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Are canadian soldiers allowed to drink booze on operation?  I know in Iraq the Americans can't.  Whats wrong with havin a couple of brewskys while cruizin around in khandahar?  Seriously though, don't alcoholics go crazy over there?  thanks!
i think it has something to do with not "Offending" they're culture by drinking alcohol...
OH, well in movies they drank in Vietnam and in WW2.  How about Croatia, Cypruss, and Bosnia?
Two beer, per man, per day, per haps. Who wants to be pissed when the camp gets shelled, or attacked, or when shit hits the fan and your buds are depending on you. It's got nothing to do with offending anyone. It's operational. It ain't Cyprus anymore, and it sure ain't the movies.
You do realize movies aren't real life right?  2 Beer per man per day was the going rate in Bosnia.  I can't speak for A Stan though.
You do realize that some movies do show what happened to some degree though right?  I looked at full metal jacket to see how Basic was gonna go, guess what... pretty similar!
Why are you so concerned on whether or not you can drink overseas?  Is it that big of a deal for you?
tookieman said:
You do realize that some movies do show what happened to some degree though right?  I looked at full metal jacket to see how Basic was gonna go, guess what... pretty similar!

About as similar as 'Stripes' and the JTF.
beach_bum said:
Why are you so concerned on whether or not you can drink overseas?  Is it that big of a deal for you?

Thats what i was thinking to, it sounds like he Needs to be able to drink, but this is just my personal thought.

US forces are not allowed to consume alcohol when deployed on ops anywhere.

We generally follow the 2 beer per day rule wherever practical.

But even here in Canada, exercises and operations in Canada are tend to be all dry (as in alcohol free).


I agree, I think and hope BMQ will be exactly like stripes. If it is i will never leave the army  lmao :salute:
Afghanistan is a dry country. If you are on operation there, you cannot drink. Edit - that is the regs currently for kandahar.

If you are an alcoholic, you should be seeking treatment, not more booze. If you unable to function without liquor, then you probably shouldn't be overseas, and should be looking at detox and rehab.

Stupid question, which has been answered. Thread locked.
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