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Australian Navy pays for breast enlargements

The Americans are the exact opposite on this issue.

Roy Harding said:
The dentist who removed my wisdom teeth was (not a word of a lie) Major Payne.  And it was.

I once instructed on a course where our 2 i/c was Sgt. Blood - but none (that I know of) was shed...

Yrys said:
And you could use money for HIS Chritstmast gift as a starter ;)!

In a way, isn't this ALSO his Xmas gift?  ;D
HFXCrow said:
The Americans are the exact opposite on this issue.


Since I've known some US officers (including an O-5) who are augmented, I wondered about the story you quoted.  It's actually about a German female recruit in the Bundeswehr.

Bundeswehr Makes Female Troops Keep 'Em Real
Ever since the horrors of World War II, the German Army has gone to great lengths to maintain an understated demeanor. But one would-be volunteer was surprised to have the principle applied to her breasts.

While the Bundeswehr doesn't have any regulations on the books prohibiting its buffed-up troops from pumping up their biceps, a 23-year-old German woman found out that -- surprisingly to some -- the army isn't interested in big breasts.
At least not in artificially large ones.

"I still can't believe that my silicon breasts are going to destroy my dream," the woman told the mass-market Bild newspaper on Thursday, Dec. 3. "I could cry."

"I wanted to be a paramedic," she added. "To save lives."

Identified only as Alessija, the woman said she had hoped to sign a 12-year contract with the armed forces but was classified as "not usable" because of the pair of 250 milliliter (8.5 fluid ounce) implants.

A Bundeswehr official did not say if the military was concerned the woman would shoot her -- or a fellow soldier's -- eye out.

"The abstract risk of injury is too large of a responsibility to bear," the paper quoted Marion Krauskopf, head of Berlin district draft board.

The army added that the health regulations currently prohibit people with implants from joining the military are being re-examined, leaving Alessija with a chance of fulfilling her dream.

"The rule is no longer contemporary," Harald Kammerbauer, a defense ministry spokesman, told the Bild. "In the future there will be a case-by-case analysis. The lady should apply again."

There has, however, been no word on whether implants could help German men avert mandatory military service.
PMedMoe said:
Ha ha!  Believe it or not, there are women in the CF that have had the same thing done (and covered by the CF).

Yeah, well tell me who they talked to and what they had to say -- I tried doing what MM told me to no avail.  >:(

They've given me medals -- yest I still await the issue of the chest to pin them on.    :'(
The regulation should limit breast size so as not to prevent the soldier from seeing her feet. ;)
Breast reduction should also be an option. 8)
tomahawk6 said:
The regulation should limit breast size so as not to prevent the soldier from seeing her feet. ;)
Breast reduction should also be an option. 8)

It shouldn't be a problem for me then -- I can see my damn ankles.
I'm told I have to go near  blind before my cataracts are fixed... but gender reassignment?  No problem!
Otto Fest said:
... but gender reassignment?  No problem!

Yes, I am bitterly twisted about the fact that they will cover a man getting some boobs, but not a girl. How freakin' ironic that is.
Vern:  A simple two-step process to get the CF to provide:

(1) Get gender re-assignment as a man;

(2) Get gender re-assignment as a woman - with implants!

Problem solved!!!
dapaterson said:
Vern:  A simple two-step process to get the CF to provide:

(2) Get gender re-assignment as a woman - with implants!

Problem solved!!!

And look at the cost-savings!! With option 2, I'm already 1/2 way there!!  ;)

Some bean counter has got to buy that.
ArmyVern said:
Yes, I am bitterly twisted about the fact that they will cover a man getting some boobs, but not a girl. How freakin' ironic that is. 

I take it that this must be true - unbelievable...
ArmyVern said:
Yes, I am bitterly twisted about the fact that they will cover a man getting some boobs, but not a girl. How freakin' ironic that is.

Greymatters said:
I take it that this must be true - unbelievable...

I know most of the foregoing was said in jest, however to the best of my recollection, gender reassignment surgery is not currently available in the CF. The one case was provided because it was available under the provincial health plan in the members province of residence. The member made a successful argument that they were being disadvantaged by the CF. Such is no longer the case. AFIK, this type of surgery is no longer insured by any of the provincial plans. I could be wrong...
ArmyVern said:
Yes, I am bitterly twisted about the fact that they will cover a man getting some boobs, but not a girl. How freakin' ironic that is.

Have you tried complaining about being a large breasted woman trapped in a small breasted woman's body?
Modlr Mike,

I can assure you that my comments were not made in jest. Ask MedicineMan.  ;)
Vern... have you thought of having your dearest bring it up as a quality of life issue ;)
geo said:
Vern... have you thought of having your dearest bring it up as a quality of life issue ;)

I have asked for them for Christmas' and birthdays and anniversarys since day one (before day one even!!). My dearest does not agree with "my" need to finally own some boobs and thinks that I am RTFOOI; I disagree and always have -- always will. It's about "my" needs, not his.

Sooo, make his life miserable.... then it will once again become a matter of HIS quality of life issue - as he sues for peace and petitions in your favour.
geo said:

Sooo, make his life miserable.... then it will once again become a matter of HIS quality of life issue - as he sues for peace and petitions in your favour.

Yeah, then he can continue to buy me those wonderful bras that they make these days which actually make it appear that I have a chest with all his settlement monies.

I however view that as "false advertising" and note that while it makes me feel better clothed, that is the extent of it.
:)  I yield to your better knowledge of the subject
ArmyVern said:
I....... It's about "my" needs, not his.

In the words of some great Science Fiction character:  "Sometime the needs of the few outweight the needs of the many."...................... ;D