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Can someone please answer this for me?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Greenday21
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If they do the testing on me and find some pot in my system from 8 days before and it was a very little amount in the first place, will they still accept me?
No.  And stop wasting bandwidth.  READ The recruiting requirements, or do a search on drugs.  You obviously have a severe lack of judgement, not something that bodes well for a military future.

If it was "a little" pot 8 days ago it wont show up. Now clean up your act.
you guys should really calm down, I'm a teenager who wants to know if since he screwed up is he fucked for life on it
watch the language. this forum ultimately reflects the CF and it's members, so watch the language.

if you want to serve your country, get rid of the drugs. we dont want a member of the CF who uses ANYTHING. it could be the difference between life and death one day, for any of us. consider this a good time to get out of those ugly teenage habits.
infamous_p said:
watch the language. this forum ultimately reflects the CF and it's members, so watch the language.

if you want to serve your country, get rid of the drugs. we dont want a member of the CF who uses ANYTHING. it could be the difference between life and death one day, for any of us. consider this a good time to get out of those ugly teenage habits.

right because soldiers, sailors, and airmen dont cuss. And according to some other threads they dont scrap either. ::)
not in public man... out in the field, i'm sure that stuff is all fine and dandy. but in the eye of the public, military personnel have to set an example. they're representing an entire country.

but pot?... there should never be a time nor a place for that.

              - - - - - - - - - - -

and "relax man, i'm just a teenager" is no excuse for poor judgement.
you yourself said that you "screwed up". this was only EIGHT DAYS AGO!. if you know it's stupid now what were you thinking while toking up? what'd you have an epiphany in a freaking week?
A.O said:
not in public man... out in the field, i'm sure that stuff is all fine and dandy. but in the eye of the public, military personnel have to set an example. they're representing an entire country.

well said.

A.O said:
but pot?... there should never be a time nor a place for that.

                - - - - - - - - - - -

and "relax man, i'm just a teenager" is no excuse for poor judgement.
you yourself said that you "screwed up". this was only EIGHT DAYS AGO!. if you know it's stupid now what were you thinking while toking up? what'd you have an epiphany in a freaking week?

well said.
Well hear it is as I'm told. You have to be drug free for 6 months, I'm told due to one of my friends was told to come back in 6 months after pot was found in her system (if its there, they will find it) so yeah.
B.McTeer said:
Well hear it is as I'm told. You have to be drug free for 6 months, I'm told due to one of my friends was told to come back in 6 months after pot was found in her system (if its there, they will find it) so yeah.
If they "found it" in her system and she didnt disclose it she wouldnt be allowed to try again later, Non disclosure is a big deal. They dont do a drug test. They check your urine for Ph, blood, sugar blah blah blah and they dont draw blood. My god- where do you people get this crap? I "heard" and "my cousins dog said".
Greenday21 said:
If they do the testing on me and find some pot in my system from 8 days before and it was a very little amount in the first place, will they still accept me?

Marijuana will stay in your system for 48hrs to 65 days depending on how much and how often you smoked.those are the facts. Do with that what you will.
If you are a heavy user they will likely find it but if you only did it once like you say you did then you should be fine...If I were in your position I would be drinking a shitload of water to flush your system and also drinking and eating fruits that have anti-oxidants in them such as blueberries, polmegranates, etc...

And my advice to you would be to stay away from that stuff but its a well known fact that "soft drugs" are rampant in the military...9/10 people won't get tested for no reason, they would only give you a drug test after you are "in" if they suspect you for something or you are applying for a position that would need you to be drug free...

I have heard that you must be "pot" free for about 3 years at least....

Don't take anything I have said for granted
I have heard that you must be "pot" free for about 3 years at least....

Well hear it is as I'm told. You have to be drug free for 6 months.

Well I am glad you two aren't processing applicants because we wouldn't be enrolling anyone.  People get counselled out for drug use all the time but I guarantee you it isn't because they smoked pot three times two months ago.
kincanucks said:
I have heard that you must be "pot" free for about 3 years at least....

Well hear it is as I'm told. You have to be drug free for 6 months.

Well I am glad you two aren't processing applicants because we wouldn't be enrolling anyone.   People get counselled out for drug use all the time but I guarantee you it isn't because they smoked pot three times two months ago.

The last thing that I would want to do is give a C-7 or any other type of weapon to a drug user.  No one can predict what they will do with it.

Now on to some good advice.  Get off the drugs.  The CF or any military is no place for drug users even if it is once in a while.  You obviously know better and probably been taught better.  I do not condone illicite drug use of any sort.  If you hear of CF members using drugs and say it's okay, well, it actually isn't okay.  There is no place for it.

If 9 out of 10 soldiers are doing drugs, then I would like to see some substantiation to that fact.  If you are serving in the CF and know of soldiers who do it, then you are legally and morally obligated to report it.  Don't sit iddlely and let it happen around you.

PJ D-Dog
i was wondering...why do people keep brining up the 'drug' topic? like its like beatin a dead horse..
I think what's more important than what buddy here has injested is his obvious lack of judgement. 8 days ago he smoked dope? What kind of an idiot smokes dope  while aspiring to a career in the CF (or police)? I wouldn't rely on this guy to accurately tell me the time, so trusting him with weapons and potentially saving my but is definately out.

Go away druggies! We (ok, I) don't want you!
Posted by: patty
Insert Quote
i was wondering...why do people keep brining up the 'drug' topic? like its like beatin a dead horse..

Simple answer to that question. Because SO many people are using drugs in this wonderful modern day and age... Heck, when I went to highschool I'd say about... 35-45% of the school population smoked weed by grade 12, NOW, I bet it's closer to 55-60% because kids now days think it's "cool" and "not illegal really"...

Most of these kids really don't believe it's such a horrible thing, whether it's exctacy(sp?), magic mushrooms or a few hits on the bong, they really don't think there's anything wrong with it. Heck, by my last year (did gr 13,) there was a small populace (a group of people, 10-12 pers) doing "lines" every once in awhile....  ::)

Nope, nothing wrong with that!!! God....

Drugs are very rampant in highschools these days, just ask some of the kids! Like the one's that show up on here, don't ask your own kids unless you KNOW they're clean because then you're asking for pain as a parent obviously...