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Closing threads..


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What is with the Hitler policy with threads closing in the middle of debates? I've come across many thread where I'd like to post something but some mod just comes along and closes it..  ???
You might want to change the fifth word in your post if you want to be taken seriously. ;)
P-Free said:
What is with the Hitler policy with threads closing in the middle of debates? I've come across many thread where I'd like to post something but some mod just comes along and closes it..   ???

Perhaps you should reread the Forum and Moderator Guidelines to see why...
P-Free said:
What is with the Hitler policy with threads closing in the middle of debates? I've come across many thread where I'd like to post something but some mod just comes along and closes it..   ???
Your question can only be answered on a thread by thread basis (as the reason for closing each thread is specific to the thread).  Which one's are you concerned with?
... and as always, if you have an issue with a closed thread, please email a moderator.
No.  If someone wants to raise a specific example, this would be an appropriate place to do it.  We don't lock threads just because we are bored with the topic.  We lock them when they become lost, get out of control, or otherwise violate forum guidelines in a way that cannot be turned around.
maybe you should add this to the rules of the board:

Godwin's law (also Godwin's rule of Nazi analogies) is an adage in Internet culture that was originated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states that:

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1 (i.e. certainty).

There is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made, the thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress.

Not to mention when a question has been done to death and someone decides to post it again because they're to lazy\ incompetent\  to much of a neophyte\ or didn't read the guidelines, type to do a "Search". It will get closed to preserve the original integrity of the info already posted, to ensure it doesn't get to spread out or misplaced. It also stops short tempered people from flaming the poster for his indiscretion and turning the thread to shyte.

;D I guess, according to Godwin, this one was over before it started ;)
recceguy said:
Not to mention when a question has been done to death and someone decides to post it again because they're to lazy\ incompetent\ to much of a neophyte\ or didn't read the guidelines, type to do a "Search".
Yes.  How could I forget this in my previous post.  This seems the most common reason for a lock.  The lock may or may not come with a link to the appropriate existing thread.
Sometimes, we get a flurry of "Reported Posts" - often, we can tell, based on the posters/topic/mood whatever, that the thread is heading south in a hurry, or will head south, given enough time. Generally, if someone e-mailed one of us and said "I had some things to add, would you mind if I started a new thread.."  we would be very cool with that...
Muskrat said it best.  We as moderators ensure that board members are behaving properly IAW the conduct guidelines.  When something is already out of hand, is soon going to be, a lock is placed.  Sometimes a lock is only temporary until opposing sides have had a chance to cool off.

If you have an inquiry as to why the thread was locked please don't hesitate to PM a moderator, preferably the one who locked the thread (We usually post saying its locked.).  But be polite about it.  If you PM us with something insulting and demanding to know why and insist we have a personal vendetta we won't take it too well.