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CF recruiting and qualification standards/process

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Hello guys,

I want to first say that being part of the military has been my passion and my dream for a long time now.  My passion for this career is to a point that when someone asks "what do you like so much about the military" I have trouble answering them.  Meaning that I can't pick out one or two things about the military that I like, but the entire idea, the concept, and the studies about the military as a whole is something that I adore and find extremely fascinating.

Anyways, to my original questions.  I got two:

First is regarding the Aptitude test.  I took this test around May of last year, and at first I thought the results were alright.  The captain told me that I needed at least a 37 to qualify and I got 45.  However, apparently from January 2014 on, the qualifications have changed a little bit and they separated the the test into two qualification.
1) verbal/English
2) IP(?)

For the Verbal I got 9/12 which I think is pretty good, but apparently my IP score was only average... by the way what is the IP?  On my test there were three sections: verbal, spatial, and problem solving.  I remember that I got 25/30 for my problem solving, but I don't know about the spatial. Anyways, my recruiter said that my IP test is not competitive for the July selection and I may have better luck in the November selection...(?)
The thing is.. I've waited for so long to get into the military.  I applied January last year originally for ROTP, didn't get that because it was full.  I then did reserves since I was attending university at that time, but because of my VISION I didn't qualify for Infantry officer.  Got LASIK two months later, waited 6 months, went through some other bureaucratic delays, and finally when everything seemed to be going well, the recruiter told me that my IP was only average.  I really want to get into the July selection and i will try everything I can to get it.  I should have an interview scheduled soon so my question is: How much does the interview matter compared to the IP? I am pretty confident that I can do well on the interview because I've done it before and I'm confident that I can convey my passion about the military towards the recruiting captain.

Second, lets say that my verbal is good, interview good, but IP average... Would I still be able to get in to the CF? I mean I guess its not like I did bad for my IP (which I still don't quite know what it is) and if I can make it up by doing extra well on the interview I still have a change right? I know its quite competitive but I just really want to get in, and I will not stop until I do.  Another question is, is there a set date for BMOQ? I checked it online but doesn't seem like they had a set date. 

Thanks guys


Hi, so after additional research I found out this was the personality test.  Apparently I got like 30.6 on the test... and I've read that it was a questionnaire of 60 questions regarding your personality.  So apparently I scored an average score on this personality test, which I am a bit confused. Like what are the standards/requirements that this test is based on? I am also a bit confused how this personality test can be scored... and how it determines my personality that will fit in for the requirements of being an infantry officer.  Lastly, how relatively significant is this test in regards to my suitability as an infantry officer? I did well on my aptitude and I hope to do even better on my interview.
Hi I should've been more clear.  I am doing DEO now since I have graduated from my school
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