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Brad/Chelsea Manning: Charged w/AFG file leak, Cdn angles, disposition (merged)

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jollyjacktar said:
Can Trump overturn Obama's decisions once he takes the oath on Friday?  Manning's not set for release until May...

She wont be released until May and could save the government money on the sex change costs. So commuting the sentence could be reversed,after all its not a pardon.
tomahawk6 said:
She wont be released until May and could save the government money on the sex change costs. So commuting the sentence could be reversed,after all its not a pardon.

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday pardoned James E. Cartwright, a retired Marine Corps general and former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his discussions with reporters about Iran’s nuclear program, saving him from a possible prison sentence.

General Cartwright, who was a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general, pleaded guilty late last year to misleading investigators looking into the leaking of classified information about cyberattacks against Iran.

The Assange extradition is now in the works.

tomahawk6 said:
The Assange extradition is now in the works.


I am beginning to be impressed by this guy.  Or perhaps a US supermax is more comfortable than a room in a third world embassy.
Lightguns said:
I am beginning to be impressed by this guy.
Let's not forget his leaks may have cost lives -- 11 pages of reminder here.
Lightguns said:
Or perhaps a US supermax is more comfortable than a room in a third world embassy.
I'll believe it when I see the move happen ...

P.S. -- Also merged this with the rest of Manning's story here @ Army.ca.
Mannings leaks may have cost lives.Bergdahl going AWOL in Afghanistan certainly did.
tomahawk6 said:
She wont be released until May and could save the government money on the sex change costs.

12 feet of rope would also save plenty of money.
Lightguns said:
I am beginning to be impressed by this guy.
Just a reminder ...
... In WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy, David Leigh and Luke Harding, reporters for The Guardian, described what allegedly happened when a group of journalists took Assange to Moro’s, a Spanish restaurant in central London. When they discussed the contents of the Afghan war files, one reporter told Assange he was concerned about what could happen to Afghans who worked with the coalition were the documents to release without proper redactions.

“Well, they’re informants,” Assange replied. “So, if they get killed, they’ve got it coming to them.”

“They deserve it.”

The Taliban and other terrorist groups still have this list of names. Thanks to Manning’s decision to trust in Assange, the leak put a potential target on all of their backs, one they will likely carry for the rest of their lives unless the Taliban ever agrees to lay down arms ...
tomahawk6 said:
She wont be released until May and could save the government money on the sex change costs
About that ...
Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the national-security leaker and transgender soldier, will lose her entitlement to military health care benefits under the terms of the sentence that President Obama commuted, according to the Army.

Obama’s commutation Tuesday will allow Manning to leave the Army’s prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on May 17, about six years before she would have been eligible for parole. The Army has been providing her with treatment for gender dysphoria, including hormone treatments.

She had been a candidate for gender-reassignment surgery, which would have been paid for under the Pentagon’s new policy for transgender troops.

But the terms of the 35-year sentence the court-martial imposed includes a “dishonorable discharge,” which the commutation did not affect, Army spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said Wednesday.
There are lots of groups who will pay for the operation. Maybe the Obama Foundation?
The latest ...
Chelsea Manning, the former Army private who leaked a trove of classified documents to WikiLeaks, will be released from prison on May 17, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Manning's 35-year prison sentence was commuted in January by then-President Barack Obama.

Most recently, Manning has been held in a prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. After her release, her attorney says, she'll live in Maryland ...
More ...
The soldier imprisoned for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified military documents to WikiLeaks released her first statement Tuesday since being granted clemency, saying she hopes to use lessons she's learned in prison to help others.

Chelsea Manning, who is scheduled to be released from prison next week, thanked former President Barack Obama, who granted her clemency in the final days of his presidency. She also said letters of support from fellow transgender individuals and veterans inspired her "to work toward making life better for others."

"For the first time, I can see a future for myself as Chelsea," she said in the statement. "I can imagine surviving and living as the person who I am and can finally be in the outside world. Freedom used to be something that I dreamed of but never allowed myself to fully imagine." ...
I always thought a  "Fellow" was a prestigious appointment based on accomplishments. See reactionary tweets at link


Harvard makes convicted spy Chelsea Manning a 'fellow,' igniting firestorm - September 14, 2017 Fox News

Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell on Thursday announced his resignation as a senior fellow at Harvard after the university named U.S. Army soldier-turned-convicted felon Chelsea Manning a visiting fellow.

