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CAP 2010


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Hello all,

Great forum, and tons of help. As a newbie in the midsts of Res BMQ, the amount of info and helpful stuff I've found here has been invaluable.

I came across an old thread on CAP, with the latest post being December 09, but figured I should post new, in case a new post in an old thread was missed...

I'm waiting to find out when I'll be loaded on to CAP. I guess some info to start...BMQ 1003, with the PEIR (RCAC), Officer Cadet. So, CAP at Gagetown, right? Thing is, BMQ grad is 6 May, and I really need to know when I'm going to be headed to CAP. I know things change with dates and so on (Christ, I work for the Fed Gov, not that much different from CF with that kind of stuff), but I do need to put in my leave request asap. My Course Warrant hasn't received any info, and I need to tell my civvie supervisor something, before I am seriously SOL about summer leave requests.

I intend to do the entire 5 mods in one shot (baring injury, etc.), so no worries about that (see, knowledge acquired from reading previous posts...didn't know the mods could be done separately otherwise).

Also, there appears to be confusion as to the title of the course, CAP, BMOQ-L, etc....wtf is up with that?

Many thanks!


I'm also going on CAP this summer (Which is what I was told it was call) I wasn't given a location  for the course. I spoken to the officers in my home unit about getting loaded onto course. They are the ones that I've been dealing with for dates not my course Warrant. I'm headed on BOTP for the last two weeks of May then I'm off to CAP from the 7 Jun till the 18 Aug. Now I haven't gotten my actual travel orders but those were the dates that I was given for CAP. I know there are another set of dates I can't remember the start date but it ends on the 24 Aug. I'm not sure how much that will help because they were the dates I got but I can tell you that my home unit officers were who I dealt with for it.
Hey ESao,

Ditto on being told what it was called. What's your Regiment? Are you in the Maritimes? If so, my uneducated newbie guess is Gagetown. Aldershot at a stretch. I was dealing with my Course Warrant (through the CoC of course) because I'm on BMQ, and I figured that was the way to go. Plus, my unit CO told me to, pretty much.

Well, you're further along than I am, at least. I've asked a Major in my unit, whom I also happen to work with in civvie life, for help, and he's doing what he can.


It is not called CAP (Common Army Phase) anymore.

It is now BMOQ-L (Basic Military Officer Qualification - Land).

I was a course officer for the last serial in the fall, PM me with a list of questions.

I can only speak for the content of the course, not whether or not you personally will be loaded on it.  The Infantry School is running seven (!) summer serials though, which is a record.

Go through the clerks at your Reserve unit, they will be in contact with the Operations staff of your unit and the Inf Sch and be able to find out if you have been course loaded or not.
Thanks for the offer, Petamocto, I will indeed take you up on it.

I'd heard, too, about the course name change, but CAP still appears to be the name most commonly used. I appreciate the clarification.

I spoke to the Major I mentioned earlier, and he's been told I won't be loaded until I successfully complete BMQ...which, at this point, isn't in doubt, unless I do a major face plant in the remaining four weeks.

I'll be in touch, Petamocto.
CAP is still used verbally here as well, and it's talking about the exact same course (between basic and trade-specific).

The same applies for DP1.1 and 1.2 still being called Phase 3 and 4.

On all official docs though it's called BMOQ-L.

On a side note, it is spoken of jokingly into rhyming with "debacle" when seeing new rag-tag candidates arriving, as if to say "What kind of bamacle is that?" (BMOQ-L phoenetically).

As per above, I can only questions on the course content, not whether or not your chain of command and operations will load you on the course here.
I have been nominated for CAP (MOD 1:5) June 14 - August 25 in Aldershot, NS.  It might be the course mentioned here:

I know there are another set of dates I can't remember the start date but it ends on the 24 Aug.
I've been nominated for BMOQ-L (ex-CAP) 19 May to 18 Aug. Sounds a little long to me, compared to yours, squeezboks. In any case, it's not official. Nominated is one thing, loaded onto is another....just like The Oscars  :P
BMOQ-L is 10 weeks broken generally into five mods of two weeks each, except in cases where extra training is required in order to conduct the course such as Winter Warfare.

You wouldn't want to let loose the dogs of CAP into the training area with no training pulling the toboggan or setting up a 10-man tent without lighting everyone on fire.
I hear you, blackberet.  I found out last night that I am course loaded for BOTC (?BMOQ?) in Meaford from April 26 to May 21 and Mod 2 in Aldershot from May 27 to June 04.  Good thing, because I was running out of time to sublet my apartment for the summer.
The Commandant of the Infantry School and some of the course officers were at RMC on the 26th/27th of March. They gave an hour long CAP (BMOQ-L) brief. For the summer they said 7 courses were being run in Gagetown, 2 in Aldershot (for Reservists), and 4 in Valcartier. For the courses at Gagetown, there will be one course that will solely be infantry and the rest will be mixed. As far as I know, no one at RMC knows their course dates but we expect to start course somewhere between 21 May and 7 June.
Hey RMC-Cadet,

Is that one course for just infantry officers or all combat arms officers? Just curious.
I, like all other english Civi U's have an unofficial course date of 25 May. Courses en Francais are running on 7 June. This is all according to the summer training plan sent out about a month ago.
RMC_Cadet said:
The Commandant of the Infantry School and some of the course officers were at RMC on the 26th/27th of March. They gave an hour long CAP (BMOQ-L) brief.

Nice. The mere civie-U folk are still in the dark, haven't heard a thing from anybody about anything for the most part.

Allie'd forces said:
Hey RMC-Cadet,

Is that one course for just infantry officers or all combat arms officers? Just curious.
I, like all other english Civi U's have an unofficial course date of 25 May. Courses en Francais are running on 7 June. This is all according to the summer training plan sent out about a month ago.

I too have managed to scrounge up an unofficial course date of 25 May - 30 July. Didn't get it from my SEM or ULO though. Is that where you got the summer training plan from?
Yeah they sent us a coloured Excel file. Let me know your MOSID and email and i can send it to you if you would like.

It seems like every single ROTP candidate has the same date. I wonder if that will stay the same. I know RMC and those still attending university in the fall are a priority so those who have graduated or DEO might be pushed back. This is all pure speculation so don't quote me on anything. I know the BMOQ messages went out yesterday.
PM en route....

I am now uber curious about this Infantry only / Cbt Arms only platoon...
OK Guys.  Having gone through all this many years ago as an ROUTP officer and then later as an Instructor at the Armour School, I'd like to point out something that you are all missing:  There will be several Platoons running at the same time during this phase of your training.  When I ran the CAP CP out at Clones back in 2004 there were 9 Platoons being run through their paces.  I am sure that Petamocto can confirm exactly how many platoons will be running this summer.  There will be hundreds of OCdts on this course.  Whether or not you will be in the same Platoon is another question, and one that won't be answered until you are physically on the ground.
As I type this, there are seven (7) scheduled to run throughout the summer here in Gagetown.  THere are two (2) more to be run at Valcartier, and another two (2) in Aldershiot.
I found out that I am course loaded for CAP this coming summer, and I see some of you have several conflicting dates. On the documents I've seen, as well as through talking with my ULO, I found out that the course runs from May 25 - July 30 in Gagetown. Some of the guys from my BMOQ platoon last summer have the same dates as well. Does anyone know where I can get my hands on the joining instructions so I can start preparing now?
Your ULO will have DIN access.  Tell him to go to this site and get them: