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Calling all Medtechs


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Hey all, Just seeing how many people out there are planning to go into CF as Medical Technician?
Call it one of those "just for fun" threads. I figure if we get to know one another online it will make breaking the ice a bit easier should we meet in either BMQ,SQ,QL3 or any other Alphabet Soup CF can group us into.

:cdn: Newbymedic :cdn:

if you drop the patient fake a seizure
hey buddy lol.....ya thats what I'm in for....love your quote by the way bout dropping patients
the trade i want to go into is a medtech. I've still got to get ahold of my recruiter and actually get into the forces again, i'm in the reserves but not in the reserves, figure that one out....
I can't, its mind boggling....so like you get paid but you dont have to work?.....cause thats ok just as long as its not the other way around.
i've been on a Pre-BMQ course, was 7 weeks and my contract was for 6 months in the reserves was to get a feel of what the military was like, so i got my enrollment certificate saying i'm in the canadian forces, after the course i had decided to stay longer and got ahold of my local recruiter and they had to track my file from one place, went back to where i had done all my medical, got lost on the way. so they find it, now they have to send it to my local unit, got lost again. they find it, say i need to go in for a medical, did one last march, told them and they said it was apart of another regiment, i need another one, i decide to go and get it, week before they do it, they say i don't need another medical..... so they send my file to the armouries of my unit, and the file is lost again...... now i'm waiting for it to be found and set up so i can be sworn back into the canadian forces and to the regiment.
I'm an untrained Med Tech. Finished my BMQ, and am now waiting for my QL3 to start in February. Not too long now! Getting very excited.
Waiting ... waiting ...waiting for the paperwork to go through...
Looking into being a medtech. Considering doing EMT/PCP training for a job until i am physically up to par for Fulltime. 
Pte Pea said:
I'm an untrained Med Tech. Finished my BMQ, and am now waiting for my QL3 to start in February. Not too long now! Getting very excited.

Scratch that... was just informed today that my QL3 is now delayed until May. Yay, 3 more months of sitting on PRETC for me....
Pte Pea,
You obviously haven't heard the real motto of the CF training system "hurry up and wait". If you are waiting around try to get some "contact" training at a larger base where you can do more than play cards. 
Pte Pea said:
Scratch that... was just informed today that my QL3 is now delayed until May. Yay, 3 more months of sitting on PRETC for me....


We have people waiting for BFT in Mosse jaw for a year or longer. Then they wait for AFT for a while. If thats not enough, some wait a year or more for their type course after all that. Consider yourself lucky.

Could always do SQ after the xmas break.
CDN Aviator said:

We have people waiting for BFT in Mosse jaw for a year or longer. Then they wait for AFT for a while. If thats not enough, some wait a year or more for their type course after all that. Consider yourself lucky.

Could always do SQ after the xmas break.

Do you ever post in a manner in which you are not trying to bring someone down?... I didn't whine, I just stated the truth about what is going on in my situation. I know people wait a while for course, I see it here every day. I'll also be one of those who will be Pte(3) before they are even looking at their first posting. Such is the game in the military, I get that.
Putting you down? My 2cents (coming from a Reg Force Field Ambulance), is that CDN Aviator suggesting you get an SQ course while you wait for QL3 is probably the best advice out there. Consider yourself fortunate that experienced people are giving you good advice.

My advice for anyone waiting for a QL3 crse in Borden is to try and get any relevent courses that would make you more employable at a field unit (a common 1st posting for medics). For example, write a memo to get SQ or a Dvr Wheel crse (at worst do the DDC/Safe backing). Units are having a hard time coming up with instructors to run a dvr wheel crse and gone are the days of UMS's (at least in Edmonton) where med techs got their soldiering skills with the unit they were working with (making SQ at least a starting block for new med techs on tasking).
Thank you HCA123. I appreciate the advice. While on PRETC we do SQ as well as driver wheel courses while awaiting our trades training, and my name is on the list for anything I have time to do. I definitely realize how important these courses are. I am also looking at obtaining an OJT position in the new year.

My comments were purely on his tone towards me, but nonetheless, it's not worth arguing over on this board.

Thanks again for your advice, especially from someone in my field.
Medtech, BMQ for me is Jan 28th.
Leaving Winnipeg on the 27th they tell me.
I am also going MedTech. Graduation from BMQ is April 18th (if I get through without any drama of course)....I wonder if it's possible for me to be on that May QL3. That would be awesome! Keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck and happy training! :)
There's really no order in how people get loaded on the QL3. It's a little ridiculous that there's no general way of knowing how long you'd have to wait to get on a course. That said, I hope all of you get on the course you're expecting!

I'm a reserve medic so I don't know the frustration of PRETC, but i have friends who've told me bits and pieces...

Maybe i'll see some of you in Borden!
