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Critique my kit


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Just looking for some oppinions or suggestions for improving my field kit, some guys say i pack a little too heavy, ive only been in for 1.5 yrs so far and just did my BIQ this summer, im open to any ideas from guys with more experience then me.  Anything I should shave off?  Or anything I could add?


1st line, On the body/in the uniform

mils Silva Ranger compass + red led light
Under Armour OD T-Shirt+underwear
Boonie hat
Hatch OD Flight gloves
Riggers belt
HSGI Suspenders
Blast match
prescription Glasses (backups, I wear 30 day contacts)
riggers knife/marine bayonet (depending on ex)
Boots, Black USGI Jungle boots or Danner Acadias

2nd line On the Vest---

locking Carabiner
Surefire G2 with lanyard+red lens

Personal medical kit,(spread between 2 mini utility pockets)
2x Field Dressings
1x triangular bandage, OD
1x handed tourniquit
2x pack quick clot
1x scissors
1x tweezers
1x medical tape roll
1x space blanket/rescue blanket
2x pairs latex gloves

-Carried in right side drop zone brengun pouch

Misc bag
5 light sticks (2 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 red)
cam cream tubes Brown+green (guntaped together)
Mag Charger
water tabs
reuseable ear plugs+case
bug repellant
zap straps
surefire spares carrier with spare lamp, 6 lithium batts
Lighter+lip balm (taped together)
Protective eyewear (oakley Half Jackets)
Single Point sling, (for assault rafts/FIBUA)

Weapons cleaning kit
OTIS M4/M16 cleaning kit with chamber brush
OD Rag
556 boresnake

Camelback 3L for hydration

gasmask(in gasmask pouch attached to vest)

Left side C9 pouch left open for magazines/ammo

3rd line light, In the Daypack: (I use a tac tailor 3 day pack in CADPAT)

Stealth Suit top and bottom
thermal underwear top+bottom
OD fleece watchcap
fleece glove liners
2x spare socks
foot powder
Heat tabs
2 broken down IMP's

Small pers meds kit
-alchohol wipes
-bandaid blister treatment packs
-latex gloves
-gauze rolls
-gauze pads

USGI Poncho+ranger blanket roll---sometimes 

3rd Line Heavy---In the ruck (64 patt)

Spare rations
groundsheet+bungi's and lightweight stakes
sleeping bag outer+biv bag
USGI Poncho+Liner (if not in patrol pack)
Fleece jacket
hygiene kit (electric shaver, soap, toothbrush, wet wipes, regular razor, survival candle in tinfoil)

Ridge rest sleeping mat

outer pockets
Left pocket 2-3 rats broken down

back pocket 2x spare socks (I use thorlo military boot socks with fox river blister guard liners)

Right pocket, Minimag+lanyard+red lens, toilet paper and brew kit, lexan spoon, matches

Main ruck body
-shemagh (used as a towel sometimes in addition to its regular uses)
1xspare combats
2x Under armour OD shirts
2x under armour boxers
mini sew kit


For Cougar hunting!

Latex Gloves....Do you have access to Nitrile Gloves?  They don't break down as fast, not many people allergic too them as Latex.

How many Gloves do you carry?  They can rip easy, There good for eating with(Fried Chicken of course), no need to wash..just toss!

Advil is a great Anti-inflammatory......Tylenol???

Look Paracaowboy....he uses a 3L camel back....(HRPS)
Grunt said:
Just looking for some oppinions or suggestions for improving my field kit, some guys say i pack a little too heavy, ive only been in for 1.5 yrs so far and just did my BIQ this summer, im open to any ideas from guys with more experience then me.   Anything I should shave off?   Or anything I could add?


1st line, On the body/in the uniform

mils Silva Ranger compass + red led light
Under Armour OD T-Shirt+underwear
Boonie hat
Hatch OD Flight gloves
Riggers belt
HSGI Suspenders
Blast match
prescription Glasses (backups, I wear 30 day contacts)
riggers knife/marine bayonet (depending on ex)
Boots, Black USGI Jungle boots or Danner Acadias

2nd line On the Vest---

locking Carabiner
Surefire G2 with lanyard+red lens

Personal medical kit,(spread between 2 mini utility pockets)
2x Field Dressings
1x triangular bandage, OD
1x handed tourniquit
2x pack quick clot
1x scissors
1x tweezers
1x medical tape roll
1x space blanket/rescue blanket
2x pairs latex gloves

