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Boatswain (BOSN)

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Hi guys.
I'm really considering to be a boatswain in the Canadian Navy. How does it compare to an infantryman? Do you fire many small arms weapons? Can you become a small arms specialist in the navy?
While the job of the Bos'ns is probably the closest that the Navy gets to Infanteers, the bulk of their responsibilities lies in other areas.

Bos'ns will be the ones who close up on the 50 cal machine guns when needed, such as when there is a threat of fast incoming attack craft. Now-a-days, the Navy trains for these scenarios to prevent incidences such as the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000.

Bos'ns are also responsible for the maintenance of all small arms aboard the ship, ranging from the aforementioned 50 cals, the 9mm Sig Sauer pistols, shotguns used by the boarding party, C7s, and others that I can't quite recall at this moment.

As for a small arms specialist, the closest that the Navy really gets to that would be becoming a member of the ship's boarding party. The boarding party is open to members of any trade. Bos'ns are a part of every boarding party, as they are needed to, at the very least, drive the boats.

The bulk of a Bos'ns responsibility lies in the area of seamanship. When coming alongside, receiving a fuel line from one of the tankers, or pretty much any task that involves the ship's lines, the Bos'ns will be the ones on site directing the majority of the activity. (Note they are not "In charge" of these evolutions, that typically lies with the Commanding Officer, or his delegate.) This is the prime place where the comparison between Bos'ns and Infanteers are made. Bos'ns have the most physically demanding job in the Navy. While they're not as liable to have their knees destroyed, they're the ones who'll spend their days on the upper decks, lugging lines, or driving around the ship's boats. It is a demanding job, but again, many do find it rewarding.
Hey everyone!!

  I was going for Nav Comm but that didn't work out (Didn't score high enough of the aptitude test).  I'm all signed up for bos'n now but its full so I'm hanging out until April or something opens up.  As I start telling people that I was to go for bos'n every single person tell me not don't do that.  All I hear is that it's a lot of hard work and very hard to get promoted.  Is there any bos'ns on there that could fill me in??  Is it really hard work?  If it is that is fine but I just want to be able to move up.  Is that hard for a bos'n??  The picture that I'm getting from everyone is that bos'n are working hard all day while certain other trades are sitting around relaxing??  What's the scoop??  Any bos'n out there that want to fill me in on what a day is like on the ship??  What the hours are like in port and anything else you feel I should know??  Thank you in advance for any info that you can give.   
Are you trying to be annoying or simply br offensive to potential shipmates with questions like this?

[quote author=Outtosea!!] *SNIP*Is that hard for a bos'n??  The picture that I'm getting from everyone is that bos'n are working hard all day while certain other trades are sitting around relaxing??  What's the scoop??  *SNIP* [/quote]

Everyone has their part ship (duty watches, cleaning stations, action stations ect...) You are not boarding a cruise ship.

If you had of searched for Boatswain (notice the correct spelling?) you would have found more discussions on the topic than the time you have thought about the trade.

To help out I did the search and found the following:

Most of your answer is in this thread.
http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/64887.0.html, reply # 4

Other useful Boatswain threads:

http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/78934.0.html, reply # 3, 5,  6 , 10 ect…


http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/84951.30.html, wait a second, you asked Bosun questions in reply # 30  and  33. You had support and advice on Bosun from DH in reply # 23 and 26. 

**Edited to haul back on the post.
Hey Kratz!!

Thank you for the response.  I do apologise if you or anyone felt that my questions were annoying or offensive.  From what I've been told is that certain jobs have it better than others and judging by your response I've been clearly misinformed.  I do apologise.  I am going for Boatswain and I can't wait to work hard along side all of my fellow hard working ship mates.  I never thought that certain trades sat around and did nothing.  Thank you again for the info and the links.  All the best. 
There is always going to be that perception of "X trade" having it better or worse than "Y trade", because most people don't really understand all that goes on in anothers' trade.

The boatswains may be complaining about the NE Techs not having to stand upper deck watches, but the boatswains conveniently forget the three years (plus) of training that a NET would have to take, or that when the boatswain is finished securing the ship in a foreign port and is scrambling off the brow to find a pub, the techs are just going to work on things like hooking up telephone lines, and maintenance on equipment that couldn't be worked on because it was "In use - operations priority".  All the pros and cons tend to even out in the long run.


Thank you for your reply. I hauled back on my first post, trying not to come aboard too hard and offering you the benifit of doubt.  Occam's post followup on my position very well.

I'm glad you found the links and suggestions helpful. If your searches of the site or the internet do not answer your questions, this site has mentors to help direct you / answer questions.

Remember, this site is unofficial and privately owned. The site benefits from the presence of current members willing to answer questions.

