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CAF uniforms don't have sizes for fit guys

Oldgateboatdriver said:
We used to joke that there were three sizes in the CF: Too big, Too small and Mistake (it fits) ;)
I thought they were: Too big, too small and not in stock.  Now I'm confused  ???
You guys are complaining about the shirts?  What about the DEU pants that the women are stuck with?  It doesn't matter what size you get, the hip size is 10 inches bigger than the waist size, which needs to be worn up to the bottom of one's bra.  If not then you risk looking like you're wearing Jeanie/MC Hammer pants.  Many of us have to get our docs changed every year so we can order male pants.
Strike said:
You guys are complaining about the shirts?  What about the DEU pants that the women are stuck with?  It doesn't matter what size you get, the hip size is 10 inches bigger than the waist size, which needs to be worn up to the bottom of one's bra.  If not then you risk looking like you're wearing Jeanie/MC Hammer pants.  Many of us have to get our docs changed every year so we can order male pants.

Those Pleats in them are dead sexy too. I heard they could be replacing the Skirt with some Acid Wash super high waisted Jorts to match the era the pants were designed in.

Strike said:
You guys are complaining about the shirts?  What about the DEU pants that the women are stuck with?  It doesn't matter what size you get, the hip size is 10 inches bigger than the waist size, which needs to be worn up to the bottom of one's bra.  If not then you risk looking like you're wearing Jeanie/MC Hammer pants.  Many of us have to get our docs changed every year so we can order male pants.

Hey, Strike - have you been on Logistik lately?  There are women's flat front pants now.  They're not amazing, but they are a million times better than the pleated things.  They don't sit nearly as high on the waist as the pleated ones.  Pleated are also available for those that like them  :o
Inky said:
Last year, I bought myself shirt stays and I never looked back. It does the job decently and eliminated the muffin top look.

Only problem is that It makes anyone look like they're wearing a Moulin Rouge get-up whenever the trousers come off.

That's a good idea, I always look like my willpower loses fights with gallon buckets of ice cream.

Found an alternate; http://magnetuck.com/products/magnetuck

Might be kind of a high roller option, but not really confident the LU socks would hold up to shirt stays
MCG said:
In the civi world, you would never buy a suit based solely on the three measurements of waist, chest and height to shoulders (and even there the jacket does not make use of the waist measurement).

I believe there are four measurements for all CF shirts/tunics.  Waist, chest, height to shoulders, and sum of all three added to the belly.  For pants there is only one measurement.  Inseam/waist.  They shall be the same.
MCG said:
In the civi world, you would never buy a suit based solely on the three measurements of waist, chest and height to shoulders (and even there the jacket does not make use of the waist measurement).  I wonder if we could reduce CAF tailoring costs by having LogisticUnicorps ship uniforms sized to include more measurements.

Actually, there are three measurements that are sufficient. However, I'll qualify that by saying I don't know which three they are.


I was purchasing Mess kit from Claymore (many years ago). They sent me a sheet that had about nineteen different measurement questions. I took it to my local men's store (Freeds) and asked the tailor to help fill it out. He took three measurements and wrote them on the sheet, then gave it back to me.

I asked about the empty questions and he stated: "Anyone that considers themselves a true tailor only needs those three measurements."

I sent it off to Claymore with some trepidation. A few weeks later I had my Mess kit and it fit absolutely perfect.
CF pants are waiste and height to shoulders.  CAF jackets are chest and height to shoulders. Those are not adequate for a proper fit.  Height to shoulders is only relevant for gaberdines, ball gowns and prison jump suits.  Get measured for a suit and you are looking at waiste and at least one of inseam or height to waist, then for the jacket it is at least chest, waist to shoulders and sleeve length.
MCG said:
CF pants are waiste and height to shoulders.  CAF jackets are chest and height to shoulders. Those are not adequate for a proper fit.  Height to shoulders is only relevant for gaberdines, ball gowns and prison jump suits.  Get measured for a suit and you are looking at waiste and at least one of inseam or height to waist, then for the jacket it is at least chest, waist to shoulders and sleeve length.

So you're saying that my 80 year old Italian tailor is wrong?

Oh, well. I'm not going to argue it. Believe what you will.

