.strathconas.ca

Royal Dragoons ( RECCE COYOTE ) www.dragoons.ca

All the best, great websites, credit should be given to whoever maintains them, very current....
cbt arms sub tech said:
If you haven't already checked out the sites, be sure to:

Lord Strathconas ( Tanks ) www.strathconas.ca

Royal Dragoons ( RECCE COYOTE ) www.dragoons.ca

All the best, great websites, credit should be given to whoever maintains them, very current....

If you're going to pass out info, at least get it right.

Lord Stathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)


the Royal Canadian Dragoons

I won't even get into the vehicle stuff ::)
back for more pain -

One thing they really like to do in the Armour Corps is use capitalization when they post to forums... I'm just saying.

cbt arms sub tech (submarine tech?) -

Just a couple of grammar points for you:

There is "your", as in : Are you finished reading YOUR book? (possessive)

And there is "you're", as in - I think YOU'RE right, I did make a mistake in forgetting about the 12RBC when I posted my Armour websites, there's is http://www.12rbc.ca

I'd apolgize but I think I am allowed to be critical after my long day working yesterday.
George Wallace said:
Let's see now.....If you are in a Squadron that has vehicles, due to the system of rotating vehicles around the ... whatever........... some sort of brilliant plan out of Disneyland on the Rideau.........then you will start your day by checking the engine levels, start up the vehicle and move it out of the hangar so that you can sweep the hangar floor.  Then you will have a cofffee.  Then you will move the vehicles back into the hangar.  Lunchtime.  After lunch you will sweep the tarmac and then throw the garbage into those big bins out back of the hangars.  Opps.  I forgot about the eight km run in the morning at 0700 hrs and the shower afterwards, so move everthing back to start after coffee break.

This is so pathetic, but my heart fluttered when I read "Then you will have a coffee."
By joining anyone of those Regular Army Armoured units you join a world-wide brotherhood of Armoured Corps warriors.
Every morning the pride that gives you should levitate you out of your bed and off for your morning PT. That and your mounting caffein withdrawls will force you out of the shacks and into the glowing light that shines on all Armoured Corps soldiers.
Sorry, I started preaching!

If your a young guy then I think you should always live in for a while before you move off. Living in is brilliant in that you're constantly surrounded my your mates and more senior blokes you work with. They're there to help you and you help them. Things are always easier for a young bloke if he's surrounded by his mates and a couple of senior blokes to lead the way. Especially as he's still learning the ropes.
Plus the parties in the shacks are awesome. Its worth it just for them!
Something my (Armoured Corps) recruiter told me when I told him I wanted to be a tankie.
"Mate, at the end of the day, a second class drive is better then a first class walk".
I've lived by that since.
The Gues-|- said:
Tanker!.... tankie??


What is your problem?

Tanker!....Tankie!  Both are correct.  Both reflect Armour Crewmen in different Commonwealth nations.
George Wallace said:

What is your problem?

Tanker!....Tankie!  Both are correct.  Both reflect Armour Crewmen in different Commonwealth nations.

Muscle head and D.A.T work also :tank2: