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CFRC Organization


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Pure curiosity's sake,  what is the standard setup of a full-fledged CFRC?

I'm a bit more curious about the actual roles orientated towards Recruits....  example:  There are quite a few different ranks who answer questions for off-the-streeters, then there are file managers, and then other staff Im sure...  Does everyone do a bit of everything, or is each a distinct role?
There are 10 CFRC's across Canada and I think most are set up differently according to their locations and staff resources.

For the most part the staff are broken down into generic groups.

Recruiters are usually Sgts who travel around to schools etc. and spread the word about the Forces. They make presentations and often work the reception desk at the centre.

Military Career Counsellors are the usually officers (Capt's ,Lt's and some qualified Sgts) who do the selection interview and provide feedback on test results (CFAT) and counsel on career choices. They are usually are in the office all the time and also provide info / work at the reception area.

File Managers are clerks usually Cpls but sometime civilians who do as their jobs says, manage the files to make sure that all the required documents are filled out and log entries are made. They are the horsepower that keeps the system moving along.

There are Medical staff to do the medical interview.

Also in the background are HQ staff to support the centre and it's detachments.

All the staff provide as much info as they can and should send applicants to the best person to answer their question. One caveat is that recruiting is changing all the time and some information may be accurate when given but change later. We try to stay informed about the latest changes but aren't always successful. 

Of note we refer to people as prospects (no application submitted yet) or applicants. They do not become recruits until they are enrolled.
Thanks for the info, exactly what I was looking for.

Is/was MCC an actual career/trade choice for officer once upon a time?
I don't think MCC was ever a standalone career choice. They currently come from all backgrounds and could be Reg F or P Res. For a Reg F MCC it's usually a three year tour as an MCC and back into the normal stream. 
What about the Sgts that travel around to schools, make presentations etc... are they usually drawn from particular trades?
Only from my experience of working at one CFRC for 4 years: recruiters are USUALLY from 'hard environmental trades; eg - infantry from the army; ASN for air force; stoker from the navy.
From my understanding, the Regular Force positions are assigned to specific occupations. There are a wide variety of occupations represented in both CFRCs and Detachments. As Meridian stated, MCC and Recruiter are not  stand alone occupations. People are essentially "loaned" to Recruiting. In some instances, you have recruiters who hold two qualifications - recruiter and MCC; they are known as MCCR or MCC/R.