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Canada copying americans


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I was just at the Canadian Forces Recruiting site and I was very disappointed. The U.S.A has "Army of one." and our says basically the same thing. Very disappointed.
Your point is what exactly, both site offer info about their respecitve organizations, job info, benfits, info for parents etc.   I don't see a problem with this.  In fact the recruiting pages for the Brittish Army and Aussies is kinda a similar to ours and the US. 
hayter said:
I was just at the Canadian Forces Recruiting site and I was very disappointed. The U.S.A has "Army of one." and our says basically the same thing. Very disappointed.

That's nice
Actually....doesn't ours say "One Army"?  'Army of one' sounds too much like the "Mcdonald's Generation" of 'Me First', instead of anything resembling TEAMWORK.  Oh well, as someone has said before, "our border is like a sheet of oneway glass - the Americans look up here and see themselves, we look down there and see" whatever we think is different....or the same as in this case....
while I agree that our CF website does suck, compared to the americans (recruiting wise), I don't think for a minute that any aspect is copied. Infact, the two sites look almost totally different.
Fry said:
Infact, the two sites look almost totally different.

Well duhh ;D Their's show people with guns and guys in cam paint and real combat equipment, like tanks, planes and ships, produced by guys like Spike Lee. Our's shows a bunch of muticultural, genderless nintendo freaks hanging around CANEX produced by a guy with an 8mm camera wearing Lee jeans.

Damn man, recceguy, that was absolutely f*cking hilarious!!!! I actually laughed out loud.
Or you could consider that the US military is the most effective fighting formation the planet has ever seen - and we should emulate them in more ways than recruiting!
Well it essentially the same thing, but what else could you really put in an army recruiting site. There isnt a wide variety of slogans and "An army of one" is  not hard to think up - the americans just used it first. Its not copying so much as it is using what is available. Isnt out slogan "Strong. Proud. Today's Canadian Forces." ?         
Every time i see, say, or hear that by the way, i die a little inside. Just like where i live there is a sign "Welcome to victoria, Home of canada's Pacific naval fleet." Thats sad... on the east end of things.. there is like 3 or 4 ships... the east DOSNT count.

rpatno said:
Well it essentially the same thing, but what else could you really put in an army recruiting site. There isnt a wide variety of slogans and "An army of one" is   not hard to think up - the americans just used it first. Its not copying so much as it is using what is available. Isnt out slogan "Strong. Proud. Today's Canadian Forces." ?            
Every time i see, say, or hear that by the way, i die a little inside. Just like where i live there is a sign "Welcome to victoria, Home of canada's Pacific naval fleet." Thats sad... on the east end of things.. there is like 3 or 4 ships... the east DOSNT count.


i see our forces as proud, if i get in, i know i will be proud, regardless of the fact were not that strong, their is still pride in serving your country... and yea our naval fleet is a bit sad, but that is not what this thread is about and i wont get into it.
And to think, our navy was very large at the end of WW2...

I think our website should have a huge flash intro of all kinds of cool things to catch people's eyes, and make them want to sign up. What was one of the reasons for me signing up? I got to see the rangers and the reserves fire c7's and c6's. Very cool to any civvie.
you know i honestly think, no matter how much flashy things we have, if we cant process the recruits quick enough, and provide them with proper equipment *insert what is lacking* then no matter what we do as far as catching people eyes, it will have no effect, without funding the CF will fade right into the backgrounds and not even be considered by many as anything but a last resort.

The true problems lay in politics, they fund the CF, if we cannot gain the support of the people, we cannot gain the politics, or the funding.
Wow! I think you've figured it out - all we have to do is control these things called "politics" and we'll be saved! Brilliant!  ::)
I think all the sites look the same in one way or another and our recruiting video was pretty good.  And don't underestimate the nave we have the most advanced ships around and will we may have 55,000 or so troops they are better trained then our friendly neighbours to the south. I do how ever agree that driving by "welcome to Victoria home of Canada's Pacific navel fleet" is pretty sad because or whole navy is about 64 ships (or maybe it was 32 cant remember  ;D ) but hey we can be proud of the fact that we have a small force that is in it way strong.  Remember bigger is not always better. and who says we copied them maybe they copied us who nows.

Jaxson said:
you know i honestly think, no matter how much flashy things we have, if we cant process the recruits quick enough, and provide them with proper equipment *insert what is lacking* then no matter what we do as far as catching people eyes, it will have no effect, without funding the CF will fade right into the backgrounds and not even be considered by many as anything but a last resort.

The true problems lay in politics, they fund the CF, if we cannot gain the support of the people, we cannot gain the politics, or the funding.
You are right
Cabose said:
I think all the sites look the same in one way or another and our recruiting video was pretty good.   And don't underestimate the nave we have the most advanced ships around and will we may have 55,000 or so troops they are better trained then our friendly neighbours to the south. I do how ever agree that driving by "welcome to Victoria home of Canada's Pacific navel fleet" is pretty sad because or whole navy is about 64 ships (or maybe it was 32 cant remember   ;D ) but hey we can be proud of the fact that we have a small force that is in it way strong.   Remember bigger is not always better. and who says we copied them maybe they copied us who nows.
You are right

Where do you get the idea that our troops are better trained than our neighbours to the south? I would assume through some recent relevant study or years of experience....
:cdn: :army: :cdn:
Yea... sorry i always get carried away, usually off topic. Im bad at staying on topic. If my old SS11 notes are correct, after WWII we had something to the tune of 750,000 air force personell, 450,000 - 500,000 navy personell ( Including Merchant ships ) and land forces getting near 1 million.
Cabose said:
"welcome to Victoria home of Canada's Pacific navel fleet"

I enjoy going by that sign when ever I go home to visit. I am proud of our CF regardless of how tiny it is(its not all about size, guys ;)).
These guys are well trained, most times extremely friendly and are awesome to party with!