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Change Occupation Choices ( merged )

Chad Mackinnon

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While I was at the recruiting center in Ottawa I couldnt help but notice that Armoured Soldiers was in "high demand". I am currently waiting for the call right now, but I was wondering if I could call them up and ask for a change in my occupation choice, my original was Infantry. Would this delay my enrolment process? Also since its in high demand would it increase my chances of getting enrolled? Thanks in advance for your answers :salute:
It depends, are you intent on changing occupations because you have a greater passion for armour, or simply because you believe it will lead you to be enrolled quicker? Do what makes you happy. If you do want to to go armoured for reasons other than speeding up the enrollment process then by all means do it! As far as I know both trades are in demand, so switching won't make much of a difference, but I'm a bit out of my lane here.
Why not call the recruiters and chat them up about it? They're the only ones who can actually help you with this, and give you real solid answers. (it's their job after all...)
i just completed my interview last week. The interviewer told me if I wanted to change my choices,  now would be the time.

*edited for grammar
thanks guys for the answers, I guess ill just go with my original occupation choice, If both are in demand than ill go where the army needs me most!!

Cheers to you all
          Check out the occupations now, and put in for your first choice the one you would prefer.  Its a lot harder to change AFTER you are enrolled.

            There are lots of spots for all Combat Arms occupations , so the Recruiting Centres normally go with your first choice.  This may vary between Recruiting Centres, and depending on your education and interests your Recruiter or interviewer may suggest you consider other jobs.

            There are a number of factors that may limit what occupations are available to you.  These include your medical, results of your CFAT, and for some occupations, your education.
Call in ASAP. When I mentioned a trades change from crewman to LCIS tech, they told me I'd have to get reinterviewed. They told me as well, if I put infantry as my 3rd choice, no matter what the others are, chances are, I'll get picked infantry. Whether or not it's true... it's what I was told.

Having said that, if you are 100% certain that armoured is what you want,put only armoured there. Whatever you want, either or, put that one down. My guess would be that changing from infantry to armoured wouldn't speed up the process. If anything it would probably slow it a little due to being merit listed again, etc. This IS going to be YOUR career though, so choose wisely. Messing with occupational transfers in the future could take some time and be more of a pain than calling up your CFRC and changing your choice to what you really wanted.
thanks guys for the answers, I guess ill just go with my original occupation choice, If both are in demand than ill go where the army needs me most!!

Cheers to you all

No, no, no, no....

First things first, who cares whats in high demand, in the end you have to ask yourself which job you would enjoy doing. Just because you wear a cadpat uniform doesn't mean you'll be automatically happy at the job you'll be doing. Personally their are plenty of jobs that I would hate doing in the CF, and if I was ever forced to do them for a few years I would probably release.

Second, speaking from my own experience, I too decided to go with a high demand job simply because I wanted to get enrolled and I thought I'd enjoy it, it was a huge mistake and showed a lack of maturity. In fact the job that I'd enjoy doing in the CF requires around 6 to 7 years of post secondary which I could have been focusing on instead.

Third, I've known plenty of people who made the same mistake, and are now dissapointed with the choices they made. I think that while the CF can be a great job, it can be a terrible job if your not doing a job you truly do enjoy.

Fourth, what's the rush, I'm sure that their will be plenty of jobs available in the CF for years.

Fifth, its admirable to be talking about how you'll go where the army needs you before you're even in the CF, but in the end it won't do the CF any good. What we need is people going into occupations they truly want to do, not people who are simply willing to fill a billet. Find an occupation you really want to do, and put that down, if you can't find anything else that you'd think you would enjoy don't put anything else down. So if you want to become an LCIS Tech, and that's where your heart lies, only put down LCIS and nothing else.

Sigs Guy: Well said!

To the rest of you who are going through this "phenomena" do what the man said. Put down what YOU WANT to do, sure it might take a few weeks or a month or two extra or not even, but at least you will be where you want to be.

Also I find that people know too little in the jobs they actually are interested in. The best thing I can say is avoid asking a recruiter what a job is like if he is not that trade himself. He can tell you what you already know and see on videos and texts but will never be able to answer what it really is like and what to expect.

