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Completing High School After Enrolment, was "Just a quick question."


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I am finishing grade ten this year. I turn 17 in May. I have parental permission to join the regs after I finish Gr. 10, with the condition that I complete my High School Education through the military. Is this at all possible to finish grade 11, and 12 through the Army? Hope someone can help me  ???

Sorry I guess this is in the wrong forum...  :-[
Provided your recruiting process goes smoothly, as soon as you have completed your basic courses and enter your first unit, let your immediate supervisor know during your yearly interview that you wish to upgrade your education.That in itself will give you "bonus points" as the military loves it when people show their desire to improve themselves.You should then get an interview with the BPSO(base personel selection officer) who will help you achieve your goal through correspondance or in some cases half day or night school.All this will be paid for by the military either up front or reimbursement from receipts.Keep in mind though that your first year you will be expected to handle your military training as well as maintain atleast a passing grade on your education upgrade.
Thanks ShellDrake.
Just to clarify; When will I be given the classes, during BMQ, BMO, or SQ, or after I am assigned a unit?
Once you get to your unit after training.You will then be in a period where you may be offered supplimentary courses ie)driver wheeled,comms etc that will get you through till your cpl's and during that time you should have ample time to do your ed upgrade.Even if you were offered say a driver wheel course, if you tell your instructors what your doing they will be very accomodating to your needs(in most cases).
Sounds like it will be a lot harder to complete highschool in the Regs. Maybe you should just wait 2 years and go after highschool
I'm really up for the challenge. I have some time to think about it still though.
I agree with Docherty.  Join the Reserves if you are so keen and stay in High School and get it out of the way.  One will always find something better and more interesting to do than finish their education once they are out of school.
He he, I'd really like to join the reserves if it was nearer. I live in a small town (Fox Creek) I am over three hours away from the nearest Reserve Unit. I have to drive and hour and a half just to go to Cadets. I am definitely going to take time to think about everything.
Not sure if this applies to your situation,but when I posted to PRETC as a PAT,they offered a upgrade program right on base during the summer months.This wwas offered to anyone who wanted it and IIRC alot of people took advantage of that program.The teachers were all from the local high school,on contract to teach "summer school" and did the military schooling on the side.Usually you went to school 5 mornings a week,for 8 weeks.after that period,you wrote the GED and recieved your diploma.In the afternoon,you attended military training(compleate with PT),but were given time to study and do homework.
From what I've heard,Alot of the teachers enjoyed doing it as,the students they were teaching,were forced to be always on time,dutiful in thier studies,always had thier homework done and did'nt goof off in class!
Not sure if this is still offered at PRETC,and,if your trade choice is that which could end up in CFB Boredom.
If anything,this just shows you it is possible to do both.
PS-My inlaws used to live in Fox Creek!
Finish up high school through the civies... don't sign away your youth just yet =D
p_imbeault said:
Thanks ShellDrake.
Just to clarify; When will I be given the classes, during BMQ, BMO, or SQ, or after I am assigned a unit?


While there are proigrams in place to assist members with educational upgrading, there is NO guarantee that it will happen quickly. Firtly, this will not happen while you are doing your BMQ, SQ or MOC (Trade) training courses. Once you get to a unit, service requirements will always take priority, and if your unit is in a training cycle for an operational tour, it is very unlikely you will be afforded the time to work on educational upgrading instead of doing your primary duties. You will most likely be expected to work on your GED in your own time, and through local educational upgrade programs to finish High School, using the Personal Enhancement program (PEP) to pursue reimbursement.

PEP - http://www.dnd.ca/hr/cfpn/engraph/11_04/11_04_er_e.asp

ADM (HR-MIL) INSTRUCTION 17-04; EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE REGULAR FORCE  --  http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/er/engraph/policies/instr/17-04_e.asp

CANFORGEN 136/04 ADMHRMIL 067 021555Z NOV 04; CHANGES TO CF EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAMS  --  http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/er/engraph/policies/canforgen/136-04_e.asp

Do not plan to join the Regular Force on a promise to your parents that the service will see to your high school completion. The onus will be on you to do it, whether you complete high school before enrolment, or after. If you don't have the focus now for classes, how motivated will you be to study after a day's training, when your friends are heading downtown or elsewhere. My recommendation is to complete high school now, start your enrolment process during Grade 12, advising the recruiters that you will be ready for a BMQ start date after graduation.

Recently I have been thinking about going straight into the regs after high school but I also think that I should get a university degree. I was wondering if it is possible to get a university degree while serving in the Reg force?
Start with the links above:



2.  This instruction explains the education reimbursement (ER) program that provides financial assistance to Regular Force officers and NCMs who, through part-time study, wish to upgrade their educational or professional qualifications in the interests of the CF. Regular Force officers applying for either an initial baccalaureate or advanced degree part-time should also refer to ADM(HR-Mil) Instructions for those specific programs to determine which program best suits their career and education goals.
Finish your highschool first.  The extra few years will allow you to learn and mature and make your transition from kid life to Army life better.

Work on being a teenager and chasing tail or something - the Army isn't going anywhere; it'll still be there in 2 years for you to join.
Just a follow up if anyone is interested. I stayed in Highschool, I am graduating this summer quite possibly with honours. I am in the process of applying at the UofA BSc Forestry undergraduate program. I've remained keen on joining the military so while studying I plan on joining the Reserves. After I graduate if I still find the CF to my fancy I may apply as an Officer.

Thanks for the advice everyone  :)
Imbeault said:
Just a follow up if anyone is interested. I stayed in Highschool, I am graduating this summer quite possibly with honours. I am in the process of applying at the UofA BSc Forestry undergraduate program. I've remained keen on joining the military so while studying I plan on joining the Reserves. After I graduate if I still find the CF to my fancy I may apply as an Officer.
Thanks for the advice everyone  :)

Good choice, good for you. Congratulations and keep at it!  :salute:

If I may add on being in the forces and doing school. If you join the forces while you are going to a civilian University or College for that matter, the forces will pay for you to continue going to school and you will only have to train during the summer. Currently I'm ROTP at Queen's University doing a Civil engineering degree. There are just as many people in the military doing Civy U as there are at RMC.
I quit highschool and joined the regs...ended up having alot of information and advice thrown at me from MCpls in the classrooms and I did alot of thinking and left BMQ to graduate. I am now graduated and have an interview on the 29th of November. I wasn't aware that I could complete highschool while in the military though...things might have gone alot different if I had this knowledge.