-Carried in right side drop zone brengun pouch

Misc bag
5 light sticks (2 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 red)
cam cream tubes Brown+green (guntaped together)
Mag Charger
water tabs
reuseable ear plugs+case
bug repellant
zap straps
surefire spares carrier with spare lamp, 6 lithium batts
Lighter+lip balm (taped together)
Protective eyewear (oakley Half Jackets)
Single Point sling, (for assault rafts/FIBUA)

Weapons cleaning kit
OTIS M4/M16 cleaning kit with chamber brush
OD Rag
556 boresnake

Camelback 3L for hydration

gasmask(in gasmask pouch attached to vest)

Left side C9 pouch left open for magazines/ammo

3rd line light, In the Daypack: (I use a tac tailor 3 day pack in CADPAT)

Stealth Suit top and bottom
thermal underwear top+bottom
OD fleece watchcap
fleece glove liners
2x spare socks
foot powder
Heat tabs
2 broken down IMP's

Small pers meds kit
-alchohol wipes
-bandaid blister treatment packs
-latex gloves
-gauze rolls
-gauze pads

USGI Poncho+ranger blanket roll---sometimes    

3rd Line Heavy---In the ruck (64 patt)

Spare rations
groundsheet+bungi's and lightweight stakes
sleeping bag outer+biv bag
USGI Poncho+Liner (if not in patrol pack)
Fleece jacket
hygiene kit (electric shaver, soap, toothbrush, wet wipes, regular razor, survival candle in tinfoil)

Ridge rest sleeping mat

outer pockets
Left pocket 2-3 rats broken down

back pocket 2x spare socks (I use thorlo military boot socks with fox river blister guard liners)

Right pocket, Minimag+lanyard+red lens, toilet paper and brew kit, lexan spoon, matches

Main ruck body
-shemagh (used as a towel sometimes in addition to its regular uses)
1xspare combats
2x Under armour OD shirts
2x under armour boxers
mini sew kit

At the end of the day, sounds like a fair bit of weight one has to hump.


you carry a lot more than that in a Reg Force Light Infantry unit. It ain't that much. I carry more than that on PT with a rucksack. Never mind the field with rats, water, ammo, radio, batteries, binos, nvgs, kite site, plgr, and more. He's fine. As long as he keeps up with his section.
3rd Line Heavy---In the ruck (64 patt)

Spare rations
groundsheet+bungi's and lightweight stakes
sleeping bag outer+biv bag
USGI Poncho+Liner (if not in patrol pack)
Fleece jacket
hygiene kit (electric shaver, soap, toothbrush, wet wipes, regular razor, survival candle in tinfoil)

Ridge rest sleeping mat
Poncho - or Groundsheet
personally I like the poncho. - If you got both - wasted dead weight

outer pockets
Left pocket 2-3 rats broken down

back pocket 2x spare socks (I use thorlo military boot socks with fox river blister guard liners)

Right pocket, Minimag+lanyard+red lens, toilet paper and brew kit, lexan spoon, matches

Main ruck body
-shemagh (used as a towel sometimes in addition to its regular uses)
1xspare combats
2x Under armour OD shirts
2x under armour boxers
mini sew kit

Babywipes - clean ass and feels GTG - ditch the TP
shemagh - worthless unless your in dust and desert - it is fine in Afghan but a water sponge in temperate climate - all I see them for here is LCF (yeah I have one but its issued  8) )

FWIW the extra gitch and combats never get used.  - Run commando -

extra socks - 2 is not enough...

Try 48-72hrs rats

para has good points.
Holy crap you must have spent a ton of cash on all that non-issue stuff. Worth it, I'm sure, but my credit card would b*tch-slap me if I tried buying all that.

As for what to add/subtract that looks like a pretty well thought out kit list you've got going. For winter/colder weather I would suggest some sort of white-fuel (naphtha (sp?)) stove (WhisperLite has good reviews) and a thermos. God knows a swig of hot chocolate half way through a recce patrol is good for the spirit.

Question: Do you attach the 3-day pack to the back of your ruck? If you do, don't you find that it puts your centre of gravity too far behind you? If not, where do you put it?

My mistake on the thermos/stove, I'd missed the "brew kit" in your ruck. Either way, if you don't have 'em, they're worth the extra weight.

