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Brad/Chelsea Manning: Charged w/AFG file leak, Cdn angles, disposition (merged)

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Didn't he, along with Bgen LCol whatsherface  make the statement that original reports are more accurate than later, edited/corrected/verified/expanded reports?

Here reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act:

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange facing arrest over 'rape' claim
Julian Assange, the founder of the Wikileaks website, is facing a warrant for his arrest over an accusation of rape.

By Colin Freeman
Published: 11:48AM BST 21 Aug 2010


The warrant was issued by prosecutors in Sweden, where the Australian-born internet activist was on a visit last week.

"We can confirm that he's wanted. He was charged last night - the allegation is suspected rape," said Karin Rosander, director of communications at the national prosecutor's office.

"One is rape and one is molestation," she said, without giving details. During his visit to Sweden, Assange held a press conference where he announced that his whistleblower website was intending to publish further secret military documents on the war in Afghanistan.

The website has already published thousands of pages of intelligence information, infuriating the US government, which claims the disclosures may have compromised military security and put informants' lives in danger.

Supporters of Mr Assange believe he has been the victim of a smear campaign to discredit him. The Wikileaks Twitter page dismissed the assault claims, which first appeared in Sweden's Expressen newspaper, as "dirty tricks".

It said: "Expressen is a tabloid; No one here has been contacted by Swedish police. Needless to say this will prove hugely distracting."

Mr Assange, whose current whereabouts are unknown, also sent an email to the Swedish daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, saying that he had not yet been contacted by police.

"Why these accusations are popping up right now is an interesting question. I have not been contacted by police. These allegations are false," he said.

Mr Assange has close ties with Sweden, where WikiLeaks has said it keeps some of its servers. The purpose of his visit there was also to apply for a publishing certificate to make sure the website, which has servers in Sweden, can take full advantage of Swedish laws protecting whistle-blowers.

He also spoke at a seminar hosted by the Christian faction of the opposition Social Democratic party and announced he would write bimonthly columns for a left-wing Swedish newspaper.

US officials have called the Wikileaks disclosures, including more than 70,000 documents detailing the war in Afghanistan, as one of the biggest security breaches in American military history.

The Pentagon said this month it would be the "height of irresponsibility" if WikiLeaks went through with a new threat to publish outstanding documents it had on the Afghan war.

It wants the site to expunge all classified material from the Internet and return the material it had to the US government.

News of the warrant came as the Wall Street Journal reported that Pentagon lawyers have concluded that Wikileaks acted illegally in disclosing the military documents, and are now considering possible criminal charges.

Several officials told the newspaper that the Defence and Justice departments were now exploring legal options for prosecuting Mr Assange and others involved on grounds that they encouraged the theft of government property.

Prosecuting Wikileaks would be a complex procedure, however, and expose the Obama administration to accusations of trying to stifle legitimate journalism.


So now the MSM is starting their FIRST (Only honest view ?) releases of this story.
Fling enough feces and some will stick.  Although on this guy, I am not sure one would be able to tell.  As IMO he is a walking feces already.
Technoviking said:
Just saw that the warrant has been cancelled
Of course, in the court of public opinion, I wonder if the suspicion has been dropped?
In keeping with the Wikileaks philosophy, I choose to believe the initial reports because, after all ....
George Wallace said:
Didn't he, along with Bgen LCol whatsherface  make the statement that original reports are more accurate than later, edited/corrected/verified/expanded reports?
jollyjacktar said:
Fling enough feces and some will stick.  Although on this guy, I am not sure one would be able to tell.  As IMO he is a walking feces already.

Agreed my naval friend!!
Seems I was wrong.  Seems if you are a "whistleblower" in the favour of the MSM, you will have your retraction/correction to previous story printed immediately.

Here reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act:

Sweden drops arrest warrant for WikiLeaks chief

21/08/2010 12:13:06 PM
CBC News


Swedish prosecutors withdrew an arrest warrant for the founder of WikiLeaks on Saturday, saying less than a day after the document was issued that it was based on an unfounded accusation of rape.

The rape accusation had been labelled a "dirty trick" by Julian Assange and his group, who are preparing to release a fresh batch of classified U.S. documents related to the war in Afghanistan.

