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Can anyone do this? A Question About Direct Entry

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I've been using this website for a few months now, and it seems to me that there are a few jobs that you can't get into directly, such as SAR-Technicians, JTF2, and Snipers.  My question is: Are there any more occupations that you can get into later on in your career (as opposed to directly), and can you get into them no matter what your occupation?  Like say, you are an Avionics Technician....would you have the qualifications to become a sniper or a SAR- tech? I'm not planning on doing any of these jobs, I am just asking out of curiousity.  Any info would be appreciated. Thanks CHEERS  :salute: :cdn:
JTF2 and SAR have their own recruiting processes, internal to the CF. To be a sniper, you need to be in the Infantry, be skilled and have demonstrated an aptitude for shooting, RECCE , MATURITY and experience as a soldier.

I get asked how to be a sniper all the time, while working in the recruiting cell. One of the things I ask someone, is what they think is appealing about this specialty. Most of them just think it's cool. Consider your reasons for asking. The trades you mention are skills that no, not everyone can do. Is this to say that you can't develop yourself or strive to achieve this? No, they're long term career goals and the people who are in them, have worked hard in their primary trades, and have earned their place, doing their cool jobs.
Very good answer Hitman. Courteous and right to the point
Thanks Hollywood Hitman.   Just to clarify though, I have no interest whatsoever in getting into any of these trades..ESPECIALLY a sniper, I was only "ASKING OUT OF CURIOUSITY"   ???.Also, are there any other trades such as these that people get into later in there careers that they don't list on the recruiting website? Thanks Again!   :)          CHEERS   :cdn:
I would Imagine some of the tasking for officers in Ottawa would not be normally listed. I am not sure as to what the positions are, but jobs located in the Operations center in Ottawa, maybe some of the Liason positions with the US Military. Specifically with Centcom. These would be officer trades not normally posted on the website.

For NCM jobs, I think clearance diver is another trade not listed on the website, it again would fall into the JTF-2 and SARtech type of category. You would need 4 years on the job, demonstrated ability to exceed at your current assignment etc. Also, becoming a member of a Naval Boarding party, they use advanced tactics and weapons. Bordering ships as part of trade embargo's and anti smuggling operations.

These are a couple that come to my mind.
Sniper is not an occupation.  It is a job filled by an appropriately qualified infantry man.

The JTF2 does not have its own occupations either.  Soldiers that complete the training and are posted into the unit still return to their previous line of work once the posting is complete.
Flight Engineers must be AVN techs for 6 years prior to remustering to FE.

Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AESOp) is another remuster only trade. I don't know the requirements for it but there is an AESOp on these boards that could clarify.

Sterling, jobs in Ottawa aren't trades, they're postings that in some cases may require a certain expertise, ie pilots, infantry officers, etc. Naval boarding party isn't a trade either, it's a secondary duty carried out by members of the ship's company.
Stirling N6123 said:
For NCM jobs, I think clearance diver is another trade not listed on the website, it again would fall into the JTF-2 and SARtech type of category. You would need 4 years on the job, demonstrated ability to exceed at your current assignment etc. Also, becoming a member of a Naval Boarding party, they use advanced tactics and weapons. Bordering ships as part of trade embargo's and anti smuggling operations.

These are a couple that come to my mind.

Do not confuse trades (infantry, pilot, etc.) with qualifications (sniper, etc.) which may or may not be trade specific or with types of  employment (boarding parties, JTF-2 assaulter, etc.) which may or may not need specific trade-based qualifications.

If you search the boards for specific terms of interest you will find that many options have been discussed at length.

(Edited to correct inaccurate info.)
Sorry Michael, Clearance Diver is a trade, MOC 341

From CFAO 55-10

25.    A CF clearance diver badge may be awarded to a member who has either:
    a.  successfully completed a clearance diving officers' qualifying
          course and has been classified a Maritime Surface and Sub-
          surface (MARS) (MOC 71D); or

    b.  successfully completed a clearance diver's qualifying course QL
          5A and remustered to Clearance Diver (MOC 341).

My apologies to the Clearance Divers, I do believe the intent of my comments regarding the delineation of trades, qualifications and employment opportunities remains valid.
Michael O'Leary said:
My apologies to the Clearance Divers, I do believe the intent of my comments regarding the delineation of trades, qualifications and employment opportunities remains valid.

Of course, I didn't intend to take anything away from your comments, just a minor correction.

Great info everyone, thanks.  I'm currently applying to become a combat engineer which, i think, are the only guys who can  become combat divers.  Who knows? Maybe one day?!?!!?              CHEERS :cdn:
Public Affairs is another one.  They (generally) look for people who are already trade qualified.
Public Affairs is another one.   They (generally) look for people who are already trade qualified.

There are some PAFFO DEO (I think I saw 5 for the upcoming fiscal year on the recruiting threads some time ago) slots available too, but you need the right kind of post-secondary credentials - a degree in communications or journalism is preferred - or requisite experience feeding the beast.  

cheers, mdh