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CF Humour: BEWARE!


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I chuckled at a couple of these.. Hoefully they haven't all been seen.





All that needs to be said about these is......NICE!!  :P

Oh Canada!  :cdn:
Personally I find it distasteful that you guys find aircraft and vehicle accidents amusing when personnel have been injured. Wake up!
Have you heard this one :

Canada's air force, proudly replacing the sea king since 1973 !
Ex-Dragoon said:
Personally I find it distasteful that you guys find aircraft and vehicle accidents amusing when personnel have been injured. Wake up!

I'd say it's more a chuckle at "mistakes" our government has made in the past...such as the situation of aircraft replacement.

I did feel uncertain about posting the flipped AFV picture that was up earlier..and did recieve a PM about it, and did take it down.
That Seathing on the back of HMCS Frazer...was anyone hurt in that crash?
"I did feel uncertain about posting the flipped AFV picture that was up earlier..and did receive a PM about it, and did take it down."


We see pictures of Hill 70, Vimy Ridge, Corianno Ridge and Dieppe whenever we open a history book.   We see pictures of crashed planes, trains and automobiles all over.   How about German FW-190 gun camera footage of a B-17 coming apart in mid-air?   The shuttle explosion?  

We are trying to insulate ourselves from reality.   I don't find those photos offensive.   I find them educational. I find easily disturbed people offensive, and a disgrace to the Canadian profession of arms.

We are trying to insulate ourselves from reality.  I don't find those photos offensive.  I find them educational. I find easily disturbed people offensive, and a disgrace to the Canadian proffession of arms.

And this is also a site where we have childen coming in. If trhere is a hint that someone was killed or seriously injured we must balance that out as well. If you don't like it tough.

And these 'children' who - I am assuming - are old enough to be surfing the net without parental supervision, are not already considered mature enough to watch the national and local news on TV, read Canadian Miliary history, watch documentaries on the history channel and buy the National Post every day and The Economist weekly?

Or is this part of that nanny state mentality that says we are all 'Children' until we are old enough to vote - notwithstanding the age of sexual consent is what, fifteen? - and all of those dead gangsters littering Surrey, Mill Woods and the Jane and Finch corridor projects are 'children killed by guns'?


What sites children surf to or what they watch on TV the Staff here has no control over. However, the Staff does have control on what is posted here and there are some people that might find it distasteful to see AFVs, ships, aircraft or locations that friends or family members were killed or seriously injured in.
I understand the concept.  But how far do we go with this?  Do we ban photos of military battlefields and cemeteries?  Or do we put it through the newspaper test?  If the Daily Blah prints it - so can we?
Tom, I know what you are saying but I am sure we would get a backlash from some members if we put up pictures ofTarnac Farm or to another extreme if we allowed links to the infamous beheading videos. There is no real middle ground we have to administer the site in the interest of all. If people feel the need to look at blood and gore, they can go elsewhere. If people want to look at crashed aircraft, vehicles, or ships and attribute it to humour, those are the people I wonder about.
I get it, finally.

"If people want to look at crashed aircraft, vehicles, or ships and attribute it to humour, those are the people I wonder about."

True.    Photos contributing to safety lessons learned are constructive, but open to mis-interpretation by the toothless goon element.  Moderating that would be a full time effort. 

Actual Army gallows humour on a public site tends to be mis-construed by those unfamiliar with or poorly inculcated in our military sub-culture. 


Plain and simple -- I posted a pic of a flipped AFV, I did contemplate on whether to post it or not, and didn't end up taking the link off. I then receieved a PM about someone asking me to take it down. I respect that, so I did take the link off.

I give up on humour.
My grandfather was killed in a helicopter accident when he was in the military.. When I saw the picture of the seaking on its side I didn't recoile in horror thinking that its some horrible offensive thing.. and children will see worse things then that picture at school, in text books and even walking down the street. Accidents happen in life and everyone knows that, there is nothing wrong with accepting what you cant change and trying to make light of some difficult situations.
Well yea.. I can't speak for everyone else..but I don't actually laugh at the fact that the sea king is demolished, and that people probably, or could have gotten hurt..it's a laugh at our governments decisions in the past. (I think I said that already)
But about that second picture.. Falling objects seriously injure countless people each and every year..    :P
TCBF said:
Actual Army gallows humour on a public site tends to be mis-construed by those unfamiliar with or poorly inculcated in our military sub-culture.  

March the guilty bastard in!