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CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

If a post of your's disappears, it's probably because you did not add to the actual discussion.  I reiterate:

Michael O'Leary said:
OK folks, that's enough posts criticizing the woman.  For this thread to continue in any worthwhile manner, keep the posts on the topic of the context of the issue, not on what you think her personal problems might be or what she "deserves" to get for them.

Army.ca Staff
I think a Mod should lock this up for OPSEC reasons.  Names and places.
As for her, well , our grandfather shed blood on foreign soil so she can spout off.
Regards, BYTD 
BYT Driver said:
I think a Mod should lock this up for OPSEC reasons.  Names and places.
As for her, well , our grandfather shed blood on foreign soil so she can spout off.
Regards, BYTD 

Do you mean the names and places that are in the publically released news story?
Yes, I feel there is no need to perpetuate it.
There's a lot of posts against "her" personally and not much about what she's on about.
There is absolutely nothing in this thread that presents an operational security risk.
BYT Driver said:
There's a lot of posts against "her" personally and not much about what she's on about.
This is another issue & you will note that the mods have been engaged for a while in directing posters stop the ad hominem.
3rd Herd said:
Occasionally we wander over into the cadets thread, more than often we are asked to leave after all it is their thread
Hey you guys are always welcome over there, just don't forget to bring a sense of good humour :warstory:
Being from a rural Corps (Mayerthorpe) I know the kids love to meet and see what the reg force guys do (for us its the Strats) even if its only once or twice a year.

Edited for spelling, I guess us rural kids cant spell worth a dime either  ;)
moms are moms
and my mom taught me the rules..
please read attachment,,,
to those who have served past,present and future  :salute:
 :cdnsalute: we earned you those rights  :cdnsalute:
disrespect me again  :threat:                    
                                                  scoty out
                          a proud canadian  :cdn:
I have seen many post stating the valley was a liberal controlled area, I disagree what is however a very liberal and because I cannot fine a better word "Hippie" area is the town of Wolfville. Though Acadia tries to bill itself as a tech university ( a la Acadia Adavantage program) it is very much controlled by the Art's majority. This is a town were I was seriously referred to as a baby killer (it's kinda funny now honestly) I find that only in the town of Wolfville is there any anti Military sentiment and that sentiment is by and large is prevalent (not everyone but most of the prof's and just about any arts student I have met save 2). I will find myself in the Valley shortly and since I now many people in that area and in Wolfville itself I may just try and meet this mother face to face to hear her argument from her own lips.

milnewstbay said:
Bit rusty, but aren't the aims of the Cadet movement:
to promote leadership, good citizenship and physical fitness, as well as an interest in Canada's military?

I've been lucky enough to sit on interview boards choosing cadets for senior, advanced courses (like learning to fly, senior leadership, international exchange), and the young people I see are enthusiastic, keen, well spoken and polite (even the sponsoring board members like bringing them to public events as shining ambassadors for the movement). 

Yes, there are a percentage that go into the military down the road, but even the ones who don't become good workers, good citizens and good Canadians - as the comedian once said, is that so wrong?

Bingo. To stimulate an interest in said (air, army, naval) element of the Canadian Forces.

As has been said, leadership is a very important part of cadets. In air cadets, you start learning about the theoretical parts of leadership in your second year. There are 2 courses in air cadets dedicated 100% to making leaders (one is 3 weeks the other is 6 weeks).

I have never been told "You must join the military after cadets". They encourage it, but they always leave the option of a successful civilian career when ever they speak about our future.
I don't think we can definitively say that this theory is wrong, perhaps we have all been brainwashed and don't know it.

Take my story for example. I joined Navy League Cadets at age 10, went on to Sea Cadets, and now I'm in the forces.

This phenomenon is not limited to cadets/reserves/military. Many of my civy buddies sure have been brainwashed too. INCO brainwashed one poor fellow, and now they've got him working underground. The bar association got another friend of mine, and she's at law school right now. Oh, yet another was in the band from a young age, he is right screwed up... poor sucker is a musical instrument repair man now. Still others were forced to go to school, and now they are well on their way to becoming teachers.  :o
Opinions are like arseholes and she has hers, but the media will run with this no doubt, as what I have said in the past, at times they are our worst enemy.

Her points are both meaningless and baseless, but the bleeding heart lefty snivel libertarians will listen, that we know.

In the short term this news will QUICKLY be forgotten, but with all thats going on these days, personally I think she has a hidden agenda, that sticks out like dogs bullocks.