The National Prosecutor's Office in Stockholm had issued the warrant late Friday and prosecutors were urging Assange, 39, to turn himself in to police in Stockholm to face questioning in one case involving suspicions of rape and another based on an accusation of molestation.

"I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," chief prosecutor Eva Finne said in announcing the withdrawal of the warrant. She did not address the status of the molestation case, a less serious charge that would not lead to an arrest warrant.

Earlier, the WikiLeaks Twitter page quoted Assange as saying, "The charges are without basis and their issue at this moment is deeply disturbing."

"We were warned to expect dirty tricks. Now we have the first one," another entry said.

Last month, WikiLeaks published a huge batch of secret U.S. military documents related to the war in Afghanistan. The website has said it's planning to publish another 15,000 such documents in the coming weeks.

U.S. officials have condemned the release of the military and intelligence reports, including those suggesting Pakistan's military spy agency has collaborated with Afghan insurgents.

Assange's whereabouts is unclear. He was in Stockholm last week to lecture on the theme "the first casualty of war is truth."

With files from The Associated Press


Of course this is the CBC.  I really can't bear the thought of looking at their COMMENTS and the regular number of comments from their usual group of nutcases.

It still amazes me how the MSM was unable to assess the difference in relevance between many, many reports including eyewitness testimony and one incorrect post that tied two unrelated events together and was written by somebody who was not there.

If a student had done that as an assignment in journalism school, he or she would have failed. Or maybe not, the piece might have got an "A."
On another Front.

Here reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act:

Moore backs WikiLeaks accused

21/08/2010 11:27:45 AM
CBC News


Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has donated $5,000 US to the defence of the U.S. Army private who is suspected of giving classified documents to the WikiLeaks website.

Moore told The Associated Press that he hopes to make the public understand that Pte. Bradley Manning allegedly exposed what Moore called "war crimes."

The 22-year-old army intelligence analyst is charged with leaking a video of a 2007 U.S. helicopter attack in Baghdad that killed 11 people, including a Reuters photographer and his driver. WikiLeaks posted the video on its website in April.

Manning faces up to 52 years in prison if convicted.

"He did a courageous thing, and he did a patriotic thing," said Moore, who won an Academy Award for best documentary feature for his 2002 Bowling for Columbine, which explores the nature of violence in the U.S.

The Pentagon is also investigating whether Manning gave WikiLeaks 76,900 Afghanistan war logs, which it posted on July 25.

Moore donated the money to the Bradley Manning Support Network. Mike Gogulski, founder of the network, said he was delighted with Moore's support. The group is raising money for a civilian defence attorney for Manning.

Maj. Thomas F. Hurley, one of Manning's military lawyers, declined to comment.

The White House has asked WikiLeaks not to post anymore classified documents about the Afghanistan war, saying U.S. national security and Afghan lives are at risk.

But WikiLeak founder Julian Assange said on August 14 that the site will publish its remaining 15,000 Afghan war documents within a month.

In an interview with The Associated Press, he said that if U.S. defence officials want to be seen as promoting democracy then they "must protect what the United States' founders considered to be their central value, which is freedom of the press."

WikiLeaks describes itself as a public service organization for whistleblowers, journalists and activists.

With files from The Associated Press

Interesting thing to remember, folks....

George Wallace said:
Sweden drops arrest warrant for WikiLeaks chief


"I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," chief prosecutor Eva Finne said in announcing the withdrawal of the warrant. She did not address the status of the molestation case, a less serious charge that would not lead to an arrest warrant.


That last bit in yellow means there could be a molestation charge hanging over his head.
WikiLeaks releases CIA document on 'exporting terrorism'
Sometime later today - 25/08/10
CIA Document has been released, story updated.
Wikileaks.org said on its website  that the "Red Cell" report from Feb. 2 looks at what will happen if foreigners view the United States as "an exporter of terrorism."

"Much attention has been paid recently to the increasing occurrence of American-grown Islamic terrorists conducting attacks against US targets, primarily in the homeland. Less attention has been paid to homegrown terrorism, not exclusively Muslim terrorists, exported overseas to target non-US persons." the memo says. "This report examines the implications of what it would mean for the US to be seen increasingly as an incubator and 'exporter of terrorism.'"

