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I‘m not entirely sure this is a good idea but...
I don‘t really want advice but more like a place to vent.
This one creepy dude has some kind of crush on me. He was drunck or at least tipsy and kept asking me what I did for fun. I didn‘t relise until a few DAYS later that his intention was probably to ask me out (I‘m a tad clueless when it comes to these things). I see him semi-frequntly and am not sure how to handle the situation. I really hate mind games and wish he would have just bluntly asked me out. I hate the mind games!! He is creepy but the creepy is more intriging than creepy. ;)
so, I‘m sure no one cares but I feel slightly better now. Thanks.
She just needed to vent guys and put her thoughts out so she work things out, no harm in that. Hope you get everything sorted out Elizabeth.
Sorry, I‘m not very articulte. My point was I don‘t understand boys and that you all should be more honest, it would really get you a lot farther!
I‘ve been "tutored" by an excellent lady friend, plus I read a book recently that I‘d highly recommend to EVERYBODY - title is something like "Why Men Can‘t Listen (and why women can‘t ready maps)"

In the same vein as the Mars/Venus book, I guess:
- Men have evolved from the "hunters", whereas the women stayed home and looked after the group "in the cave" - thus, men are more inclined to "hunt" whereas women can read behavioural signs from centuries of practice ...
- Men almost inevitably leap to solve a problem, vice just listening/acting as a sounding board (until such time as their opinion is solicited ... kinda EXACTLY like right now ...)

Hopefully some non-male readers will anty up some gems of wisdom, too ...

And, since this is an "army" thread ... the statistics are relatively uncomplicated: There are simply more males than females in the army, thus it‘s not a career I‘d ever recommend for a woman who can‘t handle working with men (and all THEIR faults)
My dots were more or less directed at drunk creepy guy, not the post in general, I‘ve looked after my sister throughout her teenage years and I know the importance of venting.
elizabeth: It‘s been my experience that women are far more subtle with first encounters than men. I find that typically men are more direct and to the point, so I‘m amazed that this one was being so subtle.

Basically, some good advice. If some strange guy comes up to you to spark a conversation, it means he likes you and is interested in you. A guy won‘t start speaking to some random girl that he just wants to be friends with.

Most guys typically only have 3 categories for women:

1. Yeah, she‘s hot, I‘d do her.
2. No, she‘s not hot, but I‘d do her anyway.
3. She‘s totally fugly, and I‘d do her only if I were really drunk.
Wow, you have boy problems now; wait till you see an Infantry battalion close up.
Originally posted by combat_medic:
[qb] Most guys typically only have 3 categories for women:

1. Yeah, she‘s hot, I‘d do her.
2. No, she‘s not hot, but I‘d do her anyway.
3. She‘s totally fugly, and I‘d do her only if I were really drunk. [/qb]
It‘s pretty clear to tell that you‘re a woman Combat_Medic... it‘s actually only two categories...

1. F‘able.
2. Not f‘able.
Everyone finds certain characteristics about the opposite sex to be intriguing but I never would have thought creepy? Elizabeth, in what way is this guy creepy? Just curious. I usually tend to run from those kind.. real fast too.

This is good for a laugh. Is this how guys really think?

Hertzfeldt is a geeeeenius; I don‘t know if anyone has seen his other cartoons, but they are some of the funniest animation I‘ve seen in a long time.

Other than that..that video kinda sums up highschool for alot of guys.
Pte. Scarlino replies....‘that‘s a pretty long band-aid...."
Don‘t get me started ... too late.
Emotional scars are the worst, because they‘re invisible to everybody else (except the recipient), and apparently there are only abusive husbands but never abusive wives ... (sheeyah, right ... NOT!!!)

Ouch (video)
Hey Liz, just ell him you have a BF or better yet be honest and say you are not interested. If all else fails, get a guy you know to talk to him, and get the point accross one way or another.

Then he will get the message.

watch you back though.


Elizabeth; I hope you get your problem sorted out...creepy guys are the worst...

lol lata