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Conservative Defence Policy - 80,000 bodies


Puggled and Wabbit Scot.
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The party would increase the strength of the Canadian Forces to 80,000 from about 60,000, and would spend an additional $1.2-billion a year over the 2003 budget, increasing over time to $2-billion.

Just in today‘s Globe and Mail. From Conservative Policy Guidelines for Candidates.

I am not sure about the budget terms but based on previous announcements I believe that on the funding the Conservatives are advocating adding increasing increments to the budget over a period years.

If a correct assumption that would mean the budget would look like

13 now, 14.2 next year then 15.5,16.8,18.4,20.0,21.7,23.5,25.4,27.4 by about 2012-13.

At that rate they would be adding a total of about $66 BCAD to the defense budget over 8 years, roughly in line with the kind of increase the Aussies have undertaken.

Assuming a current expenditure of 1.1% of GDP on defence and an average growth in the economy of 2.5% annually that would mean that by 2012 we would have increased defence to about 1.9% of GDP.

Still a little shy of the NATO target but a whole lot better and still less than we have done in the past.

If the assumptions are correct.

And if they get elected.

And if they keep their promises.
Conservatives doing this!?

Last time I remember Mulroney nearly killed the military with his exceptionally under qualified defense minister Kim Campbell, who would later become PM!

As a result of this, the Canadian Airborne Regiment was disbanded because of the Somalia Affair while Kim Campbell created a whole cover up to protect her campaign for PM in fall of 93, therefore causing a huge media explosion and a whole cover up at NDHQ.

To top that off, Mulroney sent Canadian troops to Somalia behind the back of parliament by using UN Chapter 7 (order for engagement of war) as an excuse to justify it and only to give the troops the ROE‘s of peacekeepers in a war zone which lead to a whole conflicting mess.

Seems to me the Conservatives are the last people we want. I‘ll believe these budget increases when I see it, seems to me, everyone is making promises while the military continues to be stained, it gives the false impression that things are effectively being done and improved.
I agree that David Pratt is a considerably better choice for Defence Minister than Kim Campbell if that makes you feel any better.

I would also note that the programme described above is very similar to programmes described by a number of committees including one which David Pratt chaired.

My point, not that the Conservatives are necessarily the answer, (IMHO they can‘t be worse than the current mob and we might as well give them a chance) but that there is a window of opportunity here. If we can get all politicians to say the same thing then there will be less chance they can say that they can‘t implement the programme because the public doesn‘t want it.

Somewhere along the line we have to trust somebody or at least give them a chance. Other wise we may as well all fold up our tents and head for the pub.

Yeah let‘s keep the Lieberals in power :rolleyes:

2 Billion on the gun registry, let‘s see.... how much could 2 billion do for the military..or LE, or education, health care.
Some of you need to get a grip on reality, Why is it every time anything is proposed for the Military, I always read somthing negative about it. The issue about the forces with the New Conservatives isnt anything new, they have been planning and speaking about this for years, Regardless if they do exactly what they say or not. they will do somthing that is still a **** of alot better then the Liberals are doing.

Liberals are a joke, and if you havent realized that by now, then i feel sorry for you!

The Conservatives are not even remotley the same party as they were during Mulroney years.
They are much better and Honestly what do we have to loose. It cant get any worse then our current government.

Also if ya wanna start nit picking what certain parties have done in the past go do a search and see what the Liberals have done and are still currently doing.

time for change

Vote Conservative
Yes, 2 billion , on the silly " Gun Registry". The money would have been , well spent else where, not only on the military. Watch the movie , " Bowling In Columbine". Canadians , own firearms , for other reasons , than the American , " Right To Bear Arms".
I Am Canadian !
I would rather eat excrement, than be a Liberal.
As for Defence Minister , how about Don Cherry , he is out spoken, supports us , is a Proud Canadian , and has " NADS".
Let‘s Go Conservative.
As for Defence Minister , how about Don Cherry , he is out spoken, supports us , is a Proud Canadian , and has " NADS".
Let‘s Go Conservative.
Hear, Hear!
Lets go conservative. Harper is a smart dude, and the tories are finaly rid of Joe Clark.
I can‘t believe no one see‘s through these parties crap. They are all the same, commit the same offenses and lie, cheat, and steal with the best of them. They will all say what they want to get into power and once there will flip flop. There is no accountability in our govt and until there is they will all be the same politicians with different coloured banners.
Originally posted by Pte.Nomercy:
[qb] Conservatives doing this!?

Last time I remember Mulroney nearly killed the military with his exceptionally under qualified defense minister Kim Campbell, who would later become PM!

As a result of this, the Canadian Airborne Regiment was disbanded because of the Somalia Affair while Kim Campbell created a whole cover up to protect her campaign for PM in fall of 93, therefore causing a huge media explosion and a whole cover up at NDHQ.

To top that off, Mulroney sent Canadian troops to Somalia behind the back of parliament by using UN Chapter 7 (order for engagement of war) as an excuse to justify it and only to give the troops the ROE‘s of peacekeepers in a war zone which lead to a whole conflicting mess.

Seems to me the Conservatives are the last people we want. I‘ll believe these budget increases when I see it, seems to me, everyone is making promises while the military continues to be stained, it gives the false impression that things are effectively being done and improved. [/qb]
As stated by *CDN*Blackhawk, thats not a fair comparison. The conservatives then and the conservatives now are not the same party. There are so many differences, one cannot even begin to compare them.

However, the same can be said for the liberals. Jean Chretien effectively "finished off" the forces (at least, Jack Granatstein seems to think so in "Who Killed the Canadian Military", and I tend to agree). But Chretien isn‘t in power anywmore and the liberal party has also changed. Not nearly as much as the Conservative party, but it still has changed.

I‘d like nothing more than to see a conservative government form. That said, I don‘t think its going to happen. All the recent seat predictions and whatnot I‘ve seen seem to indicate that a minority liberal government is far more likely. At the very least, the Conservatives now have their heads out of their asses (the whole Alliance-P.C. rouse and infighting that made them weaker, instead of stronger), and the Liberals seem to be doing the infighting now. Hopefully its signs of good things to come. But with the all the *******s spread all over in Ottawa, who knows.

You do have a point though. This isn‘t the first time a party has promised increases spending on the military and then not followed through. I‘ll believe it when I see it too, but I think the forces are far more likely to see more money under a Conservative government.
Get rid of the career politician (esp. the Senate)and legislate accountability. Until then it won‘t matter who we elected.
I‘d be all for getting rid of the senate, but I‘m still holding out hope for getting appointed to it in about 40 years. Talk about a killer retirement job.
Originally posted by Pte.Nomercy:
[QB] Conservatives doing this!?

Last time I remember Mulroney nearly killed the military with his exceptionally under qualified defense minister Kim Campbell, who would later become PM!

Trouble is .... your facts are closer to myths

Suggest you read this - and then start firing off letters to every door knob that asks for your vote
:o http://army.ca/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/19/194#000000 :o
Get rid of the career politician (esp. the Senate)and legislate accountability. Until then it won‘t matter who we elected.
You, my friend, should run for office. I would vote for that platform alone.
Too honest. Plus people have the attention span of a 3 year old. So any damage a political party does, it is quickly forgotten.
Personally as a member of the CF I dread them all. Face it....say if the Conservatives get in, nothing will get done as they will implement their own review as the new goverment and set up their own boards to determine what is needed. Sure they will cancel some projects to get back at the Liberals for cancelling the EH101 all those years ago. *POOF* now you have travelled 4 years into the future, nothing has been done for the CF and all of a sudden they start making purchase announcements for whatever interests them at the time.
CFL said:
Get rid of the career politician (esp. the Senate)and legislate accountability. Until then it won't matter who we elected.

I always find answers like this funny.  Many of the reasons why there is no accountability in our government come as result of changes in its design.  We are a Constitutional Monarch which was setup to work along side with the Senate and the Governor General, representing the queen.  But in our current system the Governor General and the Senate have no real power, thus there are almost all of our checks and balances are gone.

I would rather see more power be given to the Senate and there jobs take on an important role in society, than to abolish them and hope that it somehow magically fixes things. 

Also for a side note, if I remember correctly there are around 100 senators.  Even if they are paying them $250,000 salaries, that's only 25 million.  If you think 25 million is going to have a huge impact on Canada as a nation you're kidding yourself.