Another classic example why some animals in the wild eat their young.

Thanks for your support Ma'am - NOT!  ::)

I just go WTF. If that kind of STUPID recruiting ad on TV counts as brainwashing, your brain must of been pretty empty to start with. For that matter, I barley consider even soviet propaganda(I really only consider the wwII and the 1950's stuff to be so) to be brainwash, never mind the very little, discreet, and countered by the media advertising that our forces do.
Seems to me driving a car is critical thinking,and that`s at sixteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where is critical thinking on her part? Would she blame McDonalds in the same breath for seducing today's youth with the 'I'm Lovin It" campaign, turning them all into walking health problems? Please. All advertisement and marketing is based off awareness of a product and disposition to buy or use it over another product, not on mind control. Other than that the young seduce themselves.

Limey said:
When I first read the article I wondered if Hill-Lehr's position of being a Canadian military mom was being taken advantage of by anti-war advocates. I googled her and found this video of her on youtube:


She is clearly an ardent anti-war activist, not just worried mother, and speaks her point of view quite eloquently. The video opens with text describing her as a mother of a soldier in Afghanistan, and ends with the webpage of the anti-war group www.resisters.ca.

I've seen this before and watching it again I don't doubt she is an anti-war activist, but I would question why and the integrity behind why. It seems as a 'Mom With Son in Afghanistan" she is fearful of losing a loved one. Fair enough. But then she rattles on about imperialist, 'corporatist' and every other protestor-ism and I have to think its all just conjecture made to make her look like something she isn't - a genuine anti-war activist over what she is - a genuinely concerned mother. Maybe I'm wrong but from what I've read and seen of her it appears she is concerned with family, and her son is concerned with families.

Reverting to brainwashed mode.
Seeing as how you have to be 18 to join as an adult and if you join the PRes and are under 18 you need your parent's/guardian's signature (at least I did joining the PRes at 17) then if she had a problem with it she shouldn't have given her consent for him to join. And if he did join after he was 18 - the government considers him and adult and it was his choice. If he didn't join for the right reasons or didn't volunteer for duty for the mission due to the right reasons that has nothing to due with the argument that they should be 18 +. It comes down to a personal choice, and I'm sure you go though a fine tooth comb screening before they say you've been approved and get all the training before deployment.

Maybe now that we are deploying young people that she never thought about her son volunteering for duty like this when he first joined she is changing her mind/opinion???

And one person is mature at 17 - 18 when others aren't...don't think you can argue that all 18 year olds aren't mature enough to make this type of choice etc.

My thoughts...

Her son is 23.  He could have been in for 5 years without her consent.

And to be frank, I wouldn't call the DAG process a 'fine tooth comb screening' as you referred to it.
Well, here I am volunteering to be the poster boy for this lady and her friends.

See, I never did Cadets. Thought it was "too army" and waaay to regimented to be interesting. I was in Scouting since I was 5 (Sharing, Sharing, Sharing!) and continued until I was 19 (never got my Queen Venturer, not enough hours somehow). I volunteered in my community, helped old people and did untold hours of charity work AND worked in my high school library during the summer (yes, I am that big of a geek).

I guess I will wait to tell them about my 14 years in (and still counting), my tours, my disaster relief efforts (here and away) and my future plans (which involve a great deal of sand and dust, I am told).

To say that the Cadet movement automatically leads to the military and the Scouting movement leads to working for OXFAM is just plain silly. We even started a scout troop in Kosovo and got it approved by Scouts Canada for Pete's Sake!

Oh, and my Mom (from the Stewiacke Valley) does not like this Mom (from the Annapolis Valley). When she is mentioned, Wookilar's Mom all of a sudden does not say anything. My Mom always says, "When you can't say something nice about someone......."

You know the rest.

And to add to your post Woolikar,

I'm someone who DID do the cadet thing for 6 years. I've also been doing the Scout Leader thing for 12 years.

and I too, like your mother, ...shudder and cringe.

But as someone who has done them both, let me assure you that volunteer work (such as that you mention) is also a huge part of the cadet movement, always has been, always will be.

One hour a week? My butt. But you know that already!!  ;)

Nobody forced me to join, hell I didn't even know we had a Navy when I signed up.
I wanted to work on Gas Turbines and then spent almost 10 years on "O" boats fixing diesels, before
I even seen an GT.
The only brainwashing I have ever experienced was when I was taught how to snort Tequilla by a bunch
of Brit Submariners, washed my brain pan out really good.