I, also, still wear that three measurement Mess kit and it looks just as good as anything anyone else wears. Nineteen\ three measurements or not ;)
I've haven't seen resumes, passports or birth-certificates to compare anecdotes, but I've been to master tailors and I've been to Moore's - all take more than three measurements even to just pick from what is pre made. I have a friend who has researched this and concluded five measurements would be the minimum to ensure fit of both pants and jacket ... A quick google search seems to corroborate this with the hits demanding either 5 to 6 measurements or 15 to 20+ measurements.  From my own very limited exposure to anthropometric design (engineering things so they will fit and be usable by people), I know that waist is not an invariable predictor of chest, and that neither height, inseam, nor sleeve length invariably predicts one of the others.

I'm not suggesting your old Italian is the only guy who knows his trade.  Maybe you exist on the centre of every bell-curve of human proportions - you fit all the assumptions a tailor would make given less information.  If your guy is as good as you believe, he could probably see this (much as you can look at a crest line and see the number of fighting vehicles to fit into it).  He only took three measurements because that is enough for you.
Excuse my ignorance as I'm a civvie but do you have the option of having your uniforms tailored/tightened of they fit poorly?
Seanjj said:
Excuse my ignorance as I'm a civvie but do you have the option of having your uniforms tailored/tightened of they fit poorly?


trustnoone73 said:
I believe there are four measurements for all CF shirts/tunics.  Waist, chest, height to shoulders, and sum of all three added to the belly.  For pants there is only one measurement.  Inseam/waist.  They shall be the same.

Those four measurements are ridiculous, I am forced to wear a size 38 jean/pant so my quads can fit into pants properly. Even then that is pushing it. My waist is a 34-36.
MCG said:
I've haven't seen resumes, passports or birth-certificates to compare anecdotes, but I've been to master tailors and I've been to Moore's - all take more than three measurements even to just pick from what is pre made. I have a friend who has researched this and concluded five measurements would be the minimum to ensure fit of both pants and jacket ... A quick google search seems to corroborate this with the hits demanding either 5 to 6 measurements or 15 to 20+ measurements.  From my own very limited exposure to anthropometric design (engineering things so they will fit and be usable by people), I know that waist is not an invariable predictor of chest, and that neither height, inseam, nor sleeve length invariably predicts one of the others.

I'm not suggesting your old Italian is the only guy who knows his trade.  Maybe you exist on the centre of every bell-curve of human proportions - you fit all the assumptions a tailor would make given less information.  If your guy is as good as you believe, he could probably see this (much as you can look at a crest line and see the number of fighting vehicles to fit into it).  He only took three measurements because that is enough for you.

Hardly ::) There are many here that can vouch I'm far from ordinary ;)

I guess I'll have to tell him, next time, that he's full of shit, doesn't know his trade and that your googlefu is stronger than his years of experience. 

All done here. Obviously, I'm out of my league. :salute:
E.R. Campbell said:

Army Solutions
Pour milk into bowl,
Add more milk so it spills
jam cookie in mouth and chug milk

Air Force
Break cookie in half

Eat whole box of cookies trying to solve problem

upandatom said:
Those four measurements are ridiculous, I am forced to wear a size 38 jean/pant so my quads can fit into pants properly. Even then that is pushing it. My waist is a 34-36.

Not trying to sound like an ass here - I have to ask what cut of cut jeans are you wearing then?

medicineman said:
Not trying to sound like an *** here - I have to ask what cut of cut jeans are you wearing then?


I take it that you are an iron pumper? Not to be a jerk, but if you are going to gain that kind of mass, be prepared to fork out some $$ to tailor your uniforms.
exgunnertdo said:
Hey, Strike - have you been on Logistik lately?  There are women's flat front pants now.  They're not amazing, but they are a million times better than the pleated things.  They don't sit nearly as high on the waist as the pleated ones.  Pleated are also available for those that like them  :o

Are they as good as the men's? A guy at my unit gave me a spare pare of his that didn't fit anymore. Holy mother of God it was like Christmas come early. No more pleated front-butt.
Transporter said:
The long sleeve dress shirt is a disaster. If you don't want to be choked to death by the collar, you have to go with a size that makes it look like you're wearing a f****** moomoo. The shirt pockets are almost in your armpits and that's just for a 17" neck size, which for me allows for a bit of shrinkage to the 16.5" I normally wear. And don't get me started on the high-waisted, wide-legged DEU pants or the maternity wear looking gabardine.


Are we getting same DEU pants...mine are like friggin spandex, and I have to wear a 40" waist (2-3 sizes to big in the waist) to fit my legs.

Totally agree about the shirts though