A few examples of this my first time around the system... I joined the Armoured Corps as a crewman, thinking I was going to get a chance on tanks, be posted to Valcartier because I was from Quebec myself etc etc. Turned out when I made it through all my training, tanks were being phased out never to return (this is changing now as the situation changes in Afghanistan, but a few years ago was were we stood on tanks) so I was sent to a Coyote troop in Petawawa Ontario, RCD. I fully enjoyed my years with what I did with even a tour in Afghanistan in 3 years active service but things have a way to change rapidly in the CF.

So keep and open mind, because in the end your trade is the only thing you get to decide when you begin. So choose it well! Speak to those who actually are in the trade (try reg force tradesman if you are going reg, and res. if you are going res. because their jobs might be totally different even if they have the same MOC #).

Cheers and good luck all!
Hello Everyone!

Need some help again.  So I have been Merit listed as AEC for a couple of months now, and am having some reservations.  I would like to change to Pilot but am not sure how this will reflect on me?  Has anyone else here changed their occupations once in the recruiting process?  
Also as an officer is it easy to do an occupation transfer later on?

Thanks for your help
Hello Everyone!

Need some help again.  So I have been Merit listed as AEC for a couple of months now, and am having some reservations.  I would like to change to Pilot but am not sure how this will reflect on me?  Has anyone else here changed their occupations once in the recruiting process? 
Also as an officer is it easy to do an occupation transfer later on?

Thanks for your help
And this burning question required two posts?  Go to your CFRC/D and tell them you now want to be processed for pilot, simple as that.
If I posted it twice, it is just an honest mistake.  Sometimes these things happen.
They will respect whatever decision you've made, and it's better to try now to see what your standing is than to just let it slide.

Since your merit listed it's no biggy, it'd become a issue if you actually were in BMQ then wanted to see the career counsellor about it.

I had my interview and am awaiting basic training (well, have the medical to do, seems to be an afterthought of the CFRC as they had given me a pass not the 2 weeks before). I called them up and told them before I made a huge mistake I wanted the original trade choice from my list. BAM, they changed it , set up a interview (short one, unlike the 1st interview) and I'll be ready to go.

The Forces would rather have you pick the right trade from the start than remuster while in there because it leaves that training spot open for someone else.
Since your merit listed it's no biggy, it'd become a issue if you actually were in BMQ then wanted to see the career counsellor about it.
He's AEC. He'd be on BMOQ, not BMQ.

The Forces would rather have you pick the right trade from the start than remuster while in there because it leaves that training spot open for someone else.
True. We've got a good discussion thread on that at the moment: http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/69216.0.html
You can ask to change.  However, getting in as pilot is very difficult, as there are very limited training vacancies for pilot, and many, many applicants.  Unless you have something special to bring to the table the CFRC may not be able to consider you for pilot.

When you are enrolled there will be a series of statements you will be signing, including one that says that the Recruiters have not offered you any other occupation.  It is difficult to change occupations after you join.
Neilio said:
I would like to change to Pilot

    You might as well try. You don't wanna be kicking yourself 5 years from now for not going after what you want.
So here is my problem... I've just graduated IAP and am starting up BOTP in a few days. So far I love it all. However, it's become more and more obvious that my trade choice (armour) is not really for me. I want to get out of the combat arms and get into pilot, air nav, or ATC. I've been talking to everyone I can corner with a little experience and so far it seems like the only real option for me is to VR and reapply civi-side (which I would really rather not do, seeing as how it would mean resigning a commission if I finish my BOTP first). Does anyone have any experience/suggestions to offer? Thanks for any help.
Jane~Doe said:
So here is my problem... I've just graduated IAP and am starting up BOTP in a few days. So far I love it all. However, it's become more and more obvious that my trade choice (armour) is not really for me. I want to get out of the combat arms and get into pilot, air nav, or ATC. I've been talking to everyone I can corner with a little experience and so far it seems like the only real option for me is to VR and re-apply civi-side (which I would really rather not do, seeing as how it would mean resigning a commission if I finish my BOTP first). Does anyone have any experience/suggestions to offer? Thanks for any help. I love the forces and I know I belong here, just not in the combat arms.

What's wrong with armour?
You can apply for a Voluntary Occupational Reassignment (VOR).  I have seen many ROTP types apply and get it... not too sure about DEOs.  Getting out and getting back in would make your life unnecessarily complicated IMO.