Manning will take on the role at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, the school said on its website.

“She speaks on the social, technological and economic ramifications of Artificial Intelligence,” the Harvard announcement said. “As a trans woman, she advocates for queer and transgender rights as @xychelsea on Twitter.”

Morell, a former CIA deputy director who twice served as acting director, announced his resignation from Harvard's Belfer Center was a result of Manning's appointment, saying he couldn't be part of an organization "that honors convicted felon and leaker of classified information."

"Senior leaders in our military have stated publicly that the leaks by Ms. Manning put the lives of U.S. soldiers at risk," Morell said. "I have an obligation in my conscience -- and I believe to the country -- to stand against any efforts to justify leaks of sensitive national security information."

Many people were flabbergasted the university gave Manning the title, calling it “unbelievable” that a person convicted of espionage could be considered a “fellow.”
Rifleman62 said:
I always thought a  "Fellow" was a prestigious appointment based on accomplishments ...
Well, they DID appoint Sean Spicer, too ...
Surely you jest. Compare the two: their experiences/accomplishments before you post without a smiley.

Rifleman62 said:
Surely you jest. Compare the two: their experiences/accomplishments before you post without a smiley.
I'll grant you the convicted (although pardoned, so it's officially off the record with commuted, so she's paid her debt to society) spy as someone worth more than just a second look. 

That said, Spicer's been a Republican political operative & a short-time WH spokesperson with a ... less-than-stellar record (in no small part thanks to his boss, but still).  Loads of people with more experience/accomplishments than him have ridden this type of gravy train.

To play the devil's advocate, both of them can share interesting insights about "the system".
- edit to correct Manning's status -
Then again, let's compare & contrast via Harvard - one ...
Chelsea E. Manning is a Washington D.C. based network security expert and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst. She speaks on the social, technological and economic ramifications of Artificial Intelligence through her op-ed columns for The Guardian and The New York Times. As a trans woman, she advocates for queer and transgender rights as @xychelsea on Twitter. Following her court martial conviction in 2013 for releasing confidential military and State Department documents*, President Obama commuted her 35 year sentence, citing it as "disproportionate" to the penalties faced by other whistleblowers. She served seven years in prison.
... versus another:
Sean Spicer served as Press Secretary and Acting Communications Director for President Donald J. Trump during the first half of 2017. Before he joined the White House senior staff, he was communications director of the Republican National Committee from 2011 to 2017, and its chief strategist from 2015 to 2017. Spicer’s decades-long career in Republican politics included multiple communications roles in the House of Representatives, as Assistant U.S. Trade Representative and as a top advisor to presidential campaigns. He recently signed with Worldwide Speakers Group, as a speaker on a range of topics including providing perspectives on the Trump administration, politics and conservative issues. A Rhode Island native and Connecticut College graduate, he also holds a master’s degree from the Naval War College and serves as a commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve.
* - This, via the same outlet a lot of people are happy to see sharing Hillary Clinton emails and is still batting 1000 re:  never sharing any Russian secrets.
Thus Tony a convicted Felon, who leaked thousands of classified documents, consequently putting people in harms way, damaging the US ability to gather intelligence, is OK in your books because their sentence was commuted and equal to person who never committed a crime? Is it because Spicer is a Republican that he is equal in your eyes to Ms Manning?
Rifleman62 said:
Thus Tony a convicted Felon, who leaked thousands of classified documents, consequently putting people in harms way, damaging the US ability to gather intelligence, is OK in your books because their sentence was commuted and equal to person who never committed a crime? Is it because Spicer is a Republican that he is equal in your eyes to Ms Manning?
Not saying their equal -- hence my line:
milnews.ca said:
I'll grant you the convicted (although pardoned, so it's officially off the record with commuted, so she's paid her debt to society) spy as someone worth more than just a second look.
I'm just saying that in spite of Manning's criminal record, she may have something interesting to share, and shouldn't be shut out because of her criminal record.  Conversely, Spicer -- who would also have things to share -- shouldn't be considered a far better candidate just because of his political record.

And while Manning f#$%^&*d up big time leaking intelligence - and did her time - I note with interest that the same wikileaks accused of doctoring video from that leak is considered 110% reliable when it comes to sharing Hillary's emails.