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Big guy going for infantry training?

Wow, sounds like me.... 5"11 267 lb's(lost 4 pounds in the last 3 weeks just playin football.) I was hopeing a post like this would come up...I can shed about 40 pounds(without question), but right now Im trying to heal after a good football season. Im going to start working out on monday, I really cant run worth beans, so is the bike an alternative, or stairmaster? I just want to work on cardio because my leg muscles are fine(I've played goalie for 8, going on 9 years and my legs are 19.5 inch. at the calf.)  After a short run my legs dont hurt, but my feet do, thats why I havent had the determination to run. Whats a good way to start running?(I read about the jog walk jog walk technique, is that affective?) Thanks for your time.......

p.s. Im 16 next may.
Stairmaster and stationary bikes and jump rope are great for cardio and all (esp. jump rope) but really .. the only way to prepare for running .... is to run.

As far as a good way to start running, try searching the forums a bit .. there are a lot of good programs. I posted a beginners guide to 5km program that I am currently using and liking in another topic or two. I'll post the link here if you want tonight (I can't right now as I am at work).
No, but thanks! Im just going to look around in the forums, and Ive checked out your history to find the program, I saw you had allot of advice for running and read a couple. Ill read more when Im on my computer, Im just going to go out and do a short run right now, peace.
Hey the jump rope idea seems good, are there any formulas?  Like, times you should do it for? Pace?  Anything like that.
Try this:

3 x 3 minutes, 1 min rest in between

25 seconds normal pace jumprope
25 seconds of doing things like hopping forward and back, side to side, lifting one leg in the air as you jump etc. pick one and do it for 30 seconds
10 seconds of as fast as you can jumprope

Obviously some sort of boxing timer helps x 100 but I managed to do this accurately w/ a stopwatch.

They do stuff like this all the time in muay thai kickboxing - and that art is renowned for the physical conditioning of its fighters
Size shouldn't matter, unless you are obese. There is such a thing as fit fat. I am 6'1", 245 lbs. I've been in the infantry for close to 18 years and am a sergeant. I run three days a week, plus weights and I get the ruck on once in awhile. I think it's 30 % fitness and 70 % intestinal fortitude. I look at a lot of the young, fit-looking troops and wonder why I can run them into the ground and why they can't carry a ruck for more than a couple of kms. I am by no means ready for JTF selection but I can run a mile and a half in under 11 minutes, and carry all the kit you can load on me. The one thing I envy about reg force battalions is that they do PT together every day. This keeps the team spirit up and keeps you fit. Since there is no fitness standard in the reserves how can you enforce fitness?  Like I said I exercise alot not just for army but for my job as well. I am in corrections and am a member of ERT. When I go on course/callout I usually shed a bunch. So bottom line is if you have mental strength, exercise, and don't know the meaning of the word quit, you will do fine in the infantry.
Wow, I hadn't been on in a while and an email kind of bought me back, I didn't realize my post was so hot. Westie, I agree, guts will go a long ways. I'm not a quitter, I guess persistence could be a good middle name for me. I'm kind of concerned about my health though, I'm going on 30 which is not old by any means but I couldn't afford to go on course and get hurt and not be able to continue a military career. I have the whole house and wife thing going on, which I'm sure most of the younger guys don't and can afford to be a little more gung ho. :threat: I'm working on my fitness at a good pace and figure I will be ready to enter the forces within 6 months. I have a good job right now so I don't need to push it. I just want the forces to be my career so, I'll get there when my time is due! Cheers all, thanks for all the posts. I'll be on more often now.  :salute: PS Jeremytinling, I'll take you up on that beer someday guaranteed :cdn:
Island Rhyno.

The age should notbe a factor for you.  I did my BIQ this last summer, and we had a 39 year old "big guy" on the course with us (Westie 47 may know him) and although he had some trouble with the PT, he graduated along with the rest of us, and never was there a prouder soldier.

Stu Hert