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Canadian Olympic Results

I think there will be more then Patrica's there ref the military.
On that note I do hope I get to go.
Armymedic said:
No, we did as well as the Canadian Olympic Committee expected.

So our atheletes met standard....In PER terms, that would not get them promoted.

Not exactly.  Canadian athletes were projected to win as many as 25 medals, if every athlete performed up to expectations.  The COA makes these best-case-scenario projections every Olympics, and this is the closest the COA has ever been to predicting the final medal count.  Just like our athletes, they're improving.  Third overall in the medal standings too - nobody would have predicted that Canada would beat Austria, Russia, and Norway in the medal standings.

As much as I would like to speculate on what jobs the military would be doing there I think we should go on the side of caution on this one and not talk about what may or may not happen speculation or not.
CFL said:
On that note I do hope I get to go.

Sorry, no C-7 on the biathalon. You could try curling with grenades or anit-tank mines, but try and avoid being one of the guys that sweeps.
whiskey601 said:
Sorry, no C-7 on the biathalon.

Seriously though, we used to do Military National Biathlon with mil kit and service rifles. Called it the Military Patrol. Individual or team of 4. Over 20 Kms or more.

Damn good race.

Actually Armymedic in 1980[ish] I did biathalon for one winter and we had competitive .22's and not bad skis[for the day] and we competed in the "normal" biatholon in Canmore/ Gatineau Park against other military and civi's.
In the National Championship I was the alternate for the team and rather than sit it out I did use the FNC1 with a .22 insert though.......
It would be pretty sweet to have a National Military Games.  Grenade distance throwing, mine sweeping etc.  But really if you were to have a National Regimental competition or something, consisting of more than just skiing and shooting... or do we have that already?
72 Comm group has the Beamont cup, which is sort of like that for us... stands generally include:

-Radio Detachment Set up
-Improvised Antenna
-Line Run
-NBCD hut
-Safe Backing with iltus and trailer
-Target Shoot with C7 (including things like Auto standing at 200m)
-First Aid
-6-10 km Night Nav
-6-10 km Forced march with FFO an weapon (everyone runs it)
-Obsticle course

each unit from 72 Comm Group sends a team of 8 with one spare. usually takes place end of every september... it's a pretty challenging weekend in Aldershot NS.

In the last few years the other comm groups have joined in and we've begun to have nationals.
