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Canadian forces cfat

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I took the test and failed miserably. Not surprised since I barley passed math in high school. What can I do so that I don't fail it again. I cannot fail I need to pass this test.  I want this so bad any tips to get better at math and should I be studying any particular math questions. I don't really remember what was on the test since I did it months ago.
For my aptitude test, the only thing I really did in preparation was a few free IQ tests online (surprisingly similar in some aspects). That, and I brushed up on long division (since I used a calculator all through high school, which obviously isn't allowed during the CFAT). As a result, I scored high enough for any job in the Forces I wanted; NCM or Officer.

That was all I did.

From what my Recruiter told me, you can't really "fail" the CFAT test. Lower scores give you trade choices like the Infantry while higher ones give you options like becoming a Pilot. If you don't score high enough for your desired trade however, that could be considered a fail. That being said, if you don't mind me asking, what trade did you apply for?
I applied for the support clerk and I can't remember the other 2. But I want to do infantry or artillery now. So I'm just going to study my butt off with the math and problem solving questions I just wish I remembered what was on the test so that I don't mess it up again
I can't exactly tell you what kind of score you'd need for support clerk, but Infantry and Artillery would require lower scores than most from what I've been told. That being said though, you're absolutely right on track. Study hard and you'll score high enough without issue.

Besides that, the higher your CFAT score, the better. Selections are competitive (I believe) and so the higher the score, the more they'll want you which may (or may not, I have no idea) affect how fast your recruiting process goes.

To anyone reading, if I'm wrong about any of this, please correct me. I'm not exactly a Recruiter.
Study study study, then study some more. I failed math 3 times in grade 11 so I know how you feel!

Make sure you know your problem solving, long division, and fraction/decimal work. There are a lot of online sites to practice on. Start with easy ones, then work up to the ones that are so hard you get frustrated. I was amazed at how easy the CFAT was compared to what I had been studying.

Do you have a retest booked yet?

Besides that, the higher your CFAT score, the better. Selections are competitive (I believe) and so the higher the score, the more they'll want you which may (or may not, I have no idea) affect how fast your recruiting process goes.

Interviews are now selectively scheduled, and not everyone will get one. I believe it's sort of a merit list, based on CFAT scores and the personality quiz...So yes, the higher you are the better your chances of getting an interview for even the lowest qualified trades :D
I feel like I shouldn't rebook it yet until I am comfortable with my math.
Good call ;) Not sure where you are, but Ottawa had a 2 month wait for me when I booked mine which gave me lots of time. Either way, enjoy the studying and best of luck on the test!  :)

Hey check this out!


I used this for my math.. it lets you pick what you want to learn.. if you have problems with fractions, search fractions.. if you have problem with percentage then search it...

It's really good.. that's all i did for a about 3 weeks straight.. I graduated high school 14 years ago.. didn't use math at all .. and this got me back.. I qualified for every trade.. and it's free..

Cheers and good luck.. Don't rush it.. if you get there and you're stressed and not well rested then it's a waste..

Krow said:
I can't exactly tell you what kind of score you'd need for support clerk, but Infantry and Artillery would require lower scores than most from what I've been told.


And I heard that the lowest scores only qualify you for MP or Piper.  ::) 

You will not be told your score; period.  You will not know what you require to score for any Trade, and you will not be told by anyone either.  Anything you hear will only be rumours or speculation and have no relevance to reality.

Just be warned; all Trades today are very technical and will demand educated candidates capable of using all their faculties. 
As there is a long and detailed topic on  the CFAT already posted for your information, this topic is now LOCKED.


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