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Canada copying americans

I think all the sites look the same in one way or another and our recruiting video was pretty good. And don't underestimate the nave we have the most advanced ships around and will we may have 55,000 or so troops they are better trained then our friendly neighbours to the south. I do how ever agree that driving by "welcome to Victoria home of Canada's Pacific navel fleet" is pretty sad because or whole navy is about 64 ships (or maybe it was 32 cant remember  FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Grin" ) but hey we can be proud of the fact that we have a small force that is in it way strong. Remember bigger is not always better. and who says we copied them maybe they copied us who nows.

Well it essentially the same thing, but what else could you really put in an army recruiting site. There isnt a wide variety of slogans and "An army of one" is not hard to think up - the americans just used it first. Its not copying so much as it is using what is available. Isnt out slogan "Strong. Proud. Today's Canadian Forces." ?
Every time i see, say, or hear that by the way, i die a little inside. Just like where i live there is a sign "Welcome to victoria, Home of canada's Pacific naval fleet." Thats sad... on the east end of things.. there is like 3 or 4 ships... the east DOSNT count.

Just to correct the glaring errors made above regarding naval (not navel) strength. Our navy has:
3 area air defence/command destroyer (Iroquois class)
12 multirole frigates (Halifax class)
4 patrol submarines (Victoria class-----yes I know one is undergoing repairs)
2 AORs (Preserver class)
12 MCDVs (Kingston class)
plus Tugs, diving tenders, bargers and lighters that don't factor into the capital ship scheme of things. (mostly crewed by the CFAV)
So you are looking at 33 ships.

In Esquilmalt you have :
1 area air defence/command destroyer
5 frigates
1 submarine (soon to be 2)
for a grand total of 11 vice 3 or 4.