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Cadets with Reserves on FTXs...


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Have any cadets here ever been on an exercise with their affiliated unit? My CO promised me that we will be going, but in September. I trust him, but I have heard about that it is against the rules, and I have heard it is not.

Also, what do the reserves/reg force guys think about cadets participating?

Albainn Gu-Brath
It‘s a great idea in theory, but there maybe some different ways of approaching this. Instead of going on a Reserve or Regular Force exercise, have some soldiers from your affiliated unit plan out an FTX and accompany your cadet unit on an exercise. Thereby they would be providing you guidance, while you still had control over the FTX. For example, a weekend where you would play "Flags" and apply all your Map and Compass and Fieldcraft knowledge at a location such as the Niagra escarpment. How‘s that sound?

And by the way, why don‘t you head up this section of the War Diary as a Moderator? Your contributions are well thought out and noticed by all.

-the patriot-
I agree with the Patriot. On our ex‘s we are usually moving around a lot, not getting much sleep and doing engineer specific tasks that cadets wouldn‘t be allowed to help out on. It really wouldn‘t work. However, I think that more communication between the unit and our affiliated cadet unit might be usefull, as per Patriots suggestion of having reserve soldiers help out with your ex.
I have no problem with cadets coming out with the battery for a live FTX. But autourizations have to go all the way up the chian and back down (both chains of command). It is a long tedious and drawnout affair and you must have all your T‘s crossed and I‘s dotted and that doesn‘t even guarentee approval. I agree with patriot, its easier for you to plan the ex and ask your affiliated unit to join you. A lot less hassle and paperwork.
it‘d be pretty cool if my corp went on an ex with tha real gghg‘s.
Our corps goes with our affiliated Regiment about 4 times a year. We get the same amount of ammo as the regular soldiers and we are supervised by a Lt from the unit, but we usually run as a seperate platoon and play enemy force. Sometimes we‘re mixed in with guys that have finished their QL2 and some senior NCOs and officers.
So much politics, you know the old army saying "Hurry Up & Wait"

- Shawn
Cadets would never go on ex with a unit im not even allowed to go until i finish SQ...  The best you could do is to see them on the range, standing 50 m behind.
Da_man said:
Cadets would never go on ex with a unit im not even allowed to go until i finish SQ...   The best you could do is to see them on the range, standing 50 m behind.

You are correct that you are not permitted to go into the field until you pass your SQ course but cadets are another matter. There is never any expectation that they function as a trained reservist but only as cadets.

In the past we have had them out on exes and even on concentrations like RV or the En gaurd series. In all occasions there are restrictions.Some of these are to do with accommodations sleeping arrangements, supervision, weapons handling etc.

It takes a conciderable amount of effort on both sides of the house to make it happen but it is possible. The liability issue has caused many COs to shy away from bringing their affiliated cadet units out with them but that is not to say that it is impossible.

We had a couple of dozen cadets show up during a weekend that we were doing some trades skills via stands... we let them set up a vixam, showed them around the trucks, etc. The linemen had great fun... cadets make a great automatic all terrain line layers.
Air Cadets get to fly in CF aircraft, Sea Cadets get to sail on CF ships, so why not allow Army Cadets to train with their affiliated units.  After all, that's what they're there for:

CATO 11-33, para. 4 "Affiliated units are expected to support their cadet corps/squadrons..."

Further, para. 6 reads: "Cadets may participate in training or activities of the affiliated unit as deemed appropriate by the cadet unit CO and the affiliated unit commander once approved by the Region Cadet Officer (RCO)."

ive sortof been on ex with cadets... basicly we would do our own things and the only time we say the cadets was when they watched us do a fire power demo
Garbageman said:
CATO 11-33, para. 4 "Affiliated units are expected to support their cadet corps/squadrons..."

we let them parade with us!
isnt that enough?
zerhash said:
we let them parade with us!
isnt that enough?
If you think that parading once a week is a fair and accurate representation of what your unit does, then yes, I suppose that is enough.  If not, which is what I suspect is the case, then we have a different story.
fact is there are too many things that we do that we cant include the cadets in

we are running an army not a day care.

Yes. involvement is minimal to rememberance day parades and such and maybe the odd ex. But how much more do you want to include them? 1 day a week for the reserves is hardly enough time for ourselves let alone including the cadets in our plans.
I think that RN PRN brought up a very good point, liability.

Having said that, what better way to foster an interest in the CF then by getting the Cadets out there to see what their affiliated unit does at work? I think it would go far to solidify in them the pride in their affiliated units and serve to attract them, in their future, to that unit.

zerhash said:
we are running an army not a day care.

That's why they have Officers.
spacemarine said:
Our corps goes with our affiliated Regiment about 4 times a year.  We get the same amount of ammo as the regular soldiers and we are supervised by a Lt from the unit, but we usually run as a seperate platoon and play enemy force.  Sometimes we're mixed in with guys that have finished their QL2 and some senior NCOs and officers.

So, your Cadet corp goes on excercises with your affiliated unit, an are givin weapons and ammo, and run around  playing enemy force or your own platoon, something doesn't sound right there... Maybe Cadets in the '80s an prior did stuff like this, but I can't see it happening now.

zerhash said:
fact is there are too many things that we do that we cant include the cadets in

we are running an army not a day care.
Where do you think a great deal of the recruits for that army come from?  One of the primary goals of the cadet system is to foster an interest in the CF, and there's no better way to do this than by showing them exactly what members of the CF do.

Case in point, the affiliated unit (441 Tactical Fighter Sqn) of the cadet sqn I work with flew a CF-18 across the country so that our cadets could have a look at the aircraft and speak with the pilot.  That kind of thing has a huge impact with cadets, and goes a long way in getting them keen on the CF.

If the CF thought that cadets was only a "day care", they wouldn't be investing millions of dollars each year into the program.  Glad to see that you hold the program in such high regard - the MND, CDS, and Canadian taxpayers would seem to disagree with you.
Garbageman said:
Case in point, the affiliated unit (441 Tactical Fighter Sqn) of the cadet sqn I work with

There are Air Cadet sqns with affiliated reg/reserve units?!?! I want one :( lol. But seriously, this is the first I've ever heard of Air Cadets with affiliated units. Does it happen often?