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Canadian Forces Day/New Brunswick Day


Jr. Member
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So I took my kids to the celebration yesterday in Fredericton, pretty cool as it was all military stuff, the official site being Oromocto this year all the other stuff was there. My son and I quite happily examined all the military equipment for hours.  We had a ride in a LAV, very cool, must be weird though, to go around unable to see anything except what's showing on the screen when it's all closed up. It was interesting watching all the men flocking to the firearms display. At most of the other stations there were lines of kids waiting, but the the line for the firearms was chock full of grown men waiting to play. Of course my son and I were part of that line too so I can't say too much. I can't remember the names of most of the equipment and vehicles I saw but it was really neat to get a chance to see and learn about them. More impressive though were all the soldiers, very friendly and quite willing to answer all my questions about their vehicle or weapon. They were really great with all the kids, making them feel at ease, answering all their questions, keeping them under control, they seemed to have an endless supply of patience. I nearly missed the artillery guns as they seemed to be tucked off to the side. But we got a glimpse of one and my son and I simultaneously made a bee-line for it.  I met a very wonderful artillery Sargent who I spoke with for nearly an hour,(wish I could have done so for longer), and am now quite interested in that trade, I had known virtually nothing about it before hand. So thank you to all the soldiers who participated it was a wonderful day from a civvie point of view a least, I bet the soldiers would have preferred to have the holiday off. It was a great opportunity to learn more about our army, it would be nice if there were more events like this as otherwise the public doesn't see much of  the military aside from what the media reports, and this is certainly an effective way to garner public interest and I expect support. Thank you to von Garvin for informing me about this, I'd have missed it otherwise, there didn't seem to be much information on the net about it.
Just wish I could have seen some of the weapons fired.  8) That would have been brilliant.
Does anyone know if there are other events like this or is it usually just for Canadian Forces Day?
Does anyone know if there are other events like this or is it usually just for Canadian Forces Day?

Myself, all I know is the Canadian Forces Day. We had one back in June I think in St.Johns, which was great since I could see a the gear the forces use. They really put them together very well too. I can't wate for the next one!