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Cpl. Brian Pinksen Dies in Germany From Wounds Suffered In Afghanistan

Old Sweat

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I regret having to report this information. This story from the CBC Website is reproduced under the Fair Comment provisions of the Copyright Act.

Canadian soldier from N.L. dies in Germany
Brian Pinksen, 21, was victim of roadside IED in Afghanistan
Last Updated: Monday, August 30, 2010 | 3:43 PM

Brian Pinksen, 21, seen here in a photo from Facebook, died Monday in Germany. He was injured by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan on Aug. 22. A 21-year-old Canadian soldier from western Newfoundland died Monday morning at a German hospital, more than a week after he was injured by a roadside bomb in an attack in Afghanistan.

Brian Pinksen, originally from Corner Brook, suffered injuries to his limbs and internal organs Aug. 22 after the vehicle he was in was hit by an improvised explosive device.

He was flown to a military hospital in Germany for treatment, but Pinksen died after his heart failed.

A Canadian Forces official said more details will be released as they become available.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2010/08/30/nl-soldier-death-830.html#ixzz0y7EVmJp4
RIP soldier.... :salute: :cdn:

Our condolences to the family and friends.

Would someone from Newfoundland express our condolences to the family, if possible? Thank you.

Condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the latest fallen.

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness.

Sincere condolences.
News Room
Canadian soldier dies in hospital from injuries sustained in Afghanistan
CEFCOM NR10.019 - August 30, 2010

OTTAWA– A Canadian soldier, who sustained injuries in Afghanistan, passed away at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany today. 


Corporal Brian Pinksen

Corporal (Cpl) Brian Pinksen from 2nd Battalion, The Royal Newfoundland Regiment, based in Corner Brook Newfoundland, was serving in Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group. Cpl Pinksen sustained his injuries when an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated during a routine patrol in the Panjwa’i District, southwest of Kandahar City at approximately 1:40 p.m., Kandahar time on 22 Aug, 2010.

Cpl Pinksen was treated on scene and evacuated by helicopter to the Role 3 Multi-National Medical Facility at Kandahar Airfield then subsequently moved to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre in Germany.  He arrived in Ramstein, Germany on 25 August and succumbed to his injuries earlier today at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of our fallen comrade during this very difficult time. We will not forget Cpl Pinksen’s sacrifice as we continue to bring security and hope to the people of Kandahar Province.

Canada in partnership with the government of Afghanistan, the Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF remain committed to improving the security situation in order to set the conditions for reconstruction and development in the region. Joint Task Force Afghanistan, continues to be fully engaged in an initiative that serves to gradually enhance security, to strengthen governance and to expand the government’s authority in key areas of Kandahar Province.


Note to Editors:

A photograph of Corporal Brian Pinksen is available on the Fallen Canadians page of the Department of National Defence website. Please visit http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouvelles/fallen-disparus/index-eng.asp

RIP Soldier!  Condolences to his friends and family!  :salute:
Rest in peace Corporal Pinksen. My condolences to your family, friends and Regiment for your loss. Ubique :cdn: :yellow:
Condolences to friends and family
            Rest in Peace
Brian was my step father's nephew. This news is very saddening for us, especially in light of the fact that I'm leaving for BMQ in a week. Nonethless, I remain determined.

RIP Brian  :salute:
My tears flow again...
My sincere condolences to Brian's Family, Friends and 2RNfldR on this sad day.

The Ramp will be ready for your arrival.    :piper:
News Room
Statement By The Minister Of National Defence On The Death Of Corporal Pinksen
NR - 10.099 - August 30, 2010

OTTAWA - The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement today on the death of a Canadian Forces member:

"We deeply mourn the loss of this dedicated Canadian Forces member who died as a result of injuries suffered while in Afghanistan. Corporal (Cpl) Brian Pinksen was seriously wounded recently by an explosive device while on patrol in the Panjwa’i District, southwest of Kandahar City, and has since been under medical care at the Landstuhl Military Hospital in Germany. Sadly, his wounds were too great and he succumbed today. I extend my heartfelt sympathy to his family and friends.

Cpl Pinksen bravely served with his comrades to help build a stable environment to support a better and brighter future for Afghans. This tragic passing illustrates some of the many risks that the men and women of the Canadian Forces face every day in carrying out their duties.

Canada’s participation in this United Nations-mandated, NATO-led mission is a true reflection of the Canadian values of helping those in need and defending the interests of those who can’t yet defend themselves.

I am proud of the dedication of our men and women of the Canadian Forces as they strive to bring security to the people of Afghanistan.”

Death of Corporal Brian Pinksen
August 30, 2010

Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, on the Death of Corporal Brian Pinksen

OTTAWA—It was with great sadness that my husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, and I learned today of the death of Corporal Brian Pinksen from 2nd Battalion, The Royal Newfoundland Regiment, based in Corner Brook Newfoundland, as a result of injuries he sustained on August 22, 2010, when an improvised explosive device detonated during a patrol approximately 15 kilometres southwest of Kandahar, in the Panjwa’i District.

This tragedy is a painful reminder of the risks and dangers that soldiers deployed to this turbulent region face on a daily basis. It also shows us the unwavering courage, sense of duty and determination of our fellow Canadians who are serving with the Canadian Forces. They are contributing to the efforts being jointly led by NATO member countries and under the authority of the United Nations, to support the people of Afghanistan, who aspire to equality, justice, peace and prosperity. Corporal Brian Pinksen’s comrades-in-arms will continue and complete this difficult mission with the same conviction and generous spirit we have always known them to have.

We join all Canadians in offering our sincerest condolences and our deepest sympathy to Corporal Brian Pinksen’s family, loved ones and colleagues. Our thoughts are with you. We will never forget him.

Michaëlle Jean

- 30 -

Media information
Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Rideau Hall Press Office

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada
30 August 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement today on the death of a Canadian soldier:

“It is with utmost sorrow that I extend the condolences of all Canadians to the family and friends of Corporal Brian Pinksen, a brave soldier who died due to injuries sustained in Afghanistan. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you at this time of loss.

“Canadians are grateful for his service and are proud of the contributions of all the men and women in uniform.

“Our Government is showing leadership, alongside our international partners, in this ongoing effort to help the Afghan people achieve peace and stability.  This UN-mandated, NATO-led mission is helping rebuild their country and its institutions.

“I join with all Canadians who stand behind our men and women of the Canadian Forces as they courageously risk their lives every day to bring positive change to the people of Afghanistan and to save lives.

“Corporal Pinksen served Canada valiantly, and deserves the gratitude and respect of his nation.”