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CBC's Heather Mallick shows her True Form


Army.ca Veteran
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An over the top - even for the Communist Broadcorping Castration - piece of dirt:


Jonathan Kay's response:


Greta van Susterin calls Mallick a "pig":


Wow!  I have only read the Mallick article and the monitor is still smoking.  She raised my eyebrows with that article.  I don't think I have ever read an article by a Canadian author with so much venom in it.  I could never be a journalist since I could only be that angry about so few people.  Chretien comes to mind.  I love politics and I usually pick a side but I never feel that much anger about anything, especially not to want to publish it for the world to see.
Good to see we have our share of Ann Coulters....
Seems to be trying to imitate the "stream of stupidity" writting style of Maureen Dowd. Lot quicker for her to write whatever crap pops in her head instead of doing actual journalism. The construct an argument/viewpoint, research facts to support it and write with a reasoned measured approach style of doing editorials and opinion pieces is just too much work for her.
OWDU's view from outside the box:

She even made the news here in Australia, and quite frankly is not only a Canadian national embarassment, but an overall international disgrace.

Glad to see the CBC in all its glory.

Lorne Green and other famous CBC reporters of the War Years would roll over in their graves if they knew of such unethical behaviour.

PIG is too kind of a word for such gutter trash.

Shame on the CBC.



She calls her a pig twice!





I could not believe my eyes when I read that trash.  In my mind, it is the equivalent of any piece that would call Obama supporters a bunch of "Boyz from da' Hood", or make reference to his ethnic heritage.  In other words, racist and disgusting.  Fire.  Her.  Now.

Wow...just...wow...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was that?  I've read a lot of stuff by columnists that I don't agree with, and think is completely out to lunch, but this was nothing by pure prejudiced venomous bile hatred.  I've seen a lot of crap on CBC, but THIS takes the cake.  Wow.

While I believe in freedom of speech, that does not mean that MY TAX DOLLARS should support her to spew such crap.
Hmmm, so much for MSM being unbiased towards the subject they are reporting on.
Another reason why I do not subscribe, watch, listen to, read anything with the CBC logo on it.

"While I believe in freedom of speech, that does not mean that MY TAX DOLLARS should support her to spew such crap."
If we "pay" her salary, does that mean we can fire her  ???
My two cents worth.
Fox(trot) Uniform Charlie Kilo.

She has got to be the rudest, crassest and venomous little excuse-for-a-reporter that I've read in some time.

This is intriguing from her column:

But do they not know that women I have been trained to resent other women Americans and that they I only learn to suppress this by constantly berating themselves and reading writing columns like this one? I'm a feminist who understands that women (like me) can nurse terrible and delicate woman American hatred.

Fuck, you don't say? Terrible and delicate!!?? <---- I feel the "C" word about to erupt from my mouth and I save it for those who truely deserve it.

This is one of those times. Best to throw the rock back over the entrance to the to the little burrow she slithered out of. And be careful too - that's a highly poisonous pen she seems to be weilding when writing her little-preteen girlish Diary entiries that the CBC is happily publishing for her.

Fire. Her. Now.
Hear hear! My tax dollars should only go towards supporting opinions I share...
Ralph said:
Hear hear! My tax dollars should only go towards supporting opinions I share...

Now, I don't agree with that statement at all.

But do you remember the time when reporters were supposed to report the facts and keep their bias' OUT of the reporting? I do.

Surely (I voted Liberal 2 elections ago BTW), Canadian tax dollars aren't supposed to go towards supporting what is clearly becomming the Liberal Party's Cheerleading Broadcasting Consortium do they?

Didn't the Conservatives just get raided for some kind of "trick" with money like that?
ArmyVern said:
Now, I don't agree with that statement at all.

But do you remember the time when reporters were supposed to report the facts and keep their bias' OUT of the reporting? I do.

Surely (I voted Liberal 2 elections ago BTW), Canadian tax dollars aren't supposed to go towards supporting what is clearly becomming the Liberal Party's Cheerleading Broadcasting Consortium do they?

Didn't the Conservatives just get raided for some kind of "trick" with money like that?

This isn't a story it's an opinion column. Although it is definitely over the top with it's hate and sweeping judgements. People are allowed to disagree in this country and the US.

Much like Anne Coulter isn't a journalist, neither is this column a factual news story.
She's redundant (and poorly at that), CBC already had Rick Mercer's Report.
The Cheez has it exactly right.  This isn't reporting, it's commentary, and there's an enormous difference.  I don't find people here slagging the CBC when there are comments they agree with.  

Personally, I find the US reaction as offensive and over the top as the original CBC piece.  The Fox News page is filled with hate-mongering towards Canada, based entirely on one commentator's rather poor column.  I didn't see posters on this forum rise up in righteous indignation when Pat Buchanan referred to Canada as "Soviet Canuckistan", spread lies about Sept 11th, etc.  Try this one out for size:

[Canadians] better hope the United States does not roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.

Ann Coulter on Fox News, 30 Nov 04

Tempest in a teapot...

Actually, this commentary isn't so much anti-American (it is that) but really the biases shared by a fairly large number of people based out of the large cities of the US east & west coasts, central Canada and Vancouver towards those in rural, industrial - agricultural areas.  Substitute "Alaska" for "Alberta" and "Republican" for "Conservative" and it could be an editorial from the Toronto Star.  It overweens with cultural pretensions, elitism and patronizing ie "you people in the hinterlands don't know what is good for you, we do - so we will take the money you produce from your natural resources and labour and tell you how to spend it - in the meantime we reserve the right to talk down to you, make fun of your values and your demands for a say in how to spend it."
Nothing but garbage... fire her.There are lots of people out there who can do a fair and honest job at reporting. :cdn:
Exactly - and well said, Greentoblue.  Mallick displays an attitude that is shared by many Canadians, unfortunately.  It's the same mentality that paints Afghanistan as "Bush's War" and that seems to take particular glee in US mis-steps.  However, it is commentary after all, and commentary is designed to stir strong emotions and to provoke a reaction.  She's certainly succeeded in doing that and what she's said is hardly worse that what is sometime spouted by the US right-wing.

Fire her?  Get serious.  Why?  For having an opinion and for getting paid to share it?