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Basic Up?


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Has anyone heard of the new "reality" show called basic up? Basically, they follow 5 candidates throughout their basic training in the CF. I was shocked to hear about this... I feel sick...
I saw the advertisement for that too.  I saw it on "Army News" on the DND Army web site.
I watched the clip from the link...are they really going to have that as a reality show?

I like this... I always thought it would be a kickass idea.

If they can pull it off and show for what basic really is, you can finally have something to show your friends/relatives and say "Now you see what I did?"

Or to show to the person who constantly says they could go through basic with their eyes closed and hands tied around their... leg.

But... then again if they just make it the touchy-feely mess of todays army we might be making a comedy.
This is what MY army has sunk too... If ever there was a day I was ashamed it was when I saw this, about as good an idea as those radio commercials with the lame girl talking about getting a free education and the challange... God will we never learn how to put together a good recruiting ad?
I don't think they mean it's going to be a reality TV show, just videos on the Army website. Probably just to give potential recruits an idea of what they should do to prepare?
HitorMiss said:
God will we never learn how to put together a good recruiting ad?

Is that a rhetorical question there poster boy?  ;D
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror...

Who comes up with this stuff anyways?  This definetly ranks up there with the girl on the radio.  I was working out when I heard that one, everyone was looking around thinking the same thing "wtf". ???
navymich said:
Quote from: HitorMiss on May 29, 2006, 22:43:27
God will we never learn how to put together a good recruiting ad?
Is that a rhetorical question there poster boy?  ;D
:rofl:  Ouch...direct hit  ;D
Oh now your both on the list....

you shall be the first ones against the wall when the revolution comes!
I think it's a good idea. It seems to be meant only for the Army News on Army website, so only those really interested will end up there. A bit of reality won't hurt much.
I hate reality shows!  :rage:

But this one actually looks pretty cool.  Provided they do it right.  Is this being done by the folks at recuiting or Army News?  Or is it someone from a civilian tv production company?

From the clips it doesn't look too bad, but that trailer comparing it to other reality shows is kind of lame.

I'm anxious to see what it's like though!

More waste of money. When will we finally realize that what we need is a professional production company, American if we can't find it here. Spike Lee did some fantastic stuff for the US. Not some cousin's uncle that works at CBC, in the cutting room. We've had no good recruiting stuff for years and years. To much PC pandering, don't show guns, just high tech stuff and minorities. We need to show soldiers in battle, explosions going off, fast air. Patriotic, adrenalin pumping shit. Not football practice in CADPAT. Look at some of the music backed, fire power and combat blogs coming out of theatre by normal computer savvy soldiers. They've got our big budget recruiting videos beat hands down.

....and for the current producers. If your going to show an NCO losing it on recruits, get a convincing one. My grandmother is meaner than the one in the video. ;)
Now I'm confused.  Is it a recruiting video or a tv show?

I thought it was a tv show airing on Army News.  Obviously it would have some recruiting benefits if it does well as a tv show.  Or is it just a recruiting video?  Is there a full season?  Is there a site where we can get more info on it?

If it's just another lame recruting video then I'll file it under W for "Who gives a #*@%?"  But as a tv show with some degree of reality to it as some posts before have suggested then it could be cool.  If they aren't doing it that way, then they should!

I was also under the impression that Basic Up was some sort of reality show that would appear every so often on the Army website. But ever since they posted the teasers, I haven't heard anything new about it.

recceguy said:
We need to show soldiers in battle, explosions going off, fast air. Patriotic, adrenalin pumping crap. Not football practice in CADPAT. Look at some of the music backed, fire power and combat blogs coming out of theatre by normal computer savvy soldiers.

I don't know about this. While I was at the recruiting office, I got a chance to see an episode of Truth Duty Valour which concentrates on various training courses and thought it had great recruiting potential. More on this show can be found at the following link: http://www.truthdutyvalour.ca/. The website seems to indicate that it is being aired on a few channels; too bad I have none of them. The point is that IMO, videos showing training and/or exercises can be quite entertaining, while being educational and having a recruiting value.
I saw this thread and I just had to smile... which ever way you look at it - recruiting video or basic training reality show, it's going to be a gong-show. As it was already put, for whatever reason, the PC police demand we have a non-violent image. For the military. Alanis Morrisette, THAT is irony!

I'm not looking for a John Woo production for either the TV show or recruiting videos. Just something that gets people talking (NOT saying how weak that commercial/video/TV show was). If the powers-that-be are asking for serious coin to get some serious weapons for a serious military, let's can the Combat Barbie image and get some speed and violence out there. Image isn't everything, but we wear a "uni"form for a reason... because image is everything.
Well now we can judge for ourselves.  The enitre collection of full episodes is on the Army website now!

I've seen all the English episodes and was pleasantly surprised!  I enjoyed it thoroughly.