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Chinese Army Modernization - Article

Yes the Naval War College Press serves the same function as Parameters.
The PLA has plenty of SSM's not sure how accurate they would be.
The PLAAF has ordered  8 IL-78 Midas aerial refuelers from Russia. The H6 tanker[12-20 ac] based on the TU-16 is the other tanker but it is inferior and the probe isnt compatible with the Su-30MKK. So if Taiwan could target these aircraft it would be a real blow to air superiority aims.

The PLA has a large special operations capability and could be expected to be used to prepare the way for any landing operation.
3rd Herd said:
Okay Army Matters,
I have been on bn ex's, regt ex's, brigade ex's and army ex's and for the most part either lugging the maps and radios, or driving the CO to various CP's and any other place that was of interest to him. Since then I have had the academic side as well, I still cannot judge with a hundred percent accuracy the capabilities of an entire combined arms operation.And yes I have had the CF course in judging and estimating an enemies capibilities This reminds me of a prof I had once his quote " well I saw an excesses once" my rebuttal was four photo albums. Two other students added in their photo albums it certainly changed the seminars in "The Making of a Modern Soldier". So again you do not have a clue about what you are talking about. Any other dino's feel free to add your thoughts...


I will add to 3rdHerd's coment by saying that naval exercises, not matter what country conducts them, are usualy carefuly scripted affairs. Soviet exercises were notorious for their repetion of a single plan.  It was the same over and over, no surprises , no requirement to adapt to changes.  I doubt that the Chinese are any different.  I have seen how things go wrong on exercises having just returned from a rather large  JTFEX is southern california and having done and even larger COMPTUEX last october with the USS Ronald Reagan carrier battle-group.  Fying overhead on an LRPA lets me see the bigger picture vice being locke dup below decks on a ship.  Things never work out as planned no matter how well scripted.  And in these cases we are talking about a long-standing, all volunteer, professional navy.  All you current education asside, i think you are overlooking the fog of war and realities in the field.  The chinese lack operational experience, their troops and equipment in alot of cases is of questionable quality and effectiveness and their ability to remain supplied with advanced weapons is also, IMHO, doubtful.  In all this i think you underestimate the US commitment to the asia-pacific region, especialy if the US disengages from Iraq.  The US has a long history of political and military backing of Taiwan as well as other nations in asia who fear too much Chinese influence in the region.

Now, you seem to have apointed yourself the expert of everything, thats all fine and dandy but one day you will discover that there is reality outside the books and websites you seem to have your nose buried into