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"Bosses now firing workers who talk on cell while driving"


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"EDMONTON — Tough rules are being adopted by a growing number of companies dissatisfied with provincial laws that still allow drivers to use hands-free cellphones.
Employees driving a company vehicle from Steels Industrial Products, for example, can be fired if they are caught using any kind of cellphone or texting device -- period.":

I recall talking to a long-haul  trucker a few months ago. He told me that his company - a very well known one - fires any driver caught bringing a cell phone into a fleet vehicle. Cell phones must be left at home, or in your locker back at the yard. No warnings. No second chances.

"FedEx bans cell phones at work: Indianapolis - A major Indianapolis employer is telling workers to leave cell phones in their cars. FedEx is joining a number of companies restricting or even banning cell phones on the job.":

Locomotive Engineers banned:
"ensure that engineers adhered to agency bans on cellphones, text messaging and allowing unauthorized passengers in the cab.":

"BOSTON — The head of the Boston-area transit authority said Saturday he'll ban all train and bus operators from even carrying cell phones on board after a trolley driver told police he was texting his girlfriend before a collision Friday.":
I'm all for disciplinary action (including dismissal) for dicking around with these gadgets while operating vehicles or equipment.
Where I work now (an ore refinery), we've got guys operating overhead cranes, walking along with their several-thousand-pound load, through areas where people are working, and they're running the crane with one hand and texting with the other.
Not good.

On the other hand, I'm a bit leery of all these bans on cellphones. Especially for truckers or others whose jobs take them away from a landline. I don't like cellphones. Rarely use mine. But they can and do save the day on occasion.

Maybe I just don't like the "b" word because I'm a gun owner and naturally skittish of such policies. Then again, maybe we should bring back individual accountability -as opposed to "better living via banning". 
Canadian Forces:

"Cell Phone: Weapon of Mass Distraction":

"Practice “Safe Cell” ":

Hiya Mike.
Again: responsibility and accountability.
As you said almost every fleet vehicle has a radio. What about the ones that don't ? Or the guy who wants to call his wife/mistress/mom/bookie/whatever when he's on his break ?

Instead of kicking the arse of the guys who are displaying such obvious cranial-rectal inversion, they're punishing everyone.
Where do we draw the line on all this banning ? 
I wish they'd just go back to treating us all like adults. 
So these people can be entrusted to move millions of dollars in equipment and freight from coast to coast to coast, but they can't be trusted not to be texting their sister while driving through the Coquihalla snow sheds?  I have a hands free bluetooth dealie in my truck, all voice activated.  They want to ban these as distractions, they better get rid of CD players, mp3 players, radios, and cup holders too.  Fiddling with those devices are infinitely more distracting than my hands free.  Better close all the drive thru's while we're at it.
I am guilty of talking on the phone while I drive, and personally don't think it is that dangerous.... now if your texting while driving, different story and you got my support! Its all gonna be illegal in a few years anyway, and hands free devices are improving ten fold each year. So may as well get a jump on the curve and start using them. I cant see a company firing someone for using a legal hands free device!