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Civillians Wearing Kit

  • Thread starter Thread starter Murphy081
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Does anyone else get absolutly pissed off at hippies goin around wearing combat boots or combat shirts that they probably stole from their dad.

I saw one guy wearing a comabt shirt with permanent marker on the back saying "Drop Acid Not Bombs"

is there any way these ppl can be charged
Recently i‘ve been seeing a LOT of guys wearing CF combat jackets... but they can buy them at any surplus store, unfortunatly.
They‘re allowed to wear it if it does not display insignia.

I wore a battle dress jacket with WW II insignia with my civvies when I was in high school; pissed off some of the militia dudes something fierce. Wouldn‘t dream of doing it now, but kids are like that.

As for the older "hippie" types, I just laugh when I see them in garrison dress jackets - insignia and all. They only hurt themselves by dressing like clowns.

No, they can‘t be charged, unless they are wearing insignia as well, and it is current issue uniforms. Since the OD combats are on the way out, it may be a moot point.

Why worry about it, though - who would actually confuse them for people with a life and a job?
Oh, brother do I feel your pain! There is nothing more then I‘d like to do to those stupid...

Excuse me. Sorry about that.

Yeah, Murphy, I live in Toronto and that type of **** is rampant! RAMPANT!!! Just today I saw a guy wearing 1991 American Dessert Storm combat pants half way off his skinny *** like some bad *** Desert Storm motha trucka!

I also see allot of grunge wannabes wearing OD CF combat shirts, pants jackets you name it, all hard-core rocker style.

I think they‘re making some sort of rebellious statement...THEY‘RE RETARDED.

Sadly, nothing can be done as they are civilians and have every constitutional right to look stupid.
This has been an issue since the hippie was first created (spewed?) Funny how they hate war, armies but depend on surplus for their clothing!
I really don‘t care unless they are wearing insignia or medals. I had a few quiet conversations with young kids about the wearing of medals and a couple have taken them off when I explained that many people shed blood to earn those medals, some to me to **** off and some just kind looked at me in a daze.
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:
[qb] They‘re allowed to wear it if it does not display insignia.
No, they can‘t be charged, unless they are wearing insignia as well, and it is current issue uniforms.[/qb]
I seen a lady at my local Costco about a week ago. OD pants blosed (sp) into her boots and a CF garrison jacket with an insignia on it. Are you saying that if say, an MP seen her she could be charged? Being a civillian whose just a wanna-be and all?
I got a great idea Colin P! They could have their own medals!

I can see it now! :)

Me: â Å“Hey man where'd you get the medals!?â ?

Stupid hippie:" Ughhh this medal I got for goin to jail after I was caught with some pot and other drugs to â Å“expandâ ? my mind, ughhhh this one is for 12 years of unemployment and this one....ummmm ummmm I forget...(drools and stares directly at sun)"
I don‘t care just as long as there is no insignia still on the items...

I saw this kid at a local high school here in toronto wear full OD combats with 2Lt slip-ons... I wanted to kick this kid.

There was no way that this grade 9/10 kid was a 2Lt.


I reserve my wearing of militray type stuff to US surplus.

You know what... whatever... There are too many idiots running around TO with that stuff anyways, I could care less unless it affects me... I used to care a lot but I realized you can‘t win vs. the mass of idiots.
Originally posted by Pte.Nomercy:
[qb] I got a great idea Colin P! They could have their own medals!

I can see it now! :)

Me: â Å“Hey man where'd you get the medals!?â ?

Stupid hippie:" Ughhh this medal I got for goin to jail after I was caught with some pot and other drugs to â Å“expandâ ? my mind, ughhhh this one is for 12 years of unemployment and this one....ummmm ummmm I forget...(drools and stares directly at sun)" [/qb]
Originally posted by atticus:
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:
[qb] They‘re allowed to wear it if it does not display insignia.
No, they can‘t be charged, unless they are wearing insignia as well, and it is current issue uniforms.[/qb]
I seen a lady at my local Costco about a week ago. OD pants blosed (sp) into her boots and a CF garrison jacket with an insignia on it. Are you saying that if say, an MP seen her she could be charged? Being a civillian whose just a wanna-be and all? [/qb]
MPs have no jurdisdiction. She could be charged by the local police under the Criminal Code of Canada, if I recall correctly.

We had another thread just recently about "wannabes".

Most police will not bother, though, unless they are trying to pass themselves off as soldiers - just wearing a jacket with civvies isn‘t really that big a deal. If they are putting on full uniform and trying to get into the weapons lock up at the armoury, on the other hand...
Colin I could just see a whole new award system here.

Yah dude this one is the Special Squeegee medal awarded if you were beaten up and tossed out of Montreal and forced to immigrate to Toronto or Vancouver.

This one is for Welfare Fraud in Toronto
note the bars for each offence.

This is the meritorious medal for hanging around my parent‘s basement all day.

This is I participated in the (insert OCAP/NDP/Anti American/Anti NATO/Anti Iraq Anti whatever here)medal

Funny if it wasn‘t sad. Kind of like the old days in North Van eh.
I‘ve purchased old CF surplus -especially pants- for my volunteer job. The large pockets are great for stuffing my work gloves, wire cutters, screwdrivers, etc. into and the cloth is incredibly durable and comfortable.

I‘ve gone out the odd time in a rush still wearing old surplus pants, but I don‘t dress up in full combats or anything like that.

Squeegie medals.

I believe it was... um... Section 413 of the Canadian Criminal Code.. I‘m not sure. but it‘s in there.
Oh yes... There are those grunge rockers that feel the need to shame combat clothing...

...It‘s not like they mean it... They‘re just to secluded to understand...

Infact today I just saw a rocker wearing comabt pants, all ripped and such... I was so close to going off the deep end with the guy... But then I thought... I bet he does‘ent even know what combat pants are..
You‘re right.
No matter what, I still will not feel at ease with these individuals disgracing it.
its not a big problem, if they want to go out an wear old worn out Military clothing, let them, as long as medals an insignia arent worn
It‘s not really hurting anyone... it‘s quite clear that they‘re not soldiers, nor are they representing the military...

I used to wear a pair of surplus combat pants all the time before joining the military. Most comfortable pants I‘ve ever owned.

If the clothes weren‘t sold surplus, they‘d be destroyed. Any capital return would be lost... waste not want not. And to those of you that are cadets, remember, you wouldn‘t be able to buy the stuff to play with on field exs.
Originally posted by Just a Sig Op:
[qb] And to those of you that are cadets, remember, you wouldn‘t be able to buy the stuff to play with on field exs. [/qb]
good point

If you cadets are so against civvies wearing military uniforms, than you(cadets) shouldent be wearing uniforms either.
But when a cadet is on sanctioned cadet activities supervised by members of the CF technically they aren‘t civis or CF members. In many respects cadets aren‘t civis in some situations but yes, they are indeed not CF members.

I think it is very clear that everyone can say that it‘s up to the individual who is in the know about the uniform, IE a CF member to care.

Most will agree, too, that they wouldn‘t care just as long as there are no insignia or rank. Otherwise no impersonation of CF members.