The report looks at a number purported cases of U.S.-exported terrorism, including attacks by U.S.-based or U.S.-financed Jewish, Muslim and Irish-nationalism terrorists. It concludes that foreign perceptions of the U.S. as a terrorism exporter, together with U.S. double standards in international law, may lead to noncooperation in renditions (including the arrest of CIA officers) and the decision to not share terrorism related intelligence with the United States, according to Wikileaks.

U.S. officials acknowledged that the "Red Cell" document released Wednesday is a legitimate, classified CIA document.

I've seen this Wikileaks guy on TV. One word descriptor for him: Slimy.

He's a greasy individual.
Yes, Jim he does give that impression.  To me he's a slug and a waste of rations, but to others he is a bit of a folk hero.  Go figure.
He's back in the news:
Rape probe against WikiLeaks founder reopened

The case was dismissed last week by Eva Finne, chief prosecutor in Stockholm, who overruled a lower-ranked prosecutor and said there was no reason to suspect that Assange, an Australian citizen, had raped a Swedish woman who had reported him to police.

The woman's lawyer appealed the decision. Director of Public Prosecution Marianne Ny decided to reopen the case Wednesday, saying new information had come in on Tuesday.
Assange rape investigation reopened

A senior Swedish prosecutor is re-opening a preliminary investigation into rape charges against Julian Assange, the founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.

Marianne Ny said the decision to reopen the investigation, which was dropped by a lower official two weeks ago, was taken after further review of the case.

"There is reason to believe that a crime has been committed," the chief prosecutor said on Wednesday.

"Considering information available at present, my judgement is that the classification of the crime is rape," she said in a statement.

The CBC has this on its website:

A senior Swedish prosecutor reopened a rape investigation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday, the latest twist to a puzzling case in which prosecutors of different ranks have overruled each other.

Julian Assange, founder and editor of the WikiLeaks website, talks to reporters in London on July 27. (Max Nash/Associated Press) Assange has denied the allegations and suggested they are part of a smear campaign by opponents of WikiLeaks — an online whistle-blower that angered the U.S. government by publishing thousands of leaked documents about U.S. military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

CTV has this:
A senior Swedish prosecutor reopened a rape investigation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday, the latest twist to a puzzling case in which prosecutors of different ranks have overruled each other.

Assange has denied the allegations and suggested they are part of a smear campaign by opponents of WikiLeaks -- an online whistle-blower that has angered Washington by publishing thousands of leaked documents about U.S. military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Side note: CBC's story is under "Technology", whilst CTV has it under "World News".
Mr Assange, what goes around, comes around. Again. face justice and suffer the consequences if your found guilty.
ArmyRick said:
Mr Assange, what goes around, comes around.
Funny dat.....
The founder of Wikileaks was denied a Swedish residency permit on Monday and said his whistleblowing website had been cut off by a company that handled many of its donations.

Julian Assange blamed the financial cutoff on the U.S. government, which denied any involvement. The U.S. did tell reporters that it was bracing for the potential disclosure by Wikileaks of hundreds of thousands of secret Iraq war documents, and asked media companies not to publish them.

The Pentagon said the group had as many as 400,000 documents from a military database on operations in Iraq but Assange downplayed expectations that a leak was imminent. In a Twitter post, Assange said information were coming from "a single tabloid blog" that had put out a "tremendous amount" of false information about his site.

In Sweden, the national immigration authority delivered a setback to Assange's efforts to gain protection from its generous media freedom laws by announcing that it had rejected his request for residency.

Migration Board spokeswoman Gunilla Wikstrom declined to explain why Assange's application had been denied, saying the reason was confidential.

Allegations of rape and sexual molestation have been made by two Swedish women against Assange, who has denied them. Prosecutors have not yet decided whether to file charges in the case, which became public nearly two months ago.

Speaking generally, Wikstrom said only crimes that have been proven would affect the Migration Board's decision, which Assange has three weeks to appeal.

Assange did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the residency issue ....
<sarcasm> :'( </sarcasm>

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