KevinB said:
Poncho - or Groundsheet
personally I like the poncho. - If you got both - wasted dead weight
missed that. Good catch. Go with the poncho, it's lighter. As long as it isn't the new issued POS. Getcherself an old, Yank-style one. Bigger, and with more grommets for attaching bungee cords.

i thought he's got one. Taped to chapstick or something, for some odd reason. Take that lighter, an' stick it in your pocket. Always have a lighter and a knife on you. I haev a lighter in my pocket, water-proof matches in my ruck, and a fire-starter kit in my webbing (actually two, but I put them together to ensure I get fire when I need it. Almost lost a man once, because we couldn't start a damn fire with lighters and paper.)

shemagh - worthless unless your in dust and desert
true. I was thinking maybe he's got a camo-type scarf for a make-shift veil. If it is a shemagh, though, you're spot on there.

FWIW the extra gitch and combats never get used.  - Run commando -
I never have undies or spare combats either, but I make the weight up in socks and thermal underwear. Even in the summer, I have a pair of thermals in my ruck, and they've come in handy many a time.

extra socks - 2 is not enough...
yup, see above.

all of this has to be considered when packing for an Ex. You're going to get issued so much more crap, that you want to seriously think about what you can ditch. I've reduced the weight by 10 - 20 lbs, by removing simple little things like foot powder, boot laces, sewing kit, shave kit, bungee cords. Mission first, then your buddies, then yourself. So, with the mission in mind, you'll have to think what the mission needs, and what snivel kit you don't NEED to survive.
Thanks for the replies guys

Cpl Massecar, im Infantry with the LSSR

Kevin B, ill ditch the groundsheet and go with the US poncho only, so far im just running a bic lighter, but ill look around for a good butane lighter.

I carry about 4 extra socks so far (2 in patrol pack, 2 in the ruck)

I tried going commando on my BIQ ex this summer and worked out pretty well.

I like my shemagh ;D


Ive spent quite a bit on my kit lol, It all probably comes in around 2000-3000ish including the stuff I dont use anymore, some of the stuff I decided was useless (drop leg attachments SUCK for Infantry!), and some of the stuff i havent posted lol (non issue vest anyone ;D). non-issue socks and boots, the stealth suit and underarmour are the most important pieces of kit to buy.

im in the same situation regarding the 3 day pack, I like to keep it packed so I can just grab it and go in a hurry, so far ive found 3 methods:

-Lashing it between the valice and the frame of the 64 pack
-putting the ruck on, and then putting the 3 day pack on over top of the ruck (so it rests high on top)
-putting your ruck on then your patrol pack in front (not so fun)

So far im getting rid of my worn out Hatch flight gloves and going with some Southwest motorsports friction fighter gloves
I have one of the old USGI ponchos, they are a real nice piece of kit

paracowboy, thanks for the tip, ill move the lighter from the vest to my combats
hmmm, didn't catch that you keep your patrol packed AND your ruck. Why is that required? You have a ruck, it's all you need. If you want to have your patrol pack with you, then empty it, and stuff it in between your valise and main compartment. When you leave the patrol base, put what you need in your patrol pack, and step off.
I thought you meant you carried one or the other. Wearing both is not tactically sound. It's just getting in your way. And it's too much unnecessary weight. You've got redundancies built in around stuff that you don't need a back-up for.
Simplify maaaan!
Just a thought, but that's a small fortune spent on non-issue kit isn't it? I mean, it's your money, do what you like, but don't forget, anything that gets damaged/lost/stolen gets replaced out of your pocket.
Im still experimenting with the patrol pack, i was using a blackhawk LRRP buttpack attached to the tacvest, but decided to ditch it because i was keeping way too much on the 2nd line with it.  Ill try moving the patrol packs contents to the ruck and keeping the patrol pack between the frame and the bag.

Sig Op, Kit is an addiction, i cant control myself  ;D

every month I say, no more kit, its as good as it can be...then some new and improved pouch/light/jacket/pack comes out and I have to snatch it up :)

Keep in mind I am last to say anything about non issue kit. BUT.

I got in in 1987 -- our idea of gucci kit was a US Rain Coat, a US Ranger Blanket - and maybe Materhorns.
*and always gloves
1988 Jungle Boots

I think in 1990 I got inventive and used a better sling...
*Was also later choked with said "better" sling so not all progress is good.
1992/3 - Desert Boots (issued) - but had LCF anyway  ;)
In 1995 I got a Chest Rig (Brit Artkis).

My point is that I am others here have been around the block and figured out WHAT we need to spent our very valuable money on rather than simply replace the entire CF combat ensemble.