Occam.  Thank you so much for the answer.  That was perfect. 

Kratz.  The links did help quite a bit.  Thank you again for them.  Thanks for not being to hard on me:) 

My application is in now and I'm waiting for the call.  I can't wait to get on a ship and get going.  I should have applied years ago:)  Thanks again for your responses.  Beers on me if your in Halifax:) 
For info, last I heard (1 Sep 09), the trade (Bos'n) was closed for now as it is filled (overfilled). This does not mean you have to give up but you may find yourself 'waiting' for a little bit. Might I suggest you visit your Recruiting Centre and have a look at some of the 'stressed' hard sea trades. The advantage here is that progression (long term) is faster than the norm due to the 'Recruiting Gap' in the late 80s and 90s.
Just a suggestion - If, however, your heart is set on being a bos'n - wait for it - it could be the best decision of your life: And this comment from a C2 Stoker!!!!
I've been a Bos'n for 30 years. Advancement was slow for a while but it's pretty good right now. We do a lot of heavy work, long hours and some of them are boring. There have bee plenty of times I've been woreking and watching the rest of the Ship's Company going home or ashore in a port somewhere in the world.

That being said, it can also be applied to any Navy trade. You will find other trades working hard while you are between tasks, you will be secured and proceeding ashore while Stokers are doing Stoker stuff, Nav Comms have stayed behind to Nav Comm stuff. etc. Its a good  job that sometimes sucks and some times rocks. Like everyone else we have our good days and bad!
Pat in Halifax.  Thank you for your response.  I was talking to the recruiters and they told me Bos'n was full for now.  I'm waiting for a position to open up.  I would like to try for Nav Comm again but I guess writing the aptitude test a third time is impossible.  I'm excited for Bos'n though.  It looks like fun and a lot of different things to do.  I applied in January.  I can't wait. 

FDO.  Thank you as well for your response.  Advancement may be slow but I'm glad to hear it does move along in the long run.  I would love to make it to the top of the ncm ladder someday.  I'm glad to hear there are good days and hopefully not so many of that bad.  I can think of few jobs though in the world that would not have bad days though.  I really can't wait to start.  Do you mind if I ask what are typical hours for a Bos'n when the ship is home in port??  And all the talk about hard work and heavy work.  What exactly is the work.  I only really know what I'm getting into from the website info and the videos.  Thanks again.
Hey everyone!!

I got the call!!  I start basic on January the 10th!!  I just wanted to thank everyone again for the info that they have given me.  I truly appreciate it.  Thanks again.  Back to the push ups and running I go:)

Hey Folks. I have been doing much reading on the different trades in the Navy. I am currently have an application in as a Bosun. I was a a few people and they said not to go bosun. The job is not respected. I can see almost everyone here makes fun of it. I I onw for the most part it is just the long running joke. What I am wondering is, for the most part everyone gets paid the same. except foe spec pay, which is a couple of dollars more. Am i correct in saying this? If this is the case, would the Bosun be the best "bang for the buck"? up on deck, doing your thing, get to breathe outside air...get to see sunlight. I assure you this is a honest question. I am awaiting A call in April and am now having second thoughts about bosun because of the negative feedback. I know there is not an outside carreer path. But I plan on this being a career?

Thanks folks! :cdn:
What attracted you to apply for Bosun? While Bosuns are joked about, so is every other trade in the Navy by another Department. Bosuns work hard and most sailors worth their salt know how vital they are to the smooth operation of a ship. Don't let others influence your decision, talk to Recruiting and do your own research.
Well, according to your history ... no post was deleted; perhaps your server timed out and you didn't notice?

I wan't to be a bosun because I enjoy physical labour,  Your're out in the fresh air, its not a "desk job". your up and moving. I would be asked to do something, and I would get it done. I have been the Manager of a restaurant for the last 10 years, and I hated sitting in my chair doing paperwork. I was in the Kitchen with the crew having fun helping them and running around. This seem like the Bosun job. It was Bosun, Hull tech or electrician. Hands on.
Been a  Bos'n for 32 years. Heard all the jokes but at the end of the day I know what I've accomplished and how I feel about it. Is everyday a bowl of cherries? Not friggin likely but the good days most definitely out weighed the bad that's why I stayed for so long. I think for me Bos'n or Hull Tech were the choices. HT was not open to Reserves when I started out so I chose Bos'n and because it was easy to CT directly over I stayed a Bos'n. Bos'ns work closely with all other trades on the ship including the Air Det. Wouldn't have remustered for anything.

That being said I will retire at the end of February to pursue other interests that are directly related to the skills I learned in Navy as a Bos'n. Don't look for me I'll be driving boats over flat, clear blue water in warm temps.
