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Changes, needed fixes in Cadets (merged)

Who do you think has the most influence on the major changes to cadets in the last few years?

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Originally posted by Franko:
[qb] Primer...good to hear. Glad to see there is some common sense in your corps! What corps is it? Where is it based out of?

Regards [/qb]
I am the TRG O of 2332 RC(ARMY)CC in Ottawa. we have 3 suppoet units
1. 28 Ottawa Svc Bn
2. 763 Comm Reg Ottawa
3. RCD From Petawawa
yes we have 4 cap badges in our unit
Sounds like a bit much to handle. What is the policy on dress and deportment like there? Must be hard to enforce it on a group of that size. How do you deal with the NCOs who don‘t listen? Judging by the size you can pretty much get rid of any trouble makers without it affecting numbers very much.

Shouldnt D&D be standard everywhere, Franko? I know we have some things we do that arent standard, like the cavalry halt and not putting that little dent-thingy in our berets (you know, behind the cap brass...Amd thing, methinks.) As for the enforcing, i do believe that‘s the NCO‘s job, right? Didnt we have that discussion in another thread about CIC officers who do the job of sr NCO‘s?
Yes we did and most of the CICs who do that are a lousy example themselves. How are the NCOs supposed to learn? The worst thing a young upcoming NCO being over shadowed by a CIC officer. Saw one once wearing not issued boots berateing a SSM, for not being turned out properly on a parade square in the middle of a parade practice! :rolleyes:

As for the calvary halt and the not putting the ____behind the badge, those are all linked to the Corps, a proud tradition that will continue as long as I‘m working with ANY armoured cadet corps!

Hm. The officer in question must be a textbook example of an overgrown cadet. Thats another ofr my pet peeves; people who criticise their troops in public.
So true so true....

Any comments?

Yes most of the stuff I mentioned was in Green star, and yes the NSCE seems to be getting easier, there are a lot of cadets passing who shouldn‘t be.
Originally posted by Franko:
[qb] Sounds like a bit much to handle. What is the policy on dress and deportment like there? Must be hard to enforce it on a group of that size. How do you deal with the NCOs who don‘t listen? Judging by the size you can pretty much get rid of any trouble makers without it affecting numbers very much.

Regards [/qb]
As the training Officer the learning curve was straight up. I run training like they do at Summer Camps. 160 plus cadets can be hard at times if they all show up. I have 3 Coys and a band.I have a Officer for each coy as the OC and a cadet MWO as the 2ic Plus I have the best NCM teck advisers in the system I might think. 4 PRes Cpls, one for each Coy, A Reg Force SGT and P-Res WO to help with Drill dress and deportment. I have 17 cadets writing NSCE this spring and all but one will pass but we are working on him to pass.On the Officer side we have an Adj to sort out any problem that they might have with Dress and deportment. Hes is a RTD RSM so they have no problems with him as he speeks concerning any short commings. No too the dress and deportment of my Cadets we use the same guidelines as the Military. I do not let my cadets wear their Combats as a parade uniform like some units in Ontario do. My SR cadets dont wear there combat boots as like the old garrison dress like a few Cadet Units in Ontario My cadets ware the ARMY CADET UNIFORM with there affilated Unit capt badge no more and no less. We as officers at my unit do not wear the Green Uniforms that are issued only on COs Parade. Some of my officers have been issued CADPAT myself inclueded but I still dont wear them on training night till all the officers have them we all should be the same..
A reg force SGT? What‘s his name..I might know him.

CADPAT has made it down to the CIC? There are still reg and res units waiting for it themselves...something doesn‘t sound right here.

Enlighten me please...been out of the loop for a few months.

Originally posted by Franko:
[qb] A reg force SGT? What‘s his name..I might know him.

CADPAT has made it down to the CIC? There are still reg and res units waiting for it themselves...something doesn‘t sound right here.

Enlighten me please...been out of the loop for a few months.

Regards [/qb]
Yes CADPAT has made its way down to the CIC. It really depends on your support base Clothing stores, some still have the OD green but most dont.On the Reg force SGT NO NAMES NO PACK DRILL

Trigger...It‘s good to hear the new kit is getting down to your corps.

On to another question I missed earlier...

Originally posted by McBear:
[qb] Shouldnt D&D be standard everywhere, Franko? [/qb]
Speaking of standards..

Well here‘s a good one for everyone to hear...

This is from eye witness reports and I believe them, so much so I have alluded this to other officers in the Regiment:

A CIC officer was caught in CFB Borden wearing an RCD hatbadge, black beret, and RCD slip ons. He was literally impersonating a Regular force officer and a Dragoon. I couldn‘t believe it when I heard this...who would be so BOLD and stupid to do something like that and think they would get away with it?

As soon as I find out who it was the name is going up to my CO and RSM. I‘m sure they would LOVE to meet the chap and have a few words...such as "CHARGE" and "GUILTY".

What an insult to my Regiment. What an insult to the CIC. He should be IMMEDIATLY kicked out. What kind of an example was he trying to set? None from what I can figure out, except how to get charged the hard way.

When I find out who he is it‘ll take an ARMY to stop me from bringing his name in.



BTW...if you are seeing this and it‘s YOU I‘m talking about...you best get out NOW and not waste the JAGs time on your case.
Is Borden an Army cadet camp?

As for this fella...grr. I know we cadets arent realy that big of a part of the regiment, but we still have tons of respect for them, and carry on their traditions. Also, being with a Hussars regiment, i especially dont like this whole imitating a "gentleman of the Armoured corps" idea. I mean, how unsatisfied with life does one have to be to do that? Sorry if im getting a little off topic, but really, ladies and gents, this is NOT a good example for the cadets. Did this person just want atention? Im sure that being handcuffed will satisfy that urge...grr.
Originally posted by Franko:
[qb] Trigger...It‘s good to hear the new kit is getting down to your corps.

On to another question I missed earlier...

Originally posted by McBear:
[qb] Shouldnt D&D be standard everywhere, Franko? [/qb]
Speaking of standards..

Well here‘s a good one for everyone to hear...

This is from eye witness reports and I believe them, so much so I have alluded this to other officers in the Regiment:

A CIC officer was caught in CFB Borden wearing an RCD hatbadge, black beret, and RCD slip ons. He was literally impersonating a Regular force officer and a Dragoon. I couldn‘t believe it when I heard this...who would be so BOLD and stupid to do something like that and think they would get away with it?

As soon as I find out who it was the name is going up to my CO and RSM. I‘m sure they would LOVE to meet the chap and have a few words...such as "CHARGE" and "GUILTY".

What an insult to my Regiment. What an insult to the CIC. He should be IMMEDIATLY kicked out. What kind of an example was he trying to set? None from what I can figure out, except how to get charged the hard way.

When I find out who he is it‘ll take an ARMY to stop me from bringing his name in.



BTW...if you are seeing this and it‘s YOU I‘m talking about...you best get out NOW and not waste the JAGs time on your case. [/qb]
May I ask did this happen at the Cadet Camp.I know of only one SHR Officer that was a RCD. He should have been wearing the RCD Badge NOT THE CIC that he was . You might know him they call him MICKEY last name SPLANE was releast from the Reg‘s as an LT but work as the Camp Adj as a Capt. He is a waste of RATIONS.....anyone that works at a Cadets Training Center for 2 years. Then Talks about the CIC to SR NCMs over a few dozen pops like he did should be taken out behind the Mod tents and talked too....
With all due respect, shouldnt we keep the public bashing of a CF officer, well, not public?
In fact, we should. Primer, you‘re an officer, you should know better.

Franko - CIC will only wear CIC badges, even if the cadets in his corps get to wear RCD as an affilated unit. It could be that they didn‘t know any better... hopefully the guy gets a copy of CFP 265 stuffed in his face, and corrected so he is setting a proper example.

Just a curious question, Primer - shouldn‘t you run LHQ training like an LHQ? And why do you wear your field combat clothing instead of your 3B/3C on a regular parade night? I know that in Alberta, a msg was sent to all Army units stating that there was no reason for Army CIC to wear combats on a regular basis to the unit... it‘s like the Navy wearing NCDs weekly.

Originally posted by Caz:
[qb] In fact, we should. Primer, you‘re an officer, you should know better.

Franko - CIC will only wear CIC badges, even if the cadets in his corps get to wear RCD as an affilated unit. It could be that they didn‘t know any better... hopefully the guy gets a copy of CFP 265 stuffed in his face, and corrected so he is setting a proper example.

Just a curious question, Primer - shouldn‘t you run LHQ training like an LHQ? And why do you wear your field combat clothing instead of your 3B/3C on a regular parade night? I know that in Alberta, a msg was sent to all Army units stating that there was no reason for Army CIC to wear combats on a regular basis to the unit... it‘s like the Navy wearing NCDs weekly.

-R. [/qb]
Good Question On LHQ I do it that way because I like it that way. Its still LHQ training but the structure is after the Summer camp. My Combats are work dress I have not seen that message that you are talking about yet..
good evening gentlemen, ex-cadet did para in 92 and have tons to say about the state of cadets today. . . .