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Canadian Icons


Army.ca Legend
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What icons/institutions/things do you think most identify Canada? Is it the Timmie‘s coffee mug (like the comercial suggests)? Is it our hockey teams? Canadian beer? The traditional RCMP uniform?

Which are you proudest to identify with?
How about fighting men who can do anything with nothing. And do it well!

Up until about 1995 there was the CAR...

Oh, and maple syrup.
The maple leaf....beavers (the animal)....the wilderness in general...cold and snow...and inefficient government..
This is definately the winner.

right now who am I proud to identify with?

PPCLI, 3RCR, and every member of the CF serving at home or abroad.
bearded clam,beer bellies&no control over are govt.and what it does with are money.......
Cpl Thompson, re: both your posts - I couldn‘t have said it better myself, (although I do not have the ability to say that I serving with any regiment at the moment, I will soon enough)
Celine Dion?

Come on you could do better than that. I‘d trade her with any U‘all for a roll of used hockey tape.

Billy Bishop
Coffe crisp
chips with more than 2-3 flavours
words spelt correctly with U
laughing smugly into our sleeves at americans appearing on "Talking with Americans"
Rick Mercer
Socialized medicare
BBQ‘ing in January wearing mukluks and a tuque
Flying across the Georgia Straight and seeing the Island, after having been abroad for a long time. This is my home and arriving back is the best feeling in the world.

Watching Rick Mercer mess w/ Yanks is fun also :D