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Confidence Course


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I am doing some research on the various obstacle courses on Army bases, I was wondering if any one has used our current courses in creative ways. For example, carrying a stretcher though the course, increasing the demands by wearing PPE etc. I would like to put together a panel of Subject Matter Experts on how to use them. Perhaps you can suggest someone?
I am also wondering if anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to improve them?


Dr Reilly

Edited by Roy Harding at Dr. Reilly's request, to add the following links, which provide some insight to the Dr's work and interest in this subject:

Every time i have done the course we were wearing PPE and had weapons.
I have only ever done an obstacle course in either PT kit or uniform.  No PPE, no weapon and no stretcher.  Depending on the course and the people going though it, it can be very difficult depending on one's height.  Probably because they were built for the average man.

As far as dragging a stretcher through, as an ex-Medic, I can't see it.  If the terrain was that bad, I would try an Air Medevac.
Throughout the years, many units, CAF training establishments have used the confidence course for a PT session or a training opportunity. However, I am beginning to noticed that many units or CAF training establishments are shying away from it. One reason that automatically comes to mind is that many Commanders are reluctant because of the increase possibility of injuries to their troops. Maybe this only in my neck of the woods (atlantic region), I was wondering what the rest of country is seeing?
Haven't done it since basic (2011), it's occasionally scheduled but I still haven't done it. Usually, it's cancelled due to rain the day of or prior. The reserves is also always competing for time, so at the time a BFT was more "important" than an obstacle course. It was a lot of fun as well..
Confidence courses are considered "ranges" by Base Ops.  They need to be booked and supervised by persons authorized by Range Control to do so.  Sometimes this "authorization" is as simple as having done a walk-through with the OPI.  Other times, it requires a bit more.

In many cases, as stated above, the confidence course can be closed due to weather (rain, snow, freezing rain, high winds) or obstacle damage or maintenance requirements.  Like all training areas/ranges, they have to be inspected regularly and certified as safe. So, although the course may look like it's sitting unused, it could very well be booked by another unit for later (or, annoyingly, booked by a "no-show" unit), or it could be closed for repairs or awaiting an inspection.
Yup, they do get inspected on a regular basis! The last time I did it was in 2001. I provided medical coverage for it twice (2010 & 2012), twice I had to call for an ambulance due to severe injuries from carelessness. Although I should mention that, twice the unit(s) choose to do the course with full FFO and Rucksack.
I've never done one - the closest I came was the wire obstacle course on Infantry Qualification in 2007. I did CITY courses for BMQ/SQ so we instead did creative things like carrying logs from the beach back to the armoury for future log PT sessions, or running in half-frozen sand or through the surf in December. At unit level, we did BFTs. I think the closest obstacle course would likely be in Chilliwack.
They should be called ‘assault courses’ as that was why they were created and extensively used in WW2 to prepare troops to invade occupied Europe. We used them all the time, and they were excellent for preparing infantry for urban operations, fitness wise.
See also,

Good training to prepare for BMQ/Obstacle Courses?
3 pages.
OP: "I want to know if it is actually tough compared to the obstacle courses you have done through the Forces and/or BMQ?"