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BFTs in City Equals "The Start Of A Police State"


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Brousing the local rag, I got a kick out of the first comment on a story about local troops conducting a BFT next weekend.


This city is interesting in sooooo many ways.  ::)

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Joe PoupardThu, Nov 27, 08 at 10:38 PM
Isn't it funny that we're seeing more and more police and military presence in major and minor cities? We have a joint military-police training facility on the West End. This is a majorly uncomfortable relationship between military and police and marks the start of a police state you see in CHINA. I know we will see more of these "joint" facilities between cops and soldiers in different cities in the future. Watch out.

what an asshat.
Wow.  There really are no bounds to human stupidity.
Marauder said:
Brousing the local rag, I got a kick out of the first comment on a story about local troops conducting a BFT next weekend.

The internet may not make them stupid, but it sure makes it easy for them to advertise it to the world.

Haha I got a good story told to me by my Chem teacher who is in the reserves. But they had to go to the range one night in the summer, now any one who has been to the Nanaimo Armoury and range knows how far apart they are(around 3-4 k), well they march to the range with of course CADPAT, tac-vest, rifle, helmet. Well the command staff told the RCMP this, but a shift change happens, and the shift that had been told neglected to tell the next shift, so any who they are all marching along in a row on the road and all of a sudden big black suburbans come screaming down the road along with squad cars rolling in blues and two's, and out of the SUV's come the local ERT Squad. Now it seams that someone phoned the RCMP about a group of heavily armed men roaming the streets, so of course they send ERT out. And well now they don't get to march to the range with their weapons. 
He said it was probably some left wing treehugger trying to get them in trouble.  :P
CEEBEE501 said:
Haha I got a good story told to me by my Chem teacher who is in the reserves. But they had to go to the range one night in the summer, now any one who has been to the Nanaimo Armoury and range knows how far apart they are(around 3-4 k), well they march to the range with of course CADPAT, tac-vest, rifle, helmet. Well the command staff told the RCMP this, but a shift change happens, and the shift that had been told neglected to tell the next shift, so any who they are all marching along in a row on the road and all of a sudden big black suburbans come screaming down the road along with squad cars rolling in blues and two's, and out of the SUV's come the local ERT Squad. Now it seams that someone phoned the RCMP about a group of heavily armed men roaming the streets, so of course they send ERT out. And well now they don't get to march to the range with their weapons.  
He said it was probably some left wing treehugger trying to get them in trouble.  :P

Army vs. ERT.  There's an interesting showdown :P  It's still better safe than sorry to have them respond, although I thought Canadians were knowledgable enought to recognize a Canadian army uniform...
ARMY_101 said:
although I thought Canadians were knowledgable enought to recognize a Canadian army uniform...

Guess you thought wrong.
CEEBEE501 said:
Haha I got a good story told to me by my Chem teacher who is in the reserves. But they had to go to the range one night in the summer, now any one who has been to the Nanaimo Armoury and range knows how far apart they are(around 3-4 k), well they march to the range with of course CADPAT, tac-vest, rifle, helmet. Well the command staff told the RCMP this, but a shift change happens, and the shift that had been told neglected to tell the next shift, so any who they are all marching along in a row on the road and all of a sudden big black suburbans come screaming down the road along with squad cars rolling in blues and two's, and out of the SUV's come the local ERT Squad. Now it seams that someone phoned the RCMP about a group of heavily armed men roaming the streets, so of course they send ERT out. And well now they don't get to march to the range with their weapons.  
He said it was probably some left wing treehugger trying to get them in trouble.  :P

And here come the stories....which 9 times out of 10 can never be proven for the simple fact..."they never happened"
We have had people call the RCMP on us many times, and we always call the RCMP at least a week before with a follow up call the day of the training but they have still shown up.  We even had them called when we where doing basic section attacks in the football field behind the armouries (which belongs to us).  Normally take the contact info of the Sr person present and be on their way.  Although one of the Cpls/MCpls (Now a WO) from the comms sqn we share the building with was going on tour so he decided to do a 13km by himself with his rifle got picked up and taken down town.
To add to the stories of "Green on Blue 'incidents'", we had a guy in our unit get chewed on by a K9 due to a series of "misunderstandings".

First the local citizenry called 911 regarding armed men "running aroud" (reality: troops conducting recce patrols), then the call gets to the local police service, who due to a change of shift didn't get the message that had been forwarded weeks in advance that said recces were going out that night, which led to said K9 unit heading to "the scene". The fun & hilarity ensued with demands to drop weapons, one troop making a dumb decision, and said K9 chewing on said dumbass.

In short, we are indeed ready to take over control of a whole county of roughly 300,000 people with three local milita units working in conjuntion with 4 muni services, four OPP dets, and one RCMp det, and put the poor defenceless citizens under our collective jackboot. ::) The unmedicated  mouthbreathers are on to us.
The Beaver said:
What next, more black helicopters buzzing around Toronto?

The ones there now are owned by the anti Gun Crowd.

As for reservist's getting arrested wile carring out training, a friend of mine, and a few others from his unit, was arrested during their BFT a wile back; because someone phoned the police saying there were a bunch of people with guns walking around  ::)  He said the police that responded laughed.
Actually, if the K9 incident you are talking about was in Windsor.. It wasn't some dumb troop making a dumb decision.. It was me trying to correct the situation, cause I was there when the unit breifed the police deparment.
Back in the day, returning home ( on foot) from a winter ex at a local farm i(f memory serves) B COY of the G&SF was stopped by Barrie's finest because a hysterical ( and no doubt elderly) woman had called in insisting that there were armed Germans dragging toboggans down her street. I recall standing around in the traces with my C5 until the brouhaha was sorted out.....  Learned a lot of "colourfull language" from our Patricia MCPL as well... :)

A better finish than a situation a few years ago now, when a brand new Niagara copper on one of her first night shifts alone saw the gate open to Area C at the old Niagara-on-the-lake Training area. She turned all her lights off and drove in slowly, hoping to eject the (probably civvy) trespassers...

Ran right into the ambush that has been set up by our junior leaders.  The lads, having been warned off to hit the first veh into the KZ, lit her up with the C6 and such. She hit the lights, dropped into R for Rocket and took off at a great rate of knots. We were lucky she didn't decide to fight it out.

When her Sergeant arrived sometime later, all agreed that shift briefings, however boring, ought to be payed attention to prevent embarrassing mistakes or oversights ( The Police had, of course, been briefed and had included it on their shift notes)...... but no one killed, and one set of slightly soiled tousers, constables for the use of, later we had a good laugh.
Wow, C5 and in the traces!, you guys must have been hard core, we used to just mount them on the toboggans.  ;)