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BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean


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I received my call today and was told I will be leaving Jan14th for Saint-Jean.. I am so excited about this and was curious if anyone else will be leaving for this date as well. Be nice to know other when I get there too.


Hope you have the thrill of your life.

I got my call today as well. I'll be headed out of Edmonton on the 13th for the course on the 15th at St-Jean. Congrats Moncton, I'll see you there.
I just got the call today also!!  I am heading out January 13 for the course starting on the 15 in St.Jean as well.
Hey, I got the call today for the course on the 15th of Jan. Leaving out of Saskatoon, See you all there! Congrats
Is this for the reserves, or reg force?

*sorry if this is a dumb question - probably is*

How does a reservist do BMQ, is it still every two weekends?
Could be weekends (more often than not it is, lately), could be a summer course...

Hint: for these guys, since it's in St-Jean, it's Regs..

(No question is dumb if you don't know the answer)
Nice..I haven't been told what I will be yet...They asked and I told them ppcli and they said ok.. so cross fingers...

Also Alberta and protege121 I added ya to msn so we can perhaps chat in case we are in the same platoon....no time like the present to get to know each other so we can all push and help each other once there...Right Vis.....She Knows... we already have a pact to kick each others A** if we try to quit..ah ha...

T-38 days until Basic...so excited...woooo

Ya sounds good your right we all need to stick together. I look forward to basic and getting to know everyone in my platoon.
funny guys/gal seems like we are the only ones going to bmq on for the 15th...or that visit this site anyway.aha...I know one other that doesn't visit here..shame on him...but he received the call yesterday to go....he is pumped..so am I ..we went in together and hope to be stationed together....

although I have a feeling I'll have to protect him..haha...
Good luck to the works of ya...the Mega awaits.... ;D
Well we'll see you there then. I can't say I know whether to look forward to, or fear your instruction hahah.
I say look forward......he is there to help and make us the best we can be...but a little fear never hurts anyone..hehe...

only 37 days left..haha